2023年初一年级英语作2 第一篇:初一年级英语作2 初一年级英语作文:Memorable thing信息提示投票胜利感谢你的投票,请写下你对本文的点评。点评内容不少于4个字我要投稿来源:作文网整理 2023-12-12 13:08:55 登录e度论坛One day Mon said to me “I love you.son I was very happy that day and went to school.o'clock in the afternoon, i went back home.Dad was also back and there was a big cake on the table.I asked him “why there is a cake? can i eat it? Dad answered “No.Mom should eat first. “why?I asked again.“because it's your mom's birthday then i remembered mom said “i love you to me in the morning.it was mom's birthday,but i didn't know that.and she said “i love youto me 其次篇:初一年级举荐书目2 初一年级七年级上册阅读书目 必读书目: 繁星春水 冰 心 伊索寓言 童年 前苏联高尔基 昆虫记 法国法布尔 举荐书目: 格兰特船长的儿女们 法国 凡尔纳 窗边的小豆豆 日本 黑柳彻子 夏洛的网 美国 E.B.怀特 假如给我三天光明 美国 海伦.凯勒 写给华蜜 席慕蓉 汪国真诗集 汪国真 做最好的自己 李开复 文化苦旅 余秋雨 要求: 每位同学买好必读书,选买举荐书每次考试中两本选买一本 .下周一每位同学带本书来校让语文老师审查 .准备一个可以保藏的读书笔记本 .给自己的书房贴上读书的名言,建议班级里张贴一到两条读书名言 初一语文备课组 2023/9/4 第三篇:初一年级英语作文 七年级英语作文:My Parents and I I am a Chinese girl and I study in_ school.I get up very early in the morning and then help my mother cook breakfast.After breakfast, I walk to school, because it's not far from my house.I have many friends at school.we often help each other with our lessons.My mother is forty-six years old, and she works in a supermarket.it's near my school.The supermarket is very big, and it sells all kinds of things.The students in my school often buy school things there.七年级英语作文:A Busy Day Mar.25th, 2023Sunday ,fine This morning I got up early.after breakfast,I helped mom with housework.then I did my homework.the homework was very interesting, so I did it well.In the afternoon, I played table tennis with my friend lingling, we enjoyed ourselves very much.In the evening I watched tv with my parents and then prepared my self for the next day's lesson.What a busy day today! My father is two years younger than my mother.he is in the same supermarket, but he doesn't sell things.he's a driver.My family is a happy one.Our family There are six people in my family.My hobby is playing computer games and growing flowers.Saturdays and Sundays.Do I water I play computer games on 第四篇:初一年级组长工作总结2 年级组长工作总结 33中 温占明 时间荏苒,岁月匆忙,初一新生带着新颖,带着憧憬,已度过近一个学期。回头看看,初一年级组在李校长的领导下,在其他部门领导的大力关心支持下,在全体初一年级组老师的共同努力下,本学期顺当地开展了各项教化教学工作,并取得了较好的成果。整个年级组团结一样,齐心合力,在稳定中不断进步,不断创新,不断进展。 一、根据年级的工作实际,确立了年级工作的指导思想。 初一年级是起始年级,一向是学校工作的重点之一。开学伊始,我们针对年级学生年龄小、人数多、日常行为不规范的特点,在开学初召开了初一年级年级大会,在会上向学生强调了学生行为规范、中小学差异、学生的纪律观念,对新学期的学习起到了良好的促进作用。 初一年级开学初工作头绪繁多、老师们都能一心扑在工作上认真探讨,刚好地确立了新初一工作的指导思想,即:坚持“育人为主导,质量为中心,学生为主体的教化思路,提高学生的整体素养和创新精神、实践实力,突出养成教化,切实提高教化教学水平,让学校的全体领导放心、全体家长放心。一个学期来的工作业绩充分说明白这一指导思想的正确性。 二、狠抓教化教学工作、取得显著效果。 团结就是力气,有了力气就有了战斗力。一学期来,以班主任为核心,认真探讨,细心策划,周密部署每项工作。每个班都有以班主任为核心的主导群体,不断探讨学生、分析学生,具有特殊强的凝合力,老师通力协作,落实到位,全体老师精诚团结。 全体老师全身心的投入到教学工作,特别是本年级的班主任,在早晨7:00左右就匆忙来到学校,起先劳碌惊慌的一天,黄昏很晚才回家,其他许多老师皆是如此,他们这种忘我工作的精神实是让人敬佩,且这种典范的力气和这种精神也激励了许多老师,形成了一股比、学、赶、帮、超的气氛。 实践证明:初一年级组是一个团结向上、快乐和谐、有凝合力、有责任心的团队。我们一个学期的心血没有白费:思想教化,结出丰硕成果,迄今初一学生尚未出现大的违纪现象;这是一个了不得的进步;这也足以说明,半年来我们初一年级组的每一位同仁付出了怎样的努力! 三、学校的平安教化恒久放第一位。 因为学生的生命是无价的,出了平安故学校的声誉就会受到很大影响。为了杜绝校内内的平安隐患,反复强调平安,提高老师的平安意识,特别是室外课平安。提示班主任及担当室外课的老师,时刻牢记对学生加强平安教化。经过一学期的努力,本年组在本学期中没有发生一例重大平安事故。 四、组织参加各种活动,调动学生主动性,增加班级凝合力。 通过班会,加强对学生的日常行为养成教化、平安教化、心理健康教化等,使学生从小事做起,从我做起,使学生逐步养成健康向上的特性品质。各班充分利用黑板报进行爱国主义、集体主义、教化法规政策等宣扬。 我们在九月份和十月份分别在各班实行学习了中学生日常行为规范、中学生守则、文明礼仪常识,十一月份在各班让学生学习了初一级师生课堂常规,等系列活动,通过一系列活动,熬炼了学生意志,增加了学生的集体荣誉感和团队、拼搏精神。 五、架起与家长沟通桥梁。 要教化好学生学校、社会、家庭三者缺一不行。为了让学生受到更好的教化,为了让家长更好地协作,年级组在期中考试后召开了家长会议,把新学期学校和年级组实行的新措施告知家长。班主任经常通过电话、校讯通进行家访,让家长刚好了解孩子的在校表现和成果状况。初一年级的全体老师主动协作,主动与家长沟通,取得良好的效果。平常教学中觉察问题刚好与家长联系、沟通,同时通过沟通,征求家长对班级、年级、学校管理的建议,对课任老师的建议,刚好改良我们的工作。真正架起学校与家长沟通桥梁。 六、年级组长这个工作似乎“夹心饼干,上压下挤真得有点心理承受实力才行。工作这么多年,我深深体会到:作为年级组长应当宽容大度,让大家团结合作,同心同德,特别重要。 一、学会换位思索,学会替别人着想 换位思索可以使我们更好地去理解别人。用一种宽容的看法待人。每当同事间发生冲突,我总是心平气和地给她们分析缘由,启发她们站在别人的角度去考虑一下,将冲突安静。另外我们级部今年来了几位新老师,由于刚来到一个新环境,她们有些慌乱,不适应。我总是能体会她们的心情,耐性地指导她们,使她们能很快地适应这里新的工作环境。 二、把同事当“领导多征求并听取她们的看法 虽然年级组长是一组之长,但我们不是以一种领导的姿态自居。遇到问题我主动向同班各位老师征询看法,这样即使在困难的问题,在老师们的集思广益后都能找到和谐恰当的解决方法。 三、真诚待人,把同事当挚友 平常同事有困难时,我便主动去关心她们,同事在工作上、生活上受挫时总是主动为她们分忧。如:有同事请假了,另外一个老师一个人,我总是主动帮助做些保育工作。有的同事在生活上遇到了不顺心的事,当她们向我倾诉时,我总是耐性地开导她们。有的同事在教学上遇到了困难向我求助时,我总是真诚地提出建设性的看法,关心她们。作为一组之长,我总是用真诚之心去对待每一位老师,真诚地赞扬同组老师,对她们工作上的缺乏之处,当面指出并主动关心其改正。用真诚无私去感动同事,让别人感到我的诚意,从不居高临下地指责。 总之,征途的回顾使人常常会觉察真理,只要团结一心,众志成城,就没有克服不了的困难,只要百折不挠,有一股坚忍不拔的进取之心,就能无往而胜。面对将来,我们激情奔涌,在新的一年里,新的一学期里,要有新的起点,始终如一,在教化教学这块园地里,悉心耕耘,获得更大进步! 2023-4-17 第五篇:期中考试初一年级英语试卷 期中考试初一年级英语试卷 笔试100分 一.单词妹妹的真面目到底是怎样的呢?机灵且记忆力超强的你确定能揭开她的奇妙面纱!10分 1.There are mthan(超过)300 students in my school.2.My blouse is made of silk and my coat is made of w(羊毛).3.The boy is so l(懒散的)that he doesnt often do his homework.4.Lily likes dancing very much.She is a good d(a person who dances) 5.I h(盼望)you can like my party.6.The coats arent expensive.They are c(廉价的).7.Look at the picture.Its soc(色调艳丽的).8.Dogs n_(从不)wear clothes.9.My sister often goes shopping when she is f(空闲的).10.Do these beautiful hair clips m(与相配)her T-shirt? 二.单词妹妹又在跟你捉迷藏了,眼明手快的小勇士把她揪出来吧?!15分 ()1.The Great Wall is from _.A.USAB.HKC.UND.China ()2.How _ do the cards cost? ¥100.A.manyB.muchC.oldD.yuan ()3.Mother likes going shopping.Look!She is _ a lot of shopping bags.A.carryB.carriesC.to carryD.carrying ()4.It takes Jim half an hour _ to school everyday.A.goesB.goingC.to goD.go ()5. _ do they exercise? Twice a week.A.How muchB.How longC.How manyD.How often ()6.I want _ a dancer.A.beB.to beC.isD.am ()7.Ill _ forget your help.A.alwaysB.oftenC.seldomD.never ()8.How much money can you spend _ the new clothes? A.buyB.to buyC.buyingD.buys ()9.There _ some CDs on the shelf.A.isB.areC.haveD.has ()10. Are there any girls in the room ? Yes, _.A.there areB.they areC.there arentD.they arent ()11.Sweet snacks are not good _ our health.A.atB.forC.inD.of ()12.The shopping mall is a good place _ friends.A.meetB.to meetC.meetsD.meeting ()13.Father wants _ the house.Could you _ him , please? A.cleanhelpB.cleanto help C.to cleanhelpD.to cleanto help ()14.The boys want to raise _ money.A.lot ofB.lots ofC.a lots ofD.a lot ()15. Happy New Year! _.A.HappyB.I happyC.The same to youD.New Year 三.小勇士,单词妹妹又想考考你了,你敢接受挑战并找出她们的正确形式吗? 5分 1.Do you like to go _(swim)? 2.Sometimes he _(walk)to school.3.Would you like _(clean)the window? 4.This pair of jeans are _(make)of cotton.5.May I _(open)the door? 四.长大想做翻译员吗? 从如今做起吧!要坚持不懈噢!10分 1.我宠爱跟你闲聊。 I like _ _ you? 2.她今日看起来又秀丽又神气。 She looks_ and _ today.3.我不知道该穿什么? I dont know what _ _.4.他们有足够的钱去买那台电脑。 They have _ _ to buy the computer.5.那家书店有许多书。 There _ _ books in that bookshop.五.补全对话5分 聪明的你确定能为每个空白处选择一个适当的句子,使对话完好、连贯。 Shopkeeper: _1_ Jim: I want to buy a shirt.Shopkeeper: Oh, here are many shirts for young people._2_ Jim: I like white best.Shopkeeper: White? _3_ Jim: It looks nice._4_ Shopkeeper: Twenty yuan.Jim: OK._5_ Shopkeeper: Yes, of course.Jim: Well, it fits very well.Ill take it.A.How much is it? B.What colour do you like? C.Can I help you? D.Can I try it on? E.What about the white one? 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 六.完型填空10分 Lily给Sandy写了一封电子邮件,介绍她的新学校和班级,你能选择适当的词将信补充完好吗? Dear Sandy,My family and I 1 in Nanjing, China.We are very happy.I am2student in No.3 Middle School.Is our school3? No, it isn t very big, but it s very beautiful.There4_ any swimming pools in it.But our school5two basketball courts.There is a garden andmany tall trees in our school.There are about 506in our school.I am in Class 2, Grade 1.My classroom is7the second floor in8A.There are twenty girls and twenty-five boys in my class.Miss Fang is our Chinese teacher.9is a very good teacher.We all like her very much.May(愿)you be10!Hope(盼望)to see you soon(尽快).Yours,Lily ()1.A.amB.isC.areD.both ()2.A.aB.anC.theD.is ()3.A.smallB.bigC.beautiful D.tall ()4.A.areB.isC.arentD.isnt ()5.A.itB.hasC.theresD.therere ()6.A.classB.classsC.classesD.rooms ()7.A.onB.underC.ofD.between ()8.A.some buildingB.Building C.many buildingsD.the building ()9.A.heB.HeC.sheD.She ()10.A.thinB.slimC.tallD.happy 七.小勇士,显示你实力的时刻到来了哦!抓紧行动起来,看谁厉害!30分 A 你想要交一个英国的笔友吗?下面是英国女孩Becky的交友信,你可以试试噢!Old Road,Chesterfield Hello! My name is Becky Sharp.I'm eleven years old.I have one brother.His name's Jason and he's fourteen.I haven no sisters.We live with grandmother in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north(北部)of England.My friends and I often go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like games? I like football.My favourite team is Manchester United(曼联队).I sometimes play football with my brother.I'm excellent(棒极了)but he isn't very good.I have seven pets-two birds and five goldfishes.I want a dog and a cat, but my mother doesn't like them.Please write to me soon.Becky ()1.The girl wants to find a _ A.sisterB.brother C.girlfriendD.penfriend(笔友) ()2.The girl's mother doesn't like _ A.birds or goldfishesB.birds or dogs C.dogs or catsD.goldfishes or cats ()3.There are _ people in Becky's family.A.11B.12 C.5D.2 ()4.The girl's family live in _ A.a big houseB.a cinema C.the west(西部)of EnglandD.a small house ()5.What does “pet mean(意思)in Chinese? A.挚友B.宠物C.玩具D.同样 B One day Einstein(爱因斯坦)is walking in a street in New York.His friend meets him and says to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat.Look, your coat is very old. But Einstein answers, “it doesnt matter.Nobody knows me here. After a few years, Einstein becomes a famous scientist著名科学家.But he still(照旧)wears the old coat.His friend meets him again and asks him to buy a new one.But Einstein says, “I dont need to buy a new one.Everyone knows me here. 1Einstein lived in _.A.EnglandB.ChinaC.New YorkD.Japan2Einsteins coat is very old.His friend_.A.gives him a new oneB.asks him to buy a new one C.help him buy a new oneD.help him mend the old one 3Einstein doesnt want to buy a new one because _.A.somebody knows him B.he likes the old one C.he has no money D.he isnt interested in his clothes他对衣服不感爱好 4Some years later Einstein _.A.buys a new oneB.becomes a great scientist C.still(照旧)wears the old coatD.Both B and C 5The title of the story should be _.A.Einstein and His FriendB.Einstein and His Old Coat C.A Famous Scientist EinsteinD.A Day of Einstein C One Sunday morning Mr Brown and his child, Bill, are in a big shop.Mr Brown wants to buy a new white blouse for Mrs Brown.Mrs Brown likes white and green.Bill likes oranges.So his father buys two kilos of oranges for him, too.Bill alsowants to buy some picture-books and colorful pencils.There are many things and many people in the shop.They are men and women, old and young.They all want to buy something there.()1.Mr Brown goes to the shop with _.A.Mrs.BrownB.his childC.his fatherD.some old people ()2.Mr Brown is going to buy a new blouse for _.A.Mrs BrownB.BillC.his motherD.himself(他自己) ()3.Bill likes _.A.all the thingsB.new blouseC.orangesD.the shop ()4.The little boy wants to buy _。 A.some picture-booksB.some colorful pencils C.clothes and shoes D.picture-books and colorful pencils ()5.What color does Mrs Brown like? A.Orange.B.White.C.Yellow.D.Brown.八.你们可都是写作的高手哦!信任自己的实力吧,抓紧给大家露一手吧! 15分 我家旁边有一家大型购物中心。那里有许多不同种类的东西,又好又廉价。售货员特殊有礼貌而且乐于助人。今日下午我想去那里购物。因为明天是我妈妈的生日,我想给她买一份生日礼物。50个词左右 (a big shopping mall ,different kinds of things, good and cheap,shopkeeper, polite and helpful , buy things, birthday present.)