中山大学南方学院会计系 刘璐Contents The role of source documentsThe need for books of prime entrySales and purchase day booksCash bookPetty cashTypes of source documentsBusiness transactions are recorded on source documents.Examples:Quotation.A business makes a written offer to a customer to produce or deliver goods or services for a certain amount of money.Sales order.A customer writes out or signs an order for goods or services he requires.Purchase order.A business orders from another business goods or services,such as material supplies.Goods received note.A list of goods that a business has received from a supplier.Goods despatched note.A list of goods that a business has sent out to a customer.Invoice.Statement.A document sent out by a supplier to a customer listing all invoices,credit notes and payments received from the customer.Credit note.A document sent by a supplier to a customer in respect of goods returned or overpayments made by the customer.Debit note.A document sent by a customer to a supplier in respect of goods returned or overpayments made by the customer.Remittance advice.A document sent with a payment,detailing which invoices are being paid and which credit notes offset.Receipt.A written confirmation that money has been paid.InvoicesIn a business,the supplier send out an invoice to the customer.The details on the invoice should match the details on the sales order.The customers receives an invoice from the supplier.The details on the invoice should match the details on the purchase order.The invoice is often produced on multi-part stationery.Information on the invoiceName and address of the seller and the purchaserDate of the saleDescription of what is being soldQuantity and unit price of what has been soldDetails of trade discount,if anyTotal amount of the invoice including details any of sales taxSometimes,the date by which payment is due,and other terms of saleUses of multi-part invoicesTo copy to customer as a request for paymentSecond copy to accounts department to match to eventual paymentThird copy to ware house to generate a despatch of goods,as evidenced by a goods despatched noteFourth copy stapled to sales order and kept in sales department as a record of salesThe credit noteA credit note is a document relating to returned goods or refunds when a customer has been overcharged.It can be regarded as a negative invoice.A credit note is sometimes printed in red to distinguish it from an invoice.Otherwise,it will be made out in much the same way as an invoice,but with less detail and Credit Note Number instead of Invoice Number.Example:China Supplies sent out an invoice for 20 dinner plates,but the typist accidentally typed in a total at$162.10,instead of$62.10.The china shop has been overcharged by$100.What is China Supplies to do?The China Supplies can send out a credit note.Goods received notes(GRNs)record a receipt of goods,most commonly in a warehouse.They may be used in addition to suppliers advice notes.Often the accounts department will require to see the relevant GRN before paying a suppliers invoice.Even where GRNs not routinely used,the details of a consignment from a supplier which arrives without an advice note must always be recorded.Books of prime entry are books in which we first record transactions.The main books of prime entry are:Sale day bookPurchase day bookSales return day bookPurchase returns day bookJournalCash bookPetty cash bookThe sales day bookThe sales day book is the book of prime entry for credit sales.SALES DAY BOOKDate200Jan 10InvoiceCustomerTotal amountinvoiced$247Jones&Co105.00 248Smith&Co86.40 249Alex&Co31.80 250Enor College1,264.60 1,487.80 Most businesses analyse their sales.For example,this business sells boots and shoes.Then the sales day book might look like this.SALES DAY BOOKDate200Jan 10InvoiceCustomerTotal amountinvoicedBoot salesShoes sales$247Jones&Co105.00 60.00 45.00 248Smith&Co86.40 86.40 249Alex&Co31.80 31.80 250Enor College1,264.60 800.30 464.30 1,487.80 946.70 541.10 The purchase day bookThe purchase day book is the book of prime entry for credit purchases.Date208Mar 15SupplierTotal amount invoicedPurchasesElectricity etc$Cook&Co315.00 315.00 W Bulter29.40 29.40 EEB116.80 116.80 Show Fair Co100.00 100.00 _ 561.20 444.40 116.80 There is no invoice number column,because the purchase day book records other peoples invoices,which have all sorts of different numbers.In this example,three of the invoices related to goods which the business intend to re-sell and the other invoice was an electricity bill.The sales returns day bookThe sales returns day book is the book of prime entry for credit notes raised.SALES RETURNS DAY BOOKDate208 15 AprilCredit noteCustomer and goodsAmount$CR008Owen Plenty3 pairs Texas boots135.00 Where a business has very few sales returns,it may record a credit note as a negative entry in the sales day book.The purchase returns day bookThe purchase returns day book is the book of prime entry for credit notes received from suppliers.PURCHASE RETURNS DAY BOOKDate208 29 AprilCustomer and goodsAmount$Boxes Co300 cardboard boxes46.60 A business with very few purchase returns may record a credit note received as a negative entry in the purchase day book.The cash bookThe cash book is the book of prime entry for cash receipts and payments.It may be a manual record or a computer file.It is also a day book.Example:Cash bookAt the beginning of 1September,Robin Plenty had$900 in the bank.During 1 September 207,Robin Plenty had the following receipts and payments.a)Cash sale:receipt of$80b)Payment from credit customer Hay$400 less discount allowed$20c)Payment from credit customer Been$720d)Payment from credit customer Seed$150 less discount allowed$10e)Cheque received for cash to provide a short-term loan from Len Dinger$1,800f)Second cash sale:receipt of$150g)Cash received for sale of machine$200h)Payment to supplier Kew$120i)Payment to supplier Hara$310j)Payment of telephone bill$400k)Payment of gas bill$280l)$100 in cash withdrawn from bank for petty cashm)Payment of$1,500 to Hess for new plant and machineryCASH BOOK(RECEIPTS)Date 207 1 SeptNarrativeTotal$Balance b/d*900 Cash sale80 Accounts receivable:Hay380 Accounts receivable:Been720 Accounts receivable:Seed140 Loan:Len Dinger1,800 Cash sale150 Sale of non-current asset200 4,370*b/d =brought down(ie brought forward)CASH BOOK(PAYMENTS)Date 207 1 SeptNarrativeTotal$Accounts payable:Kew120 Accounts payable:Hare310 Telephone400 Gas bill280 Petty cash100 Machinery purchase1,500 Balance c/d(balancing figure)1,660 4,370 CASH BOOK(RECEIPTS)Date 207 1 SeptNarrativeTotalAccounts receivableCash salesOther$Balance b/d*900 Cash sale80 80 Accounts receivable:Hay380 380 Accounts receivable:Been720 720 Accounts receivable:Seed140 140 Loan:Len Dinger1,800 1,800 Cash sale150 150 Sale of non-current asset200 _ _ 200 4,370 1,240 230 2,000 With analysis columns completed,the cash book given in the example above might look as follow:CASH BOOK(PAYMENTS)Date 207 1 SeptNarrativeTotalAccounts payablePettycashWages Other$Accounts payable:Kew120 120 Accounts payable:Hare310 310 Telephone400 400 Gas bill280 280 Petty cash100 100 Machinery purchase1,500 1,500 Balance c/d(balancing figure)1,660 _4,370 430 100 -2,180 Bank statementWeekly or monthly,a business will receive a bank statement.Bank statement should be used to check that the amount shown as a balance in the cash book agrees with the amount on the bank statement,and that no cash has going missing.What is petty cash?Most business keep a small amount of cash on the premises to make occasion small payments in cash,eg staff refreshments,postage stamps,to pay the office cleaner,etc.This is often called the cash float or petty cash account.Security of petty cashKeeping cash(even in small amounts)on the premises is a security risk.Therefore a petty cash system is usually subject to strict controls.Payment is only made in respect of authorised claims.All claims are supported by evidence.Authorisation An employee must complete a petty cash voucher detailing the expenses claimed.Usually receipts must be attached to the voucher.The completed voucher then needs to be signed by the employees manager to authorise payment.EvidenceAll petty cash vouchers must have receipts for the expenditure attached,as evidence that the employee has really incurred that cost.The petty cash bookA petty cash book is a cash book for small payments.PETTY CASH BOOKReceiptsDateNarrativeTotal Milk Postage Travel Other$207$2501 SpetBal b/dMilk bill25 25 Postage stamps5 5 Taxi fare10 10 Flowers for sick staff15 15 _Bal c/d195 _250250 25 5 10 15 Imprest systemUnder what is called the imprest system,the amount of money in petty cash is kept at an agreed sum or float(say$250).This is called the imprest amount.Expense items are recorded on vouchers as they occur,so that at any time:$Cash still held in petty cash195Plus voucher payments(25+5+10+15)55Must equal the imprest amount250The total float is made up regularly(to$250,or whatever the imprest amount is)by means of a cash payment from the bank account into petty cash.The amount of the top-up into petty cash will be the total of the voucher payments since the previous top-up.Example:petty cash and the imprest systemDEF operates an imprest system for petty cash.During February 209,the following petty cash transactions took place.$2.2.9Stamps12.00 3.2.9Milk25.00 8.2.9Taxi fare15.00 17.2.9Stamps5.00 18.2.9Received from staff for photocopying8.00 28.2.9Stationery7.50 The amount remaining in petty cash at the end of the month was$93.50.What is the imprest amount?The solution is$150.$Opening balance(imprest amount)150.00(balancing figure)Add:amount received from staff8.00 158.00 Less:expenditure(64.50)(12+25+15+5+7.5)Cash in hand at end of month93.50