第九讲第九讲 抽象与具体抽象与具体Abstract and Concreten n目目 的的 要要 求求 n n 仔细体会:导致英语普遍抽象的原因是什么?n n作作 业业 n n 思考:为什么汉语是意像性语言?P173抽象名词的特征隐隐玄玄曲曲暗暗虚虚A.英语的逻辑和理性的显著特点就是抽象性n na.亚里斯多德的形式逻辑和欧洲16-18世纪盛行的理性主义导致人们的思维注重“以理服人”,不注重“以情感人”。n nPlato actually thought that these abstractions had a greater reality than the properties of objects in the physical world.P160n n为了使语言表达冷静,必须多用名词、尤其是抽象名词。An Englishman does not like to commit himself by being enthusiastic or too distressed.n nb.抽象思维被认为是一种高级思维。是高度文明的象征。P161n nCivilization means among other things increase of abstract terms and decrease of superfluous special words.The more advanced a language is,the more developed is its expressing abstract or general ideas.-o.Jesperson 英语中抽象名词的大量使用导致涵义概括,指称笼统,有“虚”、“泛”、“曲”.的感觉n n1.英语的名词化往往导致表达的抽象化。n nAn excessive reliance on the noun.will detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now,from when and how and in what mood the thing was done and insensibly induce a habit of abstraction,generalization and vagueness.Exampls n nThere seems to have been an absence of attempt at concilliaation between rival sect.n n对立的两派之间似乎从来也没有尝试过要求和。n nYour disablement pension entitlement is now satisfactorily placed beyond all disputes on logical grounds.n n作为残疾人,你有完全权利领取抚恤金。Examples n nThe availability of the new facilities is hard to obtain.n n 很难购到这批设备.n nManliness is judged according to ones invulnerability to the impact of the outside world.n n 男子汉气是根据他是否能抵抗住外来影响而判断的。To express ones thoughts accurately is hard work,and to be precise is dangerous.n n2.以迎合某种需要,抽象的模糊性可以掩饰作者以迎合某种需要,抽象的模糊性可以掩饰作者的含糊和真实思想。的含糊和真实思想。P162-163P162-163n nThe The absence of intelligenceabsence of intelligence is an is an indication indication of satisfactory developments.of satisfactory developments.n n没有消息没有消息表明了表明了有可喜的进展。有可喜的进展。n nThere are many communities where There are many communities where anonymityanonymity in personal relationships in personal relationships prevail.prevail.社区许多人都互相社区许多人都互相不认识不认识。从形容词或动词派生出来的抽象名词涵义压缩、简化,易于传诵。n n3.抽象名词可以使表达含蓄,对事物的本质进行高度概括,特别适合表达深奥的哲理和模糊的思想,留有余地,留下发展空间。P165 n nEg.Surviaval of the Fittest.n n Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.The ancient Greeks were fond of categories,.turing attributes into abstractionsn n4.英语有丰富的词义虚化手段,其语义的细化和抽象化程度较高,大大的方便了抽象词的运用。n n4.1 用词缀虚化。P166 n nmicro-,inter-,-ness,-tion,-ism,-encen n4.2 词化(lexicalization)就是用一个词来表示一个短语或句子的语义。P167n n literacy(读写能力)n ndecontextualization(不依赖语境而存在)经过词化的抽象名词常常在汉语中找不到对应词来翻译。n n有具体名词派生出来的抽象名词语义复杂,词义内涵比较广泛,常表现为一词多义或一词多用。表达起来具有概括性。n n如:service:服务,服役,维修、服务部门,服务机构,上菜.n n power:动力、电力、权力、势力、强国n n4.3 用介词表达虚泛意义。n nBe in at 参与;be in for 谋求;No language is so sophisticated as English-it is abstracted to death.n n5.5.拉丁语和希腊语等外来词广泛运用于科技、哲拉丁语和希腊语等外来词广泛运用于科技、哲学等庄重场合,只讲究概念学等庄重场合,只讲究概念 和理性;加之,和理性;加之,英语英语的形合构词法,的形合构词法,只讲究形式结构和逻辑上的一致,只讲究形式结构和逻辑上的一致,缺乏生活中的形象对应;语音符号构成的语言不缺乏生活中的形象对应;语音符号构成的语言不来自生活。对世界的认识建立在逻辑推演基础之来自生活。对世界的认识建立在逻辑推演基础之上。上。n nP170P170英国社会不少文体学家提倡英国社会不少文体学家提倡 a mixture of a mixture of long abstract Latin words with short long abstract Latin words with short concrete Anglo-Saxon words.concrete Anglo-Saxon words.n nYou can choose the high word for high You can choose the high word for high effect,or you can get tough with Anglo-effect,or you can get tough with Anglo-Saxon specifics.you must guard against Saxon specifics.you must guard against sobrietys luring you into all Latin.sobrietys luring you into all Latin.B.汉语的儒、道、佛哲学汉语的儒、道、佛哲学Chinese are disinclined to use precisely defined terms or categories but expressive,metaphoric language.n nChinese philospphers quite explicitly Chinese philospphers quite explicitly favored the most concrete sense favored the most concrete sense impressions in understanding the world.impressions in understanding the world.There is no word for sizeor colour.But There is no word for sizeor colour.But big size or small size,big size or small size,the white of the the white of the swanswan and and the white of the snowthe white of the snow.n n中国人表达时,往往摆脱不了具体事物的形象。中国人表达时,往往摆脱不了具体事物的形象。用意象组合使内容生动可感。用意象组合使内容生动可感。n n土崩瓦解n n水乳交融n n厚颜无耻n n深思熟虑n n画饼充饥n n如饥似渴n n鹅毛大雪n n添砖加瓦n nDisintegration Disintegration n nPerfect harmonyPerfect harmonyn nImprudenceImprudencen nCareful considerationCareful considerationn nFeed on fanciesFeed on fanciesn nWith great With great n n eagerness eagernessn nOffend public decencyOffend public decencyn nMake a little Make a little n n contribution contributionn n 悟性有直觉性和形象性悟性有直觉性和形象性P172n n1.中国人注重中国人注重“取物观象取物观象”,“设象喻理设象喻理,运用象征性符号,使概念生动可感。,运用象征性符号,使概念生动可感。n n如:鱼死网破,脑子进水,井蛙之见如:鱼死网破,脑子进水,井蛙之见n n2.语义文字符号象形、会意,语义文字符号象形、会意,将人的认知将人的认知与自然现象和客观事物想结合。与自然现象和客观事物想结合。n n如:乐呵呵、红彤彤、香喷喷、团团转如:乐呵呵、红彤彤、香喷喷、团团转n n小葱拌豆腐小葱拌豆腐一清二白。一清二白。n n可口可乐,可口可乐,万维网万维网意象意象-联想联想-类比类比外来词:形象性的意译加音译外来词:形象性的意译加音译n n 汉语中的大量词语可以通过直觉领悟便可汉语中的大量词语可以通过直觉领悟便可以获知其意,以获知其意,以喻代议,寓议于喻。以喻代议,寓议于喻。n n汉语的动词化表达法,或动词重叠,或汉语的动词化表达法,或动词重叠,或连连动式动式 或或兼语式兼语式,有利于表达动态的,有利于表达动态的情感和形象性和直觉性行为。情感和形象性和直觉性行为。n n中国语言缺乏抽象名词,无论是诗歌还是优中国语言缺乏抽象名词,无论是诗歌还是优美的散文,充满了形象词语,美的散文,充满了形象词语,这揭示出中这揭示出中国人感性,思想质朴,想象极端具体。国人感性,思想质朴,想象极端具体。视、听、嗅、味、触的感悟视、听、嗅、味、触的感悟 林语堂:这是英译汉最难翻译的。林语堂:这是英译汉最难翻译的。?3.汉语没有词缀虚化手段,汉语没有词缀虚化手段,因此,语义的词因此,语义的词化和抽象程度较低。化和抽象程度较低。P173很难辨别很难辨别n n汉语缺少形态变化,名词、动词、甚至形容词和其他词类形式相同。我们很难看到形容词变名词的过程,或动词变形容词的过程。很难找到“我喜欢他的聪明”中“聪明”的名词标志。也很难找到“她费了很长时间的选择”中“选择”的动词特征。但在运用理解时,我们断然是指“聪明”和“选择”概念 中的德性和行为本身。n n汉语里面有抽象名词吗?P173较少的中国哲学中的抽象概念深奥得难以理解 P174 n n3.1 汉语里五官所不能感触到的名词,也叫抽象名词。n n 如:政府、议会、团体、政治、经济n n3.2 哲学上的名词,n n 如:道、德、品、性、气、神、理、诚、心、义、阴阳、n n3.3 现代汉语里也从外语舶来了许多抽象词尾,如:性、化、度、品、主义.Can you guess meaning of:the insignificance of man?n nP175.the affixes are a splendid means of getting away from reality into vague generalities(概念化)and abstraction.For instance,you have the simple word sign,by adding an affix to it,you get signify.Now you add another affix,you arrive at significant,By adding a prefix to change its meaning,you get“insignificance.汉语:实、明、直、显、形、象n nIf you think that Chinese has no way of expressing abstract ideas,you are wrong.Remember,the Chinese were talking and writing about religion and philosophy long before our own civilization started.If they have no exact word for an abstraction,they use the concrete word,words,that came nearest to the idea.(Flesch 1946)在英汉转换中,利用动词,在英汉转换中,利用动词,以动代静,以实代虚。以动代静,以实代虚。n n3.1.1 具体表现在动词取代抽象名词。n nEg.雨无情的下个不停,我感到惊异。n n I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.n n 在决策过程中,他不那么抛头露面。n n He had surfaced with little visibility in the policy decision.表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属的范畴,叫范畴词。P176n n3.1.2 范畴词使抽象概念具体化。n nEg.他们最渴望结束这摇摆不定的局面。n nWhat they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.n n我们对这种越轨行为太宽容。n nWe have winked at these irregularities too long.英语抽象词的涵义笼统、概括、虚泛、英语抽象词的涵义笼统、概括、虚泛、在汉语里找不到对应词在汉语里找不到对应词n n3.1.3 用具体的汉语词语阐释抽象的英语词义。n n eg.The stars twinkled in transparent clarity.n n 星星在清澈的晴空中闪烁。n n No country should claim infallibility.n n 任何国家都不应自称一贯正确。汉语虽然缺抽象词语,但表达形象、意象、联想、富有想象。n n3.1.4 形象的词语使抽象意义具体化。这样在英汉语互译时,可以化抽象为具体,化朦胧为清晰,化枯燥为生动。n nEg.He was open to charges of wilful blindness.n n 人们指责他装聋做哑。n nI talked to him with brutal frankness.n n 我对他讲话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。翻译技巧 P181-183n n1.1.汉语翻译成英语:汉语翻译成英语:“化虚为实化虚为实”n n他是个见异思迁的人,我想他没多大出息。他是个见异思迁的人,我想他没多大出息。n nHe is He is a rolling stonea rolling stone.I dont think he can.I dont think he can go fargo far.n n他挣的钱几乎难以维持生计。他挣的钱几乎难以维持生计。n nHe earns scarcely enough to He earns scarcely enough to keep body keep body and souland soul together.together.n n他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。n n He has many He has many hot potatoeshot potatoes to handle to handle every day.every day.英译汉:化实为虚,保留异国情调n nHis mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.n nCan the leopard change his spots?n nDont try to bite off more than you can chew.n nIve let the cat out of the bag.十五个吊桶打水,七上八下本性难移呀!不要自不量力!泄了密文化语言的翻译总是”令人遗憾的艺术“n n总之。无论是汉民族还是英民族都富含着许多形象性的词语或典故,具有着独特的语言文字特点或特定的文化含义。选用“虚化”、“实化”或“意化”等 化实为虚或化虚为实的手段,都是翻译文化语言不可缺少的 技巧。n nMore example on P 184 思考:派生词和词化现象有区别吗?P167n nOften in speaking a foreign language we seek in vain for a precise equivalent for some native word or idiom,and find that there is not any definite equivalent,and that we must content ourselves with a vague periphrasis.-H.Sweet“食”面埋伏 谢谢 谢谢 !