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Unit 2How often do you exercise?eatingeatingexerciseexercisesleepsleepstudystudyrelaxingrelaxingcleanclean.TeenagersHabitsWe have a lot of good habits_,we have some bad habits.HoweverHowmanykindsofhabitsdoteenagersusuallyhave?good bad Activities How often?Good habitsBad habitsMyHabitsComplete the chart with your own information.In the last column,Use Expressions Use Expressions like always,every day,twice a week,never.Showtimealwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardly everneverevery day5-6 times athree times atwice a once a.get up early plan time wellexercise/play sportseat healthy foodhelp parents with houseworkclean the classroomdo homeworklisten carefully in class.Good habitsBad habitsstay up late be late for classeat junk food phone/computer freak fri:k手机手机/电脑控电脑控 quarrel with parentscopy homework talk/sleep/eat in classWhat do you think of good habits?helpful/useful/important/be good forWhat can/should we do about bad habits?We should/canchange/say“No”to the bad habits.If,willalways every dayusuallyoften sometimeshardly everneveronce twicethree times Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States.American Teenager American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits.She _ watches TV for more than two hours a day,and she_ eats hamburgers.Her parents are not very happy because she _ helps with housework and she _ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning.She says she is afraid!Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States.American Teenager American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits.She always exercises and she reads books _.Also,she _ drinks juice and she _ stays up late.She _ watches TV for more than two hours a day,and she_ eats hamburgers.Her parents are not very happy because she _ helps with housework and she _ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning.She says she is afraid!_beginning.link-words linking sentencesevery dayevery dayoftenoftenhardly everhardly everusuallyusuallysometimessometimeshardly ever hardly ever neverneverJanes habitsJanes habitsbody.frequency wordstitleendingbackgroundbackgroundgood&badgood&badSaying or Saying or decisiondecisionHowever,she has some bad habits,too.want to keep on breakJane has a lot of good habits.exercise(always)read books(every day)drink juice(often)stay up late.(hardly ever)watch TV for more than 2 hours(usually)eat hamburgers(sometimes)help with housework(hardly ever).be not happy.see a dentist(never).be afraid.16,U.S.asked.about StandardsscoreIteammatesA.Cleanandtidypaper.卷面整洁B.structuralintegrityandtruth结构完整符合事实C.Accuratefrequencylanguage语言运用正确合适D.Fluentwritingbyusinglink-words连接词流畅运用E.Variouslinkingsentencepatterns逻辑句型丰富Score得分10Signature签名._ has_ good habits.1._.good Beginning _,_,_ask _ about_.(background)background)2._ 3._ 4._ ._ However,_has_ bad habits.Ending .want to._ Title _ 2._ 3._ 4._ ._ 1._BodybadoutlineWe cant wait to see what your amazing writing comes up with.Writingalways usuallyoftensometimeshardly everneverIMy mother or fatherIMy mother/fatheralwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardly everneverplay basketballplay chessread booksread newspaperseat hamburgerseat chickendrink juicedrink teawatch TVuse the Internetstay up lateget up earlyExample Thank You!1.太守周围的人情事物无一不让他愉悦动情。他所治理的滁州这一方水土,可谓政通人和,百姓安居乐业,快乐无比,太守自然也就乐得其醉了,他沉醉于这方山水之乐,也更沉醉与民同乐之中。2.不久太阳落到山顶,人的影子散乱一地,太守下山回家,宾客跟随着。枝叶茂密成荫,禽鸟到处鸣叫,那是因为游人离开后鸟儿们在快乐啊。3.然而鸟儿只知道山林的乐趣,却不知道游人的乐趣;游人只知道跟随太守游玩的乐趣,却不知道太守以游人的快乐为快乐。4.至于背着东西的人在路上歌唱,走路的人在树下休息,前面的人呼喊,后面的人应答,老老少少的行人,来来往往络绎不绝的,是滁州人在游山啊。5.到溪边捕鱼,溪水深鱼儿肥,用泉水酿酒,泉水香甜,酒味清醇,山中的野味野菜,杂乱地摆开在前面的,这是太守在举行酒宴。6.像那太阳一出来,林中雾气就散开,云雾聚拢在一起,山谷洞穴就显得昏暗了,或暗或明变化不一的,是山间早晚的景色。早晨进山,傍晚返回,四季的景色不一样,因而乐趣也就没有穷尽了。7.环绕着滁州城的都是山。那西南的几座山峰,树林和山谷格外优美,一眼望去,树木茂盛又幽深秀丽的是琅琊山。沿着山路走六七里,渐渐听到潺潺的水声,看到流水从两座山峰之间倾泻而出的,那是酿泉。8.人生道路总是迂回曲折,难免会遇到坎坷和困难,我们在厄运面前决不能低头,一定要坦然面对,迎难而上,做一个奋发有为,昂扬向上的人。感谢观看,多谢指导!感谢观看,多谢指导!