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Section Warming Up&ReadingLanguage Points重点难点探究重点难点探究词汇词汇词汇词汇精研精研精研精研1 How many countries does the UK consist of?英国是由几个部分英国是由几个部分(国家国家)组组成?成?品味品味经经典典A week consists of seven days.一星期由七天一星期由七天组组成。成。The group consists of seven members.这这个小个小组组由七名成由七名成员组员组成。成。This cake mainly consists of sugar,flour and butter.这这个蛋糕主要原料有糖、面粉和奶油。个蛋糕主要原料有糖、面粉和奶油。自我探究自我探究consist ofbe made up of表示表示由由组组成成,即表示一个整体由几,即表示一个整体由几个部分个部分组组成,不能用于成,不能用于被被动动语态语态和和进进行行时态时态。归纳归纳拓展拓展Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.幸福并不在于你拥有多少财产。幸福并不在于你拥有多少财产。Six nurses and two doctors make up the medical team.六名护士和两名医生组成了这个医疗队。六名护士和两名医生组成了这个医疗队。牛刀小牛刀小试试(1)How many countries _ the British Isles?Aare made up ofBmake upCconsist of Dare consisted of解解析析:选选B。注注意意这这三三个个动动词词的的语语态态形形式式。consist ofbe made up of表示一个整体由几个部分表示一个整体由几个部分组组成。成。(2)The company _ 9 departments is famous.Aconsisting of BconsistedCconsists Dconsisted of解解析析:选选A。the company与与consist of是是主主动动关关系系,所所以以用用现现在在分分词词短短语语作定作定语语。2 England can be divided into three main areas.英格英格兰兰可分成三个主要地区。可分成三个主要地区。品味品味经经典典The book is divided into six sections.这本书被分成六部分。这本书被分成六部分。The children were divided into four groups before they started the game.开始做游戏之前,孩子们被分为四组。开始做游戏之前,孩子们被分为四组。自我探究自我探究divide vt.划分;分,划分;分,divide.into.意意为为把把分成分成。归纳归纳拓展拓展The money will be divided equally among the schools.这笔钱将平分给学校。这笔钱将平分给学校。易混辨析易混辨析divide,separatedivide(.into.)常指把某个整体划分常指把某个整体划分为为若干部若干部分,即化整分,即化整为为零。零。separate(.from.)强强调调“将将与与分开分开”,指把原来,指把原来连连在一起或靠近的事物分开,没在一起或靠近的事物分开,没有破坏整体的完整性。也可用作不及物有破坏整体的完整性。也可用作不及物动词动词,意意为为:分:分(离离)开,分手。开,分手。牛刀小牛刀小试试单项单项填空填空(1)(2011年年 新新 乡乡 高高 二二 检检 测测)The teacher _ his students _ five groups.Adivided;into Bseparated;fromCseparated;to Ddivided;from解解析析:选选A。本本题题考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:老老师师把把学学生生分分成成五五组组。divide是是“分分成成”,常常与与into连连用用;separate是是“使使分分离离”,常常与与from连连用。用。用用divide,separate填空填空(2)A tall fence _ the two houses.(3)She _ her spare time between reading books and walking.(4)We talked until midnight and then _.(5)England is _ from France by the Channel.(6)He decided to _ the large house into flats.答答 案案:(2)separates(3)divided(4)separated(5)separated(6)divide3 Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.如今只要有人提起英格如今只要有人提起英格兰兰,你就会,你就会发现发现威威尔尔士也是包括在内士也是包括在内的。的。品味品味经经典典Dont refer to the matter again.别别再提再提这这件事了。件事了。His name was referred to in the meeting.他的名字在会他的名字在会议议中被提及。中被提及。自我探究自我探究refer的的过过去去时时是是referred。refer to表示表示“谈谈到;提及到;提及”其中其中to为为介介词词。归纳归纳拓展拓展These books refer to Asian problems.这些书涉及到亚洲问题。这些书涉及到亚洲问题。Complete the exercise without referring to your notes.请在不查阅笔记的情况下完成练习。请在不查阅笔记的情况下完成练习。易混辨析易混辨析refer to,look up两短两短语语都有都有“查询查询”之意,但之意,但refer to后多接参考的后多接参考的资资料料(词词典、典、书书籍籍等等);look up后接后接查询查询的内容。的内容。If you dont know what it means,look it up in the dictionary.如如果你不知道它的意思,在果你不知道它的意思,在词词典中典中查查一一查查。牛刀小牛刀小试试单项单项填空填空(1)The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.Abringing up Breferring toClooking for Dtrying on解解析析:选选B。本本题题考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。根根据据句句意意“总总统统在在商商业业峰峰会会上上讲讲话话将将近近一一个个小小时时而而没没有有参参阅阅笔笔记记”。refer to这这里里意意为为“查查看看;参参阅阅”。bring up抚抚养养长长大;大;look for寻寻找;找;try on试试穿。穿。用用refer to,look up填空填空(2)_ a dictionary about it.(3)Please _ the word in the dictionary.答案:答案:(2)Referred to(3)look up4 Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.令人令人庆庆幸的幸的是,当是,当苏苏格格兰兰的詹姆士国王成的詹姆士国王成为为英格英格兰兰和威和威尔尔士的国王士的国王时时,这这三三个国家在无个国家在无(军军事事)冲突的情况下冲突的情况下实现实现了了联联合。合。(1)accomplish品味品味经经典典The task will be accomplished in a year.这项这项工作将在一年内完成。工作将在一年内完成。When should you accomplish your promise?你何你何时时能能实现实现你的你的诺诺言?言?accomplish ones aim/a task达到目的达到目的/完成任完成任务务自我探究自我探究accomplish vt.意意为为完成;达到完成;达到;实现实现。accomplishment nU完完成;成功成;成功 C成就;才成就;才艺艺易混辨析易混辨析accomplish,complete,finishaccomplish指成功完成指成功完成预预期目期目标标。complete强强调调完整地完整地终结终结,含有使某事完善、完整,含有使某事完善、完整,补补足缺足缺少部分的意味。少部分的意味。finish注重指注重指圆满圆满地地结结束已着手的事情,尤指日常事束已着手的事情,尤指日常事务务的的完成或完成或结结束,其后可接束,其后可接动动名名词词作作宾语宾语。They accomplished their lask.他他们们完成了任完成了任务务。I need one more stamp before my collection is completed.我所集我所集的的邮邮票票还还差一差一张张才成整套。才成整套。I finished reading the book.我我读读完了完了这这本本书书。牛刀小牛刀小试试(1)We tried to settle the argument but _ nothing.Aaccomplished BfinishedCended Dmanaged解解析析:选选A。句句意意:我我们们试试图图解解决决争争论论,但但没没有有达达成成任任何何共共识识。accomplish完完成成;实实现现。后后可可接接实实现现的的目目标标。finish和和end强强调调结结束束,而而manage意意为为“处处理;能理;能应应付付”,后接,后接处处理的事情而非理的事情而非结结果。果。(2)conflict品味品味经经典典Armed conflict is likely to break out between the two countries.这这两两国国间间有可能有可能发发生武装冲突。生武装冲突。There was a conflict between the accounts of the witnesses.证证人的人的话话相互矛盾。相互矛盾。The hours of the two meetings conflict.这这两个会两个会议时间议时间冲突。冲突。自我探究自我探究conflict nC,U 矛盾;冲突矛盾;冲突。conflict还还可用作不及物可用作不及物动词动词。归纳归纳拓展拓展Mary often comes into conflict with her classmates.玛丽经常和同学发生冲突。玛丽经常和同学发生冲突。My interests are in conflict with yours.My interests conflict with yours.我的利益与你的相冲突。我的利益与你的相冲突。牛刀小牛刀小试试(2)There was a _ between South Korea and North Korea last month.Astruggle BconflictCwar Dchallenge解解析析:选选B。句句意意:上上个个月月朝朝韩韩之之间间爆爆发发了了一一场场冲冲突突。challenge挑挑战战;struggle抗争,搏斗;抗争,搏斗;war指指长时间长时间的的战战争,争,语语气气过过于于严严重。重。5 However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.然而,然而,爱爱尔尔兰兰的南部却不情愿并且分离出去建立了自己的政府。的南部却不情愿并且分离出去建立了自己的政府。品味品味经经典典The American southern states wanted to break away from the Union.美国南方各州想脱离美国南方各州想脱离联联邦。邦。Modern music like jazz has broke away from the old traditional rules.现现代音代音乐乐,如爵士,如爵士乐乐,已,已经摆经摆脱了旧的脱了旧的传统规则传统规则。自我探究自我探究break away(from)意意为为脱离脱离。归纳归纳拓展拓展(1)break away from还还有有“挣挣脱脱(束束缚缚)”的意思。的意思。(2)break in强强行行闯闯入;插嘴,打岔入;插嘴,打岔(cut in)break into破破门门而入;突然而入;突然发发生生(burst into)break out(战战争,火灾,瘟疫等争,火灾,瘟疫等)突然爆突然爆发发,break up分解、分解、(使使)碎开碎开(物理物理变变化化);驱驱散;散;(学校学校)放假;放假;(会会议议)结结束;束;(婚姻、婚姻、组织组织)破裂破裂The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.犯人从两名警察的看守下逃了出去。犯人从两名警察的看守下逃了出去。牛刀小牛刀小试试(1)(2009年年高高考考江江苏苏卷卷)Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have _.So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them.Abroken up Bfinished upCdivided up Dclosed up解解析析:选选A。break up“拆拆散散,分分开开;(关关系系)破破裂裂”;finish up“完完成成;用用光光”;divide up“瓜瓜分分;分分配配”;close up“靠靠近近,愈愈合合,关关闭闭”。上上句句意:听到句句意:听到Sue和和Paul分手了,我很惊分手了,我很惊讶讶。(2)I was still sleeping when the fire _,and then it spread quickly.Abroke out Bput outCcame out Dgot out解解析析:选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。指指火火灾灾、战战争争等等突突然然发发生生的的强强烈烈事事件件,用用break out。put out扑扑灭灭;come out出出来来;get out出出来来,离开,都与离开,都与语语境不符。境不符。6 To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas(eg,the currency and international relations),but they still have very different institutions.值值得称得称赞赞的是:的是:这这四个国家在一些方面四个国家在一些方面(比方比方说说在在货币货币和国和国际际关系上关系上)的确是共同合作的,但是有些制度仍的确是共同合作的,但是有些制度仍然区然区别别很大。很大。品味品味经经典典To their credit,they still help that old man.值值得得赞扬赞扬的是他的是他们们仍在帮助那位老人。仍在帮助那位老人。It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.你你们们克服了克服了这样这样大的困大的困难难,值值得大大称得大大称赞赞。自我探究自我探究to ones credit意意为为为为带带来荣誉;来荣誉;值值得得赞扬赞扬;在;在名下。名下。credit card意意为为信用卡信用卡。归纳归纳拓展拓展Do you give credit to what the man said?你相信那人讲的话吗?你相信那人讲的话吗?He received full credit for his studies at a previous school.他在先他在先前的学校取得了所有课程的学分。前的学校取得了所有课程的学分。She deserves credit for trying her best.她尽了最大努力,值得赞扬。她尽了最大努力,值得赞扬。No credit is given at this shop.本店概不赊欠。本店概不赊欠。牛刀小牛刀小试试_,he is brave enough to save the boy.AOn his credit BFor his creditCTo his credit DIn his credit解解析析:选选C。本本题题考考查查介介词词短短语语的的辨辨析析。根根据据语语境境“他他非非常常勇勇敢敢,救救了了那那个个男男孩孩”可可知知这这是是一一件件值值得得赞赞扬扬的的事事。to ones credit意意为为“值值得得赞扬赞扬”。其他几个。其他几个选项选项介介词词搭配不搭配不对对。7 England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.在在这这四个国家中,英格四个国家中,英格兰兰是最大的,是最大的,为为了方便它大致可以划分了方便它大致可以划分为为三个地区。三个地区。品味品味经经典典We bought the house for convenience;its near the shops and the railway station.为为了方便起了方便起见见,我,我们买们买了了这这座房子,它靠近商店和火座房子,它靠近商店和火车车站。站。I will pick you up for your convenience.为为了方便起了方便起见见,我会用,我会用车车去接你。去接你。自我探究自我探究convenience是名是名词词,意,意为为便利;方便便利;方便。for convenience意意为为为为了方了方便起便起见见。归纳归纳拓展拓展The hotel has a restaurant for the guests convenience.The hotel has a restaurant for the convenience of guests.这这家旅家旅馆为馆为方便旅客方便旅客设设有餐有餐厅厅。You can do it at your convenience.你可以在方便的你可以在方便的时时候做。候做。注意:注意:convenience指指“方便,便利方便,便利”时时是不可数名是不可数名词词;指;指“便利的事便利的事物物”时时是可数名是可数名词词。Will the 3 50 train be convenient to/for you?3点点50分的火分的火车对车对你方便你方便吗吗?Is it convenient to/for you if I come at 6 pm.?如果我下午如果我下午6点来拜点来拜访访你,你,(对对你来你来说说)方便方便吗吗?牛刀小牛刀小试试(2011年年嘉嘉兴兴一一中中摸摸底底考考试试)Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient解解析析:选选D。It is convenient for sb.to do sth.某某人人做做某某事事方方便便。句句意意为为:你方便四点的:你方便四点的时时候接我去机候接我去机场吗场吗?8 It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.令人令人遗遗憾的是憾的是这这些建于些建于19世世纪纪的工的工业业城市并不能吸引游客。城市并不能吸引游客。品味品味经经典典The garden city attracts many tourists.这这座花园城市吸引了座花园城市吸引了许许多游客。多游客。What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.这这份份工作最吸引我的地方是有机会旅行。工作最吸引我的地方是有机会旅行。自我探究自我探究attract vt.吸引吸引;引起注意。;引起注意。归纳归纳拓展拓展The design is sure to attract consumers attention.这这个个设计设计一定很吸引消一定很吸引消费费者的注意。者的注意。There are a lot of attractions in this ancient city.这这座古老的城市有座古老的城市有许许多名多名胜胜。The television has little attraction for me.电视对电视对我没有什么吸引力。我没有什么吸引力。(用用for不用不用to)Bright colors are attractive to the children.鲜艳鲜艳的的颜颜色色对对小孩有吸引力。小孩有吸引力。牛刀小牛刀小试试单项单项填空填空(1)The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _ new customers to its stores.Ajoin BattractCstick Dtransfer解解析析:选选B。本本题题考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:公公司司发发起起一一场场广广告告运运动动以以吸吸引引新新的的消消费费者者。join加加入入;stick刺刺入入;transfer转转移移,都都不不合合题题意。意。完成句子完成句子(2)这这个故事引起了媒体的个故事引起了媒体的兴兴趣。趣。The story has _ from the media.答案:答案:attracted a lot of interest9 Which country is left out?哪一个国家被漏下了?哪一个国家被漏下了?品味品味经经典典You left out a zero in your telephone number.你在你在电话电话号号码码中漏了一个零。中漏了一个零。She left out the date on the cheque.在支票上她漏写了日期。在支票上她漏写了日期。The boy feels left out because the other children dont play with him.这这男孩男孩觉觉得受到了冷落,因得受到了冷落,因为为其他孩子都不和他玩。其他孩子都不和他玩。自我探究自我探究leave out意意为为:省去;:省去;遗遗漏;不考漏;不考虑虑;忽;忽视视。归纳归纳拓展拓展No one speaks to him;he is always left out.没人跟他没人跟他讲话讲话,他,他总总是被人冷落。是被人冷落。The light of the city were soon left behind.都市的灯光不久就被都市的灯光不久就被远远远远地抛在后面。地抛在后面。Start reading from where you left off last time.从上次停的地方开始从上次停的地方开始读读吧。吧。牛刀小牛刀小试试The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.Abring out Blet outCleave out Dmake out解解析析:选选C。句句意意:老老师师进进一一步步强强调调让让学学生生们们在在复复述述故故事事时时不不要要漏漏掉掉任任何何重重要要的的细细节节。bring out阐阐述述,使使明明白白;let out发发出出;泄泄露露(秘密等秘密等);leave out 遗遗漏;漏;make out理解,辨理解,辨认认出。出。10 It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.令人令人遗遗憾的是憾的是这这些建于些建于19世世纪纪的工的工业业城市并不能吸引游客。城市并不能吸引游客。句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析品味品味经经典典It is a pity that you missed the sports meeting last week.很可惜,上周的运很可惜,上周的运动动会你会你错过错过了。了。自我探究自我探究It is a pity that.意意为为令人令人遗遗憾的是憾的是。归纳归纳拓展拓展注意:如果从句表示出乎意料,意注意:如果从句表示出乎意料,意为为:竟然,从句一般用:竟然,从句一般用“should动词动词原形原形”。Its a pity that such a thing(should)happen in your class.竟然竟然这这种事情种事情发发生在你生在你们们班里。班里。It is no wonder that he has passed the exam because he was very hardworking.难难怪他通怪他通过过了考了考试试,因,因为为他努力学他努力学习习了。了。牛刀小牛刀小试试单项单项填空填空(1)(2009年年高高考考全全国国卷卷)It is often _ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.Asaid Bto sayCsaying Dbeing said解析:选A。本题考查固定句式It is said that.。句意:据说人类生来就具有说话的能力。“据说”用It is said that结构。完成句子完成句子(2)现现在放弃太可惜了。你差不多已在放弃太可惜了。你差不多已经经完成了。完成了。_ to give up now.Youve nearly finished.答案:答案:It is a pityPUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHYPeople may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries:England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.You can clarify this question if you study British history.译译译译文助文助文助文助读读读读First there was England.Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century.Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to“Great Britain”Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way.However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.So only Northern Ireland joined with England,Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas(eg,the currency and international relations),but they still have very different institutions.For example,Northern Ireland,England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.The zone nearest France is called the South of England,the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North.You find most of the population settled in the south,but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England.Although,nationwide,these cities are not as large as those in China,they have worldfamous football teamsand some of them even have two!It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans.There you will find out more about British history and culture.The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums,art collections,theatres,parks and buildings.It is the centre of national government and its administration.It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD,the oldest building begun by the AngloSaxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.There have been four sets of invaders of England.The first invaders,the Romans,left their towns and roads.The second,the AngloSaxons,left theirlanguage and their government.The third,the Vikings,influenced the vocabulary and placenames of the North of England,and the fourth,the Normans,left castles and introduced new words for food.If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.地理学的困惑地理学的困惑人人们们也也许觉许觉得奇怪,得奇怪,为为什么用不同什么用不同词语词语来描述英格来描述英格兰兰、威、威尔尔士、士、苏苏格格兰兰和北和北爱爱尔尔兰这兰这四个国家,人四个国家,人们们感到很奇怪。如果你学感到很奇怪。如果你学习习英英国国历历史,你就可以弄清楚史,你就可以弄清楚这这个个问题问题。首先是英格首先是英格兰兰。威。威尔尔士在公元士在公元13世世纪时纪时与英格与英格兰兰是一体的。是一体的。现现在当在当人人们说们说到英格到英格兰时兰时,你会,你会发现发现威威尔尔士也包括在其中。接着英格士也包括在其中。接着英格兰兰和和威威尔尔士在士在17世世纪纪同同苏苏格格兰兰合并,更名合并,更名为为“大不列大不列颠颠”。苏苏格格兰兰的詹姆的詹姆斯国王也成斯国王也成为为英格英格兰兰和威和威尔尔士的国王,令人士的国王,令人庆庆幸的是幸的是这这并未并未经过战经过战争就得以争就得以实现实现。最后在。最后在20世世纪纪初,英国政府打算把初,英国政府打算把爱爱尔尔兰兰也和平也和平联联合起来合起来组组建建联联合王国。但是合王国。但是爱爱尔尔兰兰的南部很不情愿,分离出去并建的南部很不情愿,分离出去并建立了自己的政府。因此,只有北立了自己的政府。因此,只有北爱爱尔尔兰兰与英格与英格兰兰、威、威尔尔士和士和苏苏格格兰兰统统一成一成为联为联合王国,合王国,这这一点从新的一点从新的联联合王国国旗上就可以看得出来。合王国国旗上就可以看得出来。值值得得赞扬赞扬的是,的是,这这四个国家在某些四个国家在某些领领域确域确实实能能够够合作合作(比如,在比如,在货货币币和国和国际际关系上关系上),但是