2023年韩语标书翻译公司 第一篇:韩语标书翻译公司 译国译民翻译公司中国十大翻译公司 更多文章,查看译国译民官方网站或新浪博客 韩语标书分翻译公司,专业标书翻译服务由译国译民供应,译国译民翻译公司是一家正规注册翻译公司,10年翻译服务阅历保证翻译质量。 什么是标书及标书的基本学问 标书 bidding documents 标书是招标工作时选购当事人都要遵守的具有法律效应的文件,因此规律性要强,不能前后 冲突,模棱两可,用语要精炼,要用简短.对政策法规的精确理解与执行,有利于标书 制作者剔除卑视性条款,是对选购人“出钱想买什么就买什么传统观念的强力阻击 标书是整个招标最重要的一环。标书就像剧本是电影、话剧的灵魂。标书必需表达出访用单位的全部意愿,不能有疏漏。标书也是投标商投标编制投标书的根据,投标商必需对标书的内容进行实质性的响应,否则被判定为无效标按废弃标处理。标书同样也是评标最重要的根据。 1标书的分类 1按招标的范围可分为国际招标书和国内的招标书。 国际招标书要求两种版本,按国际惯例以英文版本为准。考虑到我国企业的外文水平,标书中常常特别说明,当中英文版本产生差异时以中文为准。 2按招标的标的物划分,又可分为三大类;货物、工程、服务。 根据具体标的物的不同还可以进一步细分。如工程类进一步可分施工工程、装饰工程、水利工程、道路工程、化学工程。每一种具体工程的标书内容差异特殊大。货物标书也一样,简洁货物如粮食、石油;困难的货物如机床、计算机网络。标书的差异也特殊大。 2编制标书的四项原则 a全面反映运用单位需求的原则; b科学合理的原则; c公允竞争不含卑视性条款 d维护本企业商业隐私及国家利益的原则; 3招标书共有主要内容 招标书主要内容可分为三大部分:程序条款、技术条款、商务条款。包含以下主要九项内容: a招标邀请函; 专心翻译,做到极致 译国译民翻译公司中国十大翻译公司 b投标人须知;c招标项目的技术要求及附件;d投标书格式;e投标保证文件;f合同条件合同的一般条款及特殊条款;g技术标准、规范;h投标企业资格文件; i合同格式。 专心翻译,做到极致 其次篇:经典标书翻译案例 经典标书翻译案例 xiexiebang 北京世联标书翻译有限公司: 朝阳区奥运村天创世缘B2座25层,邮编:100012 世联翻译公司建筑翻译胜利案例-中国土木工程集团标书翻译 中国土木工程集团有限公司 一基本状况介绍 中国土木工程集团公司简称:中土经国务院批准成立于1979年,是最早进入国际市场的中国公司之一,其前身是铁道部援外办公室组织实施过中国最大的经援项目-坦赞铁路。在2023年,中土集团公司并入中国铁道建筑总公司,成为中国铁道建筑总公司的全资子公司。 重组后,中土集团公司履行总公司海外事业管理职能,统一管理、组织协调总公司海外市场业务,承办总公司外事管理工作。中国铁道建筑总公司是具有特级工程总承包资质的特大型企业集团,主要担当铁路、公路、市政、环保、水利电力、城市轨道交通、机场、港口、矿山与民用建筑等工程的设计、施工、设备制造安装、工程监理、技术询问与建设管理,同时进行投融资等多种经营。至2023年底,已累计修建铁路27000多公里,修建高速公路13760公里,承建城市地下工程、轨道工程和大型水利、电力、机场工程140余项,年完成营业额130亿美元。标书翻译 中土集团公司拥有特级工程总承包资质,是以铁路工程为特色,以承包工程、设计询问、劳务合作为主业,房地产开发、进出口贸易、实业投资、酒店管理等多业并举的大型企业集团,连续多年入选全球最大225家国际承包商行列并位居前70名之内。China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation I.Brief introduction China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation(hereinafter referred to as CCECC)was established in 1979 according to the approval of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China.As one of the pioneers performing international contracting and economic cooperation, CCECC has been developed from the earlier Foreign Aid Department of the Ministry of Railway(with the experience of executing the biggest foreign-aid project of China, the TAZARA)into a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Railway Construction Corporation after being incorporated into China Railway Construction Group in 2023.After the reorganization, CCECC Overseas Group fulfills management function on overseas business with unified management, organization and coordination of operations with head office in overseas markets, and undertakes foreign affairs management for head office.China Railway Construction Corporation is an especially large group with Super Grade Qualification for project contracting, is mainly responsible for design, construction, equipment manufacture and installation, project supervision, technical advice and construction management of railways, environmental protection, water, electricity, urban rail transport, airports, ports, mines and civil construction projects, and conducting diversification covering investment and financing at the same time.CCECC has accomplished railway over 27,000 km, constructed 13,760 km expressway, contracted to build more than 140 urban underground works, track works and large-scale water conservancy, electric power, airport projects to the end of 2023.The annual turnover was 13 billion U.S.dollars.CCECC is a large enterprise group with Super Grade qualification for project contracting, characteristics of railway engineering, main industry of contract engineering, design consulting, labor service cooperation and simultaneous multi-industry of real estate development, import and export trade, industrial investment, hotel management etc.It is ranked the worlds largest 225 international contractors for consecutive years and listed top 70.标书翻译 工程项目总承包管理(二) 7.3项目总承包管理措施 7.3.1实行项目经理负责制 工程总承包部受公司法人托付进行工程总承包管理,是企业法人在项目上的代表,履行合约责任和义务,工程项目管理以项目经理负责制为核心,对工程进行全过程、全方位的管理。7.3.2健全各项规章制度 一、若有幸中标,我公司将担当实现工程综合管理目标和完成对雇主的合同履约的总协调和总限制的责任。为此我们将制定高标准的管理目标即“以规范化、标准化、科学化、程序化的管理方法,高效优质地完成与雇主签订的合同,项目总承包部根据项目管理目标和工程特点编制施工组织设计和主要施工方案,根据目标分阶段编制符合项目运行规律的质量设计和平安设计,明确各种状况下的处理方法、要求、标准及责任。 二、依据经济合同法,结合集团总承包管理手册,与全部的配属作业队签订相应的经济合同,与全部的分包商签定总包管理协议,以合约方式规范、约束相关各方的经济及管理行为。 三、针对本工程项目特点,我们将编制发布经雇主备案、监理批准的统一实施的现场管理文件,对自有施工队伍、指定分包商和雇主干脆发包的其他分包商,制定分包队伍管理手册,以此作为项目全过程的管理根据和标准,严格实行“凡事有人负责,凡事有章可循,凡事有据可查,凡事有人监督的管理原则。 7.3.3以支配管理为主线,实现工程总体进度目标 一、综合配套支配的制定:工程项目严格按限制支配进行管理,与雇主、设计、监理以及各分包商共同制定一整套严密精细的工程配套支配。在支配编制说明中,明确阐述支配完成所需的施工条件和要求,并予以落实。通过支配,找出工程的关键环节和主导线路,从而为工程管理供应科学的根据,确保工程各阶段目标按期实现。 二、对支配进行刚好合理调整:项目对于工期的限制实行滚动跟踪制度,在编制下一个季度、月份以及工作周的支配之前,进行上个工作期的支配完成状况跟踪,分析工程阶段工期的偏差缘由,找出可能对后续施工造成的影响,并刚好调整后续支配以及关键线路。7.3.4重视施工组织设计和施工方案的主导作用 一、项目建立以总承包编制的施工组织总设计为龙头、各项施工方案为保障、施工技术措施为补充的技术管理保障体系,施工前编制分项施工组织设计和施工方案,依据施工组织设计和施工方案制定技术措施。 二、严格实行“三级技术交底制:方案和图纸完成后,必需确实传递到操作层,尤其是关键技术文件以及特殊节点技术要求、操作程序工艺、质量限制要点等必需刚好精确地传到达操作层,技术交底要具备针对性和可操作性,削减不必要的返工和质量问题的发生。标书翻译 7.3.5建立例会制度,集中处理现场协调难点问题。 建立周工程例会制度,协调各专业施工工序和作业条件,确定周各专业工作内容及进度、质量要求、各单位需要相关专业供应的施工协作条件、工程验收移交的时间、内容和方式。每周召开有雇主、设计、监理和总承包以及各施工分包、主要材料和设备供应商参加的例会,解决可能影响施工进度的问题,定出时间和责任单位,进行落实。7.4总承包与雇主、监理、设计、政府部门及周边单位协作协调 7.4.1与雇主的关系处理 总承包与雇主的关系是合同关系,总承包依据合同商定,对雇主负责。 一、项目总承包全体人员要确立“雇主是顾客的服务观念,把工期目标和工程质量目标作为核心,建立一流的建筑产品,让雇主满足。 二、总承包站在工程全局的角度,认真履行合同条款中规定的义务,主动主动地为雇主服务,接受雇主的领导,落实雇主的各项指令、决策,解决工程实施过程中遇到的问题。关心雇主处理好与设计、政府监督部门、政府职能部门等的联系、沟通工作。 三、总承包要科学、合理的组织工程施工,完成任务,实现雇主要求的各项目标。 四、定期向雇主供应工程进度报告,照实反应工程进展和需要雇主协调解决的问题,并主动协作雇主进行解决。 7.4.2与监理工程师的工作协作 监理单位受雇主托付,在国家和地方的各项法律法规框架下客观、公正地对工程进行监理。监理单位在开工前向总承包进行监理交底,制定监理规划并下发总承包。总承包从以下几个方面协作好监理工程师的工作: 一、为监理单位在项目现场供应良好的工作条件,为其顺当开展工作供应保障。 二、开工前将施工组织设计、施工总进度支配报送监理工程师审批,书面报告施工准备状况,获监理批准后方可开工。 三、严格依据监理规程刚好全面地供应物资进场验收、分包报验、工程验收检查等书面资料,使监理单位刚好充分地了解工程的各项进展,对工程实施全面有效的监理。 四、各类检测设备和重要机电设备的进场状况向监理申报,并附上年检合格证明或设备完好证明。 五、对有见证取样要求的材料,现场取样送检时有监理或雇主代表见证。 六、若监理对某些工程质量有疑问,要求复测时,总承包项目部将赐予主动协作,并对检测仪器的运用供应便利。 七、刚好向监理报送分部分项工程质量检验资料及有关材质试验、材质证明文件。现场验收申请、审批资料的申报要提前提交监理,为监理正常的验收和审批留出足够的时间。 八、主动组织总承包各部门、分包单位参加监理例会,听取监理对工程施工的看法,认真落实监理对总承包提出的要求。 九、对监理提出的现场问题要刚好进行总结整改,避开同类问题的再次发生;要求全体员工,包括总承包、分包单位人员,敬重监理人员,主动协作监理的工作,响应监理的指示和要求。 十、若觉察质量事故,刚好报告监理和雇主,并严格依据设计、监理或雇主审批的方案进行处理。 十一、工程全部完工后,经认真自检,再向监理工程师提交验收申请,经监理复验认可后,转报雇主,组织正式竣工验收。 7.3 The Measure of General Contractors Management of the Project 7.3.1 Practice the Project Manager Responsibility System The project general contract department, which carries out the management by receiving the commission of corporate juridical person, is the representative of the business entity in the project to fulfill the duty and obligation of the contact.Taking the project manager responsibility system as core, we will implement the management of whole phases and all respects.7.3.2 Perfect the Rules and Regulations 1.If we have the honor to be the bid winner, we will assume the responsibility to realize the comprehensive management purpose and complete the general coordination and control.So we will establish management purpose with high standard(i.e.“with the standardization, criterion, conforming to procedure and scientific management method, fulfill the contact signed for employer in high efficiency and good quality).The general project contract department will compile construction organization design and main construction scheme according to the management purpose and project characteristic, establish the Quality Design and Safety Design meeting the operational rule of the project according to the purpose and different phases, and define the deal solution, requirement, standard and responsibility under different condition.2.We will sign corresponding economic contracts with all attached construction teams, and sign general contract agreement with all subcontractors according to Economic Contract Law and the Manual for General Management of our Group, in order to standard and restrict the economic and management action of related parties.3.Aim at the characteristic of this project, we will establish and issue the site management files recorded by the employer and the supervisor, and implement uniformly.For our own construction teams, nominated subcontractors and the contractors contracted by the employer directly, we will establish Management Manual of the Subcontractors Team, and use as the management basis and standard.Besides, we will adopt the management standard of “for every task there must be someone presided by, some regulations to abide by, some basis to check and someone to supervise.7.3.3 Based on Plan Management, Realize the Purpose of Overall Project Progress 1.Establish the comprehensive fitting plan: in order to manage the project according to the control plan strictly, we will establish a set of fine project fitting plans together with employer, designer, supervisor and subcontractors.In the detailed description of the plan, the necessary construction condition and requirement shall be explained and implemented.Through the plan, we will find out the key link and main line, in order to provide scientific basis for project management, and ensure the purposes of different phases complete on time.2.Reasonably adjust the plan in time: for controlling the time limit of the project, we will adopt the rolling track system.Before establish the plan of next season, month or work week, we will track the completing condition of last plan, analyze the reason of the error exist in last phase, find out their influence on the later construction and adjust the plan and key line in time.7.3.4 The Leading Role for Attaching Importance to Organization Design and Working Scheme.1.For the project, we will build the technical management security system with the working organization general design compiled by the general contractor as leading role, with various working scheme as security and with the construction technical measure as complementarity.Before construction, edit sub-construction organizational design and working scheme, according to which the technical measure will be established.2.Strictly practice the “Three Grade Technical Disclosure System: after being completed, the scheme and drawings must pass to the construction workers, especially the key technical documents and the technical requirements, operation procedure and techniques, and quality control of special joints and so on must be handed down accurately in time.The technical disclosure shall directional and exercisable, in order to decrease unnecessary rework and quality problems.7.3.5 Create Regular Meeting System, to Deal With the Coordination Difficulty on Site Create the weekly regular meeting, to coordinate the working procedure and operational condition, define the week work content and progress, quality requirement, the necessary construction matching condition provided by various specialized teams, and the time, content and mode of works acceptance.Convene a meeting presented with the employer, designer, supervisor, general contractors, subcontractors of various projects and the suppliers of main materials and equipments, to settle the problem which can impact on the construction progress, define the time and responsible units and implement.7.4 The Cooperation and Coordination between the General Contractor and the Employer, Supervisor, Designer, Government Sector and nearby Units 7.4.1 Relationship Management with Employer The relationship between general contractor and employer is contractual relationship, which means the general contractor should be responsible for employer according to the contents of contract.1.The whole contractor staff of project should establish the service idea of “employer is customer, aim the construction period and quality as core purpose, to build top-ranking buildings and make employer satisfied.2.The general contractor should control the overall situation of project;seriously undertake the responsibilities required in items of contract, to serve the employer actively, carry out all the instructions and strategies given by employer and solve problems happened during the construction process under the guide of employer.Besides, it should provide assistance for the employer to communicate with design department, governmental watchdog, and governmental functional department and so on.3.The general contractor should organize the construction in a scientific and reasonable way, and finally complete the duty and meet all the requirements of employer.4.Regularly report the project programming to employer, respond the project progress according to the facts and tell employer those problems needed to solve by employer itself and actively provide assistance for employer.7.4.2 Work in Accordance with Supervising Engineer Entrusted by employer, the supervising unit should supervise the construction in an objective and fair way according to the national and local laws and regulations.The supervising unit should communicate with the general contractor before construction, draw up supervising plan and send it to the general contractor.The general contractor should work in conjugation with supervising engineer as follows: 1.Provide good working conditions for supervising unit at site, and guarantee them undertake works smoothly.2.Submit the construction organizing plan and overall programming plan to supervising engineer for approval, report the construction preparation information in writing, and start construction after being approved by supervising engineer.3.Provide such complete written materials as goods on-site acceptance, subcontracting inspection, project inspection and acceptance in time strictly according to the supervising regulations, let the supervising unit fully understand every progress of this project in time, to make complete and effective supervision for project constructing.4.Report the on-site information of all the inspection equipments and key electromechanical devices to supervisor;attach the annual survey qualifications or equipments certifications.5.When sampling and inspecting the required material at site, the general contractor should invite the representatives of supervising unit or employer to witness aside.6.If the supervising engineer doubts about some construction qualities and asks for re-inspection, the project department of general contractor should give quick responses and offer convenience for using detecting instruments.7.Submit the divisional and partial construction quality inspection materials and relevant material tests and certification documents.The approval materials and application for on-site inspecting and accepting should be submitted to the supervising engineer in advance, in order to save enough time for supervisor to undertake normal acceptance and approval procedures.8.Actively organize all departments and subcontracting units of general contractor to attend regular superv