2023年关于道德的作文800字 A lot of people say: ; hour morality is bad, grown perpetual. ; but this, I did the bad thing that an immoral thing —— does not keep good faith for a young toy however. 很多人说:;小时道德不好,长大没完没了。;但这次,我却为了一个小玩具而做了一件不道德的事——一件不守信誉的坏事。 By this year May, we are complete school fellow student longs for star to long for lunar spring outing to long for eventually. The classmate of entire school of in a twinkling boiled, immediately resound is in hurrah, yelp in whole campus. 今年五月底,我们全校同学盼星星盼月亮的春游最终盼到了。霎时间全校的同学都沸腾了,欢呼声、叫喊声立刻回荡在整个校内里。 This go on a journey goes peacock garden, we saw beautiful peacock in the morning first, arrived in an instant midday. When noon break, I bought a peacock feather with 1 yuan of money first, answer ; of ; base camp feeling pleasedly next (class activity area) rested a little while, feel a pocket again, spring outing pin money has not been spent! The ; of wall of buffet ; person that then I plan to break through the three-layer outside be being surrounded to get li of three-layer by everybody again, buy some of rare thing. 这次出游去孔雀园,我们上午先去看了秀丽的孔雀,转瞬就到了中午。午休时,我先用1元钱买了支孔雀羽毛,然后喜滋滋地回;大本营;班级活动区休息了一会儿,又摸了摸口袋,春游零花钱还没花完!于是我准备再突破一次被大家围得里三层外三层的小卖部;人墙;,买些希奇玩意儿回来。 Look of my Dong Qiao, look on the west. When what just when I am anxious,buying, a delicate thing attracted my firmly ground suddenly —— one individual body is large happy tall! My be overjoyed, but fix eyes on looks to mark a price costlily, be stupefied again, want 10 yuan! I this ; skint ; remnant 9 yuan! Do not have method, I am forced to exit ; of ; person wall disappointedly, but I or not reconciled to, ; bought the brother of iron of a few ; that prepares to see me happy tall person wants 9 yuan sell me. But written guarantee composition fruit always is so fare badly: 我东瞧瞧,西看看。正当我发愁买什么的时候,一个精致的东西突然把我牢牢地吸引住了——一个人形大乐高!我喜从天降,可定睛一看昂贵的标价,又愣住了,要10元!我这个;穷光蛋;只剩9元了!没方法,我只好绝望地退出;人墙;,但我还是不甘心,预备看看我的几个;铁哥们儿;有没有买了乐高人情愿9元卖给我的。可是结作文果总是那么不尽人意: Bilk tung: Did not buy. 赖彧桐:没有买。 Huang Zhenyu: Did not buy. 黄振宇:没有买。 Zhou Yuanhang: Did not buy. 周远航:没有买。 Zhu Feng: Bought but do not sell me. 朱锋:买了但不卖给我。 Yu Bingze: Did not buy. 余秉泽:没有买。 Hey, the ; of come to an agreement or understanding has blessing to be enjoyed together, have become hard together ; ? 哎,说好的;有福同享,有难同当;呢? Still have what idea? My heart is suddenly unripe one plan: Otherwise, handed in 9 yuan to run? The person is so much, should not be discovered. But I think again: This too violate ethics, not quite good. But I am too big to the desire of that toy, simply 100 claw flinch heart. I am sucked greatly at a heat, still decide happy for what admire in the heart develop ; of ; person wall high again. I am seamed from the person in squeezed go in, 9 yuan are thrown before past bar, grab the toy runs. But the proprietress of sharp-eyed call me: ; hey hey, differ 1 yuan, do not sell do not sell. ; my shame is become hard, catch me to knead 9 yuan of one caboodle in the public eye, got a crowd, shirk. I run in a corner, straight hair is very hot on the face, feel the nose that a flock of people are pointing to me criticizes me, in the heart already abashed vexed. 还有啥方法呢?突然我心生一计:要不,交了9元就跑?人那么多,应当不会被发觉。但我又想:这太违背道德了,不太好吧。可我对那个玩具的欲望太大了,简直百爪挠心。我深吸一口气,还是确定为了心仪的乐高再一次冲进;人墙;。我从人缝中挤了进去,往柜台前扔了9元,抓起玩具就跑。可眼尖的老板娘一下就把我叫住:;诶诶诶,差1元,不卖不卖。;我惭愧难当,在众目睽睽之下抓上我揉成一堆的9元,钻出了人群,溜掉了。我跑到一个角落里,脸上直发烫,感觉有一群人指着我的鼻子批判我,心中既惭愧又懊恼。 A few days later, I meditate ceaselessly oneself: Although money is little, the issue is very large however. Violated ethics for a yuan of money, scarcely should. If I every time such, who is still willing to manage then I? ; not with evil small and do it, not with be apt to small and do not be. ; I remember this word seriously certainly in the heart. 之后的几天,我不断地反省自己:钱虽少,事情却很大。为了一元钱而违反了道德,简直不应当。假如我每次都这样,那谁还情愿理我呢?;勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。;这句话我肯定仔细记在心里。(文/杜政熹)