Chinese CalligraphyHow did Chinese Calligraphy evolvewThe oracle bone script(甲骨文)wThe running script(行书)wThe standard script(真书)w The bronze script(金文)wThe large seal script(大篆)w The small seal script(小楷)w w The clerical script(隶书)w The grass script(草书)The running scriptw Wangxizhi王羲之 Wangxianzhiw 王献之The Wei Tablet 魏碑wYan Zhenqing(颜真卿)Zhao Mengfu(赵孟頫)wLiu Gongquan(柳公权)The Four Treasures of StudyThe Brush Pen(笔)wInvented by Meng TianwMade with the hair of a goat,wolf,rat and rabbitThe Ink-stick(墨)wThe unique pigment of Chinese traditional painting and calligraphywYu mi-mo(愉麋墨)ink-stick was the most famous ink-stick at ancient timewAt present,the most well-known south ink-stick is hui-mo(徽墨),produced in HuizhouXuan Paper(宣纸)wPaper is Chinese invention,and it is widely accepted that paper was invented by Cailun of the Eastern Han Dynasty.The Ink-stone(砚)w w Duan Ink-stone fromw Guangdong(广东端砚)w w w Hongsi Ink-stickw from Shangdongw w Tao Ink-stickw from Gansuw