小班化英语教学案例-英语(新目标)八年级下第七单元第一课时教学案例一、案例背景“面向全体学习,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异 英语课程标准”,21世纪的教育更加以人为本,更加照顾学生个别差异、进行因材施教,因人设材。因此教学的组织形式应从批量生产式的大班教学向适应个性充分发展的小班化或个别化教学转化。,小班化教学因此背景而产生。小班化教学是适应了时代的发展,尤其是知识经济发展的要求,适应了人们对高质量教育的需求,它必将在我国得到发展。 大量的研究表明;小班化教育对提高学生的学业成绩、个性发展等起到明显的效果。对改变教育观念,改进教学方法、优化教育资源等有革命性的突破。小班化教育成为了教育的一场新革命。 心理学研究表明:学生在越受老师关注的条件下越容易取得成功(皮格马利翁效应)。小班化教学由于班级学生数的减少,使得教师比较容易关注到每一位学生的特点和个性。 “新基础教育”(叶澜教授)认为:教学过程的基本任务是使学生学会实现个人的经验世界与社会共有的“精神文化世界”的沟通和富有创造性的转换,逐渐完成个人精神世界对社会共有精神财富具有个性化和创生性的占有,充分发挥人类创造的文化、科学对学生“主动、健康发展”的教育价值;教学过程中师生的内在关系是教学过程创造主体之间的交往(对话、合作、沟通)关系,这种关系是在教学过程的动态生成中得以展开和实现的;“多向互动、动态生成”是教学过程的内在展开逻辑。小班化教学使得学生的自主探索成为可能,也使师生之间、生生之间的交流与互动更加充分。 二、案例呈现与评析新目标八年级下Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?.第一课时的教学目标是让学生学会用“Would you mind doing? ”表示请人帮忙的请求方式及学会表示歉意。笔者任教的班级是个30个学生的小班。根据小班的特点笔者是这样设计这堂课的:TopicWould you mind doing.?Function Make requests and apologizeVocabulary Not at all, turn down, yard, right awayStructure Would you mind doing? No, not at all; Sorry, Ill do it right awayActivity A game “Talk about the pictures.”Grammar Model verb would used to make requests in a polite way.Teaching aidsA recorder, multi-media第一课时简要流程:由Could you please? 导入本单元核心语言would you mind doing.? 之后通过师生对话和幻灯片呈现本课新词not at all, turn down, yard, right away。完成Section A 1a, 1b巩固not at all与right away用法,完成1c Pairwork, 再次操练和巩固句型would you mind doing? 和新词汇。最后设计一个游戏把本课所学的内容进一步巩固并加以拓展。说明 学生已经学过并掌握 “Could you please.?”,这为本课时学习“Would you mind turning down the music?”作了铺垫。本课时的一些语言如 “move your bike”, “do the dishes”, get out of the bathroom”等,他们贴近生活,极易引起学生主动参与课堂活动的积极性。具体教学步骤:Step 1 Lead in T: Oh, its too cold today, John, could you help close the door?S1: Ok, Ill do it at once.T: Thank you!More practice with “Could” 1. Could you listen to me? ( OK!)设计说明:学生以前已经学过“Could you please?”, 而通过对”Could you please?”的复习可以为本课时的核心语言“Would you mind?” 做好铺垫。2. Could you please close the window? (Of course, I ll do it at once)3. Could you clean the classroom after school? (Ok, Ill do it right away) Step 2 Presentation T: It is more polite to use could when we make requests than can. Do we have other polite ways to make requests? We have another way to make requests. Help students to say “Would you mind closing the window? (show PPT) , which means “could you close the window?”Point our that mind should be followed by v-ing. Ask the students to use change the following sentences using would”Could you clean the classroom after school? Would you mind cleaning?Could you help me with my English? Would you mind helping.?Could you not play your CD too loud? Would you mind.?Help students answer these requests:No, not at all, I will do it right away.No, not at all. Sorry, Ill turn down the music. (See PPT)More practice (See PPT)T: When we answer requests we can use: We may say: Not at all Certainly not Of course not I will do it right away / in a minute. When we apologize we may say: Sorry, I wont do it again.设计说明:通过对”Could you please?”的复习引出“Would you mind?” 使学生比较好的理解和运用“Would you mind.?的用法, 这样既复习了旧知识,又学到了新知识。新旧知识很好地进行了融合。 Sorry, Ill do it right away.Step 3 Talk about the pictureHelp students understand the picture and talk about it. T: What happens in the picture?S1: Some people are watching TV. Some people are dancing.S2;Some boys are playing baseball.T;What is the woman downstairs doing?S3: she is making a telephone call.T: What is she saying?S4: Would you mind turning down the music?T: What does another woman say?S5:No, not at all.T: What is the man saying to the boys?S6: Would you please not play baseball here?T;What are the boys saying?S7: Sorry, well go and play in the park.T: What does the man say to the boy about the bike?.Do 1a设计说明:通过图片里的情景,再经过对话,使学生进一步理解和运用“Would you mind.?的用法,同时也处理里词汇not at all, turn down, right away, yard,使词汇教学通过情景和上下文来教学,对学生理解和运用词汇都是有积极的作用。 Step 4 1b Listening 1. Listen and number the requests above in the order you hear them.2. Listen and again and repeat sentence by sentence设计说明:通过听、重复和朗读可以更好地理解以上的图片和里面的语言材料,更熟练录音稿中的语言材料。 3. Read aloud the typescriptsStep 5 1c Pairwork A: Would you mind moving your bike?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away. A: Would you mind not playing baseball here? B: Were sorry. Well go and play in the park.设计说明:通过看图对话巩固了新的语言材料,从听、读转到说,不是机械地训练,是运用语言来进行表达,是语言学习的高级过程。 Step 6 A game Play a game. Ask students to choose the number. Each number has a picture. Then ask the students to talk about the picture, practicing making requests and apologizing. Make requests Respond and apologizeDo the dishesClean your roomNot wear those old jeansGet out ot the bathroomGet upSorry. Ill do it right away.No, not at allOk. Ill do it / them in a minuteIll put on another pair.设计说明:这个游戏是对今天内容的综合运用,使学生进一步熟练今年所学的语言知识,并能进一步拓展。Step 7 SummaryMaking request and apologize, we may use the following: Would you mind doing?Sorry. Ill do it right away.No, not at allOk. Ill do it / them in a minuteIll put on another pair.Besides Would you mind?, we may use the following to make requests:Could you please ? Please . Would you please ? Can you ?Step 8 Homework 1. Review the new words and sentence patterns.2. Make up a conversation about making requests and apologizing with your partner.三、案例反思和分析纵观整个教学案例,我感受最深的是:小班化教学要有利于培养不同层次学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯、学习能力、创新精神和创新能力;充分调动学生学习的积极性,挖掘其内在的潜能,激发其主动探究的欲望;促进每一个学生全面而富有个性的发展,让学生充分享受各种教育资源,得到个性化的教学。而上述案例中设计的活动没有根据小班的特点,在培养不同层次的学生的学习兴趣,学习能力和创新精神和创新能力方面没有体现。特别是那些成绩比较好,又有表现欲望的学生,没有提供一个让他们展示自己的舞台。因此,我认为可以在教案设计中增加下面二个活动:Activity 1: PairworkMake new conversations with his / her partners.Activity 2 PeformanceMake a short plays about asking for help and apologizing.设计说明:这二个活动是对一般的学生可以使他们巩固和熟练掌握今天所学的语言知识,对成绩好的学生可以对所学知识有所拓展;编短剧并上台表演的活动满足了不同层次的要求,而且丰富了课堂内容,活跃了课堂气疯。四、结束语总之,小班化的教学要着力于拓宽学生的活动空间;丰富课堂教学组织形式;强化积极的人际互动;关注学生的个别差异;改变教师的教学行为,提高老师的教学品质,降低了教学劳力。 从教学结果角度来看,小班化教学有利于培养不同层次学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯、学习能力、创新精神和创新能力;充分调动学生学习的积极性,挖掘其内在的潜能,激发其主动探究的欲望;促进每一个学生全面而富有个性的发展,让学生充分享受各种教育资源,得到个性化的教学,促使人人成功。参考文献教育部. 英语课程标准(实验稿),北京: 人民教育出版社李冬梅. 英语课堂教学设计与活动案例,浙江:浙江教育出版社 7