2023年可爱的肉肉 "The flesh! You ate my duck neck stealthily again! You are spat to me come! " listen, I and my " love is bestowed favor on " made a noise to rise again. “肉肉!你是不是又偷吃了我的鸭脖!你给我吐出来!听,我和我的“爱宠又吵了起来。 Fleshy meat is my pet dog, the fur with brown a suit does not have a miscellaneous wool; The ear of round circle is cabinet lovely, always can be in the footstep that hears me to come home for a short while; Big round eye seem a bright Hei Baoshi, can see I hide the Www.0279.NeT of small snacks green of throughout; Cabinet nose also is its one big characteristic, smell of from morning till night is ceaseless, any delicate cannot escape below the nose from it; There is lightsome little quick short steps forever when walking, lovely tail comes in back cock, shake will shake, the appearance of person of approach of a pair of air of arrogance. 肉肉是我的宠物狗,一身棕色的皮毛没有一丝杂毛;圆圆的耳朵小巧又可爱,总能在第一时间听到我回家的脚步声;又大又圆的眼睛好像一颗透亮的黑宝石,能观察我藏在各处的小零食绿色Www.0279.NeT;小巧的鼻子也是它的一大特色,一天到晚嗅个不停,任何美味都不能从它的鼻子下溜走;走路时永久都踏着轻快的小碎步,可爱的尾巴在身后翘起来,摇来摇去,一副傲气凌人的样子。 Fleshy meat is a very congenial doggie, classes are over everyday metropolis doorway is in the home is bending over. Wait for me to come back, I take it in the room, I write line of business, it bends over to see a landscape on windowsill. Arrive when having a meal, it won't go dining room, because over there the forbidden zone that is it, father is absolutely must not it goes there. It is very good also, can wait for me to bring back food to it. I can help it clear away doghole in the evening, we enter dreamland together; The following day in the morning, hear the voice that mom gets up, it can jump to jump in my room, make a noise me wake, sleep again next a steam again become aware. 肉肉是个十分讨人喜爱的小狗,每天放学都会在家门口趴着。等我回来,我就把它带到房间里,我写作业,它趴在窗台上看风景。到吃饭时,它从来都不会去饭厅,因为那里是它的禁区,爸爸是绝不许它去那里的。它也很乖,会等我把食物给它带回来。晚上我会帮它整理狗窝,我们一起进入梦乡;第二天早上,听到妈妈起床的声音,它就会在我的房间里跳来跳去,把我吵醒,然后再睡个回笼觉。 Much better doggie! But the tear that there always is feel sad at the back of happy. Fleshy meat but greedy, every time when mom makes pork of braise in soy sauce, when it can take the advantage of mom to be absent, push me to the kitchen, let me help it steal a flesh to come out. Of course, every time mom can discover a few clues, why should I steal blame the flesh, I inform against the flesh to mom immediately. Then daylong, it can be closed in basket. 多乖的小狗!但欢乐的后面总是伴着心酸的泪水。肉肉可馋了,每次妈妈做红烧肉的时候,它就会趁妈妈不在的时候将我推向厨房,让我帮它偷一块肉出来。当然,每次妈妈都会发觉一些蛛丝马迹,责备我为什么要偷肉,我立马向妈妈举报肉肉。接着一成天,它就会被关在笼子里。 When in the evening, I went out to walk a dog with respect to this. Do not cross me all along won't fasten is worn it, why? Looked to know downward. 等到晚上,我就该出去遛狗了。不过我从来都不会拴着它,为什么呢?往下看就知道了。 I hide stealthily when what it plays is lively, when it looks for me mistily, I jump out after one's death from it at a draught, cry gally it. Pitiful fleshy meat is frightened defeated bravery, the Mao Dou blast that goes up personally rise. "Hahahahaha. " at this moment, I mock it flintily. 我在它玩的欢快的时候悄悄躲起来,在它迷迷糊糊找我的时候,我一下子从它身后跳出来,大叫一声恐吓它。可怜的肉肉吓破了胆,身上的毛都炸了起来。“哈哈哈哈哈这时,我就会无情地嘲讽它。 This is I and fleshy meat " friendly affection " daily. 这就是我和肉肉“友爱的日常。