PHILOSOPHY FOR LIFE人生哲學人生哲學Be patient 有耐心有耐心Be openminded 胸懷若谷,無偏見胸懷若谷,無偏見Smile often 經常微笑經常微笑Savor special moments 咀嚼令人回味的時刻咀嚼令人回味的時刻 Make new friends.結交新朋友結交新朋友Rediscover old ones.發掘老朋友的新鮮發掘老朋友的新鮮Tell them that you love them讓他們知道你愛他們讓他們知道你愛他們And when you love them.以及想到他們時以及想到他們時Feel it deeply 是何等的真切是何等的真切 Ignore worries 揮別憂愁揮別憂愁 Forget problems 忘卻難題忘卻難題 Pardon enemies 寬恕敵人寬恕敵人 Keep promises 信守承諾信守承諾If you get more than one chance,try again如果還有機會,再試一次如果還有機會,再試一次Prize your good ideas別忘了嘉獎自己的好點子別忘了嘉獎自己的好點子Try not to make mistakes儘量不犯錯儘量不犯錯And if you do,learn from them若是犯了,則從中汲取教訓若是犯了,則從中汲取教訓Be crazy 偶爾瘋狂一下偶爾瘋狂一下Appreciate miracles when they happen珍惜每個驚喜珍惜每個驚喜 心存感激心存感激Notice where the sunis in the sky抬頭張望抬頭張望看看太陽掛在天空的哪個角落看看太陽掛在天空的哪個角落Listen to the rain 聆聽雨聲聆聽雨聲Watch for rainbows and falling stars凝神觀望凝神觀望 彩虹隕石的蹤跡彩虹隕石的蹤跡Look for the beauty around you尋找周遭的美尋找周遭的美Smile with your heart發出會心的微笑發出會心的微笑Confide in others和朋友談談心和朋友談談心Give to others不吝付出不吝付出Be gentle with others,always柔和待人,始終如一柔和待人,始終如一Hope 心存期盼心存期盼Desire 有所企圖有所企圖Grow 長大成熟長大成熟Work hard 全力以赴全力以赴Be yourself 做你自己做你自己Be understanding,when its needed有人需要同情諒解時,善體其意有人需要同情諒解時,善體其意Have confidence in life對人生有把握對人生有把握Have faith要有信心要有信心Comfort a friend安慰朋友、為他打氣安慰朋友、為他打氣Have confidence in yourself!對自己要有信心對自己要有信心!Enjoy Life!享受人生享受人生!