全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 外.doc
全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计外研版英语八年级上册Module 5 Western Music Unit 1 You like western classical music, dont you?一、教案背景1、面向学生: 中学 2、学科:英语3、课时:14、学生课前准备:(1)预习课本,了解本节课的词汇结构基础知识。(2)让学生记下自己预习过程中问题。5、教师准备:录音机、磁带、多媒体教学展台。二、教学课题教学思路: 根据本节课的主题“西方音乐”,教师运用多媒体技术手段进行教学,更有利于丰富学生的视听体验,加深学生对教材内容的了解,使学生感受到音乐的魅力所在,提高学生的学习兴趣,促进学生的全面和可持续发展。知识与能力方面: 1、能够听懂关于音乐的对话。 2、能够谈论音乐的类型,用自己的话对音乐加以评论。 3、通过活动设计培养学生的自主学习能力和合作学习能力。情感态度与价值观方面:1、 激发学生学习英语及英语国家文化的兴趣。2、 激发学生的民族自豪感和自信心。三、教材分析 本节课的内容主要是围绕“音乐类型”展开,重点是关于西方音乐的谈话,需要学生了解几种基本的西方音乐类型,同时学会如何对音乐进行简单的评论,正确表达自己的观点和见解。在设计活动时,教师可以把话题的范围在扩展一些,让学生对比中西方音乐,了解中西方的文化差异和内在联系,从而加深学生对所学知识的理解。四、教学方法1、 运用多媒体信息技术创设情境导入新课。2、 利用课堂活动设计,鼓励学生合作学习。3、利用对比中西方音乐,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。五、教学过程Step1. Lead-in. Play the video materials about Michael Jackson. T: After enjoying the video, can you tell me who the singer is? Ss: He is Michael Jackson.T: Great! He is Michael Jackson. You know about him, dont you? If you know, please introduce him to us in your own words. (Some students will say something about Michael Jackson. The teacher also can give some additional comments.)One possible version may be like this: Michael Jackson is one of the most popular singers in the world. He is known as “the king of pop”, and he is famous for his “space walk”. He danced well and his songs moved millions of fans. Michael Jackson was the most famous musician in the 1980s. He created a modern MV, “Thriller”, a music video for the worlds first modern MV. He had many achievements in music, and he was a really loving person. He loved children and helped the poor children in need. T: Which type of music did Michael Jackson play? How many types of music do you know? Now lets go to the text to find the answers.(The video is intended to arouse the students interest in the topic and it is helpful to create a pleasant atmosphere)Step2. Presentation and practice. 1. T: Now open your books and turn to page 34. Listen to the tape and decide which type of music the people in the photo play. (After the students listen to the tape, let them talk about their opinions and judge the types of the music, and then listen to the dialogue to check your answers. Blues? Classical? Jazz? Opera? Pop? Rock? Techno?)2. Listen again and match the words with the music. T: In the box you read eleven words. They are for telling about the music. Now listen againMatch the words with the music.T: I think you can tell me what type of music Michael Jackson played. Its pop, isnt it?3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer like this:A: You like classical music, dont you?B: Yes, I do. I think its traditional. / No, I dont. I like I think(This part is intended to enable the students to use tag questions.)4. T: What type of music does Tony like?S: He likes classical.T: Now listen again. Check the people and the types of music they like. And check the true sentences.5. Answer the questions about the words in the box. Finish activity 6.6. Work in pairs. Ask and say what music you like or dont like.A: What music do you like?B: I like pop. Its lively and good to dance to. I dont like rock. Its noisy. What about you? (Practice the students ability to search for useful information and master the usage of tag questions.)Step3. Consolidation and extensionWhat other types of music do you know? Introduce the other types you know to your partners, remember to use the tag questions. What do you know about Chinese music? Can you talk something about Chinese music?What type of music do you like best? Why? Share your opinions with your partners.(These questions have no definite answers, which leaves room for the students to think. It is helpful to share their opinions, and raise their interest in thinking. )T: If you want to know more about music, you can consult the following websites:The types of music: Western music: Chinese music: Michael Jackson: Step4. Summary and evaluationT: From the different types of music you have introduced to us, we can learn that there are so many types of music in the world. Music is the representation of a countrys culture, and music is a universal language. Music can release your sorrow and loneliness, and replace that with a feeling of peace and love. From the perspective of music we can find some similarities and differences between Chinese and western culture. This is helpful to know about other countries culture.T: Every group does a great job today. We all learned a lot from you. Thank you vey much. After class, evaluate what we have done today and evaluate our performances. You can evaluate each others performance by giving grades. Design for blackboard Which type of music do you like most? ReasonsGroup One Group Two Group ThreeGroup FourHomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook. Evaluate your performance.六、教学反思本节课是外研版八年级上册Module 5 Western music的听说课,一节课下来我感觉教学过程很顺利,师生间配合也还默契,下面是我对这节课的反思。本课的导入部分我使用了迈克尔杰克逊的视频片段,因为大多数学生对音乐都很感兴趣,而且对杰克逊比较熟悉,所以导入非常顺利,学生们的学习兴趣很高。 通过他的歌曲与其他歌曲进行对比分类,使学生对各种音乐类型有了更感性的认识。这样的设计使抽象的知识具体化,使学生更易于理解接受知识,加深了学生的印象。通过中西方音乐的对比研究,拓宽了学生的视野,体会到音乐作为无国界语言的魅力,增强学生的民族自豪感和自信心。学生基本都能学会如何对音乐发表自己的见解和看法。希望通过本次反思,使自己能够取得进步。 第 4 页 共 4 页