2023年与虎有关的英文谚语 1、老虎要吃天,瞎子要点灯。 Tigers need to eat, blind people need lights. 2、猛虎不处卑势,劲鹰不立垂枝。 Tigers are not inferior, but eagles are not upright. 3、不怕虎生两翼,就怕人起二心。 If a tiger has two wings, he is afraid of two hearts. 4、老虎吃蝴蝶吃不饱。 Tigers don't have enough to eat butterflies. 5、人怕虎,虎怕人。 People are afraid of tigers, tigers are afraid of people. 6、要学武松打虎,不学东郭怜狼。 We should learn from Wusong to fight tigers instead of Dongguo to pity wolves. 7、龙游浅水遭虾戏,虎落平原被犬欺。 Dragon swimming in shallow water was shrimp play, tiger landing plain was bullied by dogs. 8、龙怕揭鳞,虎怕抽筋。 Dragons fear scales, tigers fear cramps. 9、一虎出山,百家猪死。 When a tiger comes out of the mountain, a hundred pigs die. 10、跟着好人学好人,跟着老虎学咬人。 Follow the good man to learn the good man, follow the tiger to learn to bite. 11、人无伤虎心,虎有伤人意。 No man hurts the heart of a tiger, but a tiger hurts the heart. 12、放虎归山,自找麻烦。 Let tigers go back to the mountains and ask for trouble. 13、死了的虎也要当活虎打。 The dead tiger should also be beaten alive. 14、雄狮要雪山来保,猛虎要森林来护。 The lion wants the snow mountain to protect, the tiger wants the forest to protect. 15、老虎嘴里拔脱牙,青龙头上捡明珠。 The tiger pulls out his teeth and picks up pearls on the green dragon head. 16、真有打虎手,才接虎皮钱。 It's a real tiger fighter who takes tiger skin money. 17、猫鼠不同眠,虎鹿不同行。 Cats and mice sleep differently, tiger and deer do differently. 18、射虎不成重练箭,斩龙不断重磨刀。 Shooting tigers is not a heavy practice of arrows, chopping dragons and sharpening knives. 19、池中无鱼虾做主,山中无虎猴成王。 There are no fish and shrimp in the pond and no tiger and monkey in the mountain. 20、老虎花在背,人心花在内。 Tiger flowers are on the back, and hearts are on the inside. 21、老虎即使在笼子里,依旧是一只老虎。 A tiger is a tiger even in a cage. 22、要学武松把虎打,莫学农夫怜恶蛇。 We should learn from Wusong to beat the tiger, but not from the farmer to pity the snake. 23、纸虎要当真虎打,千斤要当万斤挑。 Paper tigers should be seriously beaten, and jacks should be picked up by tens of thousands of jacks. 24、狼虎不咬人也惊。 Wolves and tigers don't bite people. 25、志大才疏事难成,有志有智虎添翼。 Great ambition and wisdom add wings. 26、虎死不变形,狼死不改性。 Tigers die unchanged, wolves die unchanged. 27、虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不穷。 Tigers are thin and ambitious, and people are poor and ambitious. 28、虎不怕山高,鱼不怕水深。 Tigers are not afraid of mountain heights, but fish are not afraid of water depths. 29、老虎不敢吃成群的牦牛。 Tigers dare not eat Yaks in groups. 30、栽树养虎,虎大伤人。 Planting trees and raising tigers hurts a lot. 31、恶虎难斗肚里蛇。 A wicked tiger can't fight a snake in its belly. 32、得势的猪儿凶似虎,失势的凤凰不如鸡。 A powerful pig is as fierce as a tiger, but a losing Phoenix is not as good as a chicken. 33、蛇死要摆尾,虎死跳三跳。 When the snake dies, it wags its tail and the tiger jumps three times. 34、松绳子缚不住真老虎。 Loose ropes do not bind real tigers. 35、山助虎威,虎增山威。 The mountain helps the tiger, the tiger increases the mountain. 36、牛不怕,虎不怕,只怕苍蝇飞上又飞下。 Cattle are not afraid, tigers are not afraid, but flies fly up and down. 37、不怕虎生三个口,只怕人怀两样心。 Not afraid of three mouths, but afraid of two hearts. 38、老虎曲膝而卧,绝不意味着它向行人致谢。 A tiger lying on its knees does not in any way mean that it thanks the pedestrians. 39、老虎借羊,有借无还。 Tigers borrow sheep, whether they borrow or not. 40、离开山的老虎,无能为力。 The tiger who leaves the mountain can do nothing. 41、跟虎进山,跟鹰飞天。 Follow the tiger into the mountain and fly with the eagle. 42、没有老实的狐狸,没有吃素的老虎。 No honest fox, no vegetarian tiger. PREV ARTICLE有关于虎的谚语46句NEXT ARTICLE带虎的谚语40句