SHYD-MP-PCEC-0001 程序文件编制格式 Rev 0.docx
Shanghai Yanda Engineering Co.,Ltd.上 海 燕 达 建 设 有 限 公 司0修改版Rev.日 期Date状 态Status编制人Prepared审核人Reviewed修改-评语Comments批准人Approved文件标题Document Title:程序文件编制格式Procedure Document FormatAir Products Project and Item No. PCEC ME&I Cryogenic Area EN-10-2573Air Products P.O. No. 4502389348Fabricator's Name Shanghai Yanda Engineering Co., Ltd.Fabricator's Job No. 2012-FB06-AP-PCEC Cryo-M发布 Issued by上海燕达建设有限公司AP陕西蒲城PCEC项目部AP Shaanxi Pucheng PCEC Project Shanghai Yanda Engineering Co., Ltd 文件编号Document No.SHYD-MP-PCEC-0001文件修改页 Document Revision Sheet修改版Rev.日期Date章节Chapter页Page附录Appendix修改内容Revise content02012.12.11第一次发布Initial Issue文件会签单 Document Countersignature Sheet修改版 Rev.部门Department指定责任人Appointed Person in Charge签字Signature时间Date备注Remark施工经理Construction Manager项目总工Site Chief Engineer安全部Safety Department技术部Technical Department质检部Quality Control Department行政部Administration Department物资部Material Department结构队Structure Team管道队Piping Team电仪队E&I Team目录Content1 目的 Purpose2 范围 Scope 3 参考文件 Reference document4 职责 Responsibility 5 文件的分类 File Classification 6 文件的编制要求 File Drafting Requirement 6.1 文件格式 File Format 6.2 文件的修改 File Modification 7文件的审核及批准8 文件的取消 File Cancelation 9 文件的适应性 File Adaptability 10 文件的储存和传输11 附录 Appendix 文件编号Document No. SHYD-MP-PCEC-0001 Shanghai Yanda Engineering Co.,Ltd. 程序文件编制格式 Rev 0 11 / 111. 目的Purpose 本程序描述的是上海燕达建设有限公司AP陕西蒲城PCEC项目程序文件编制格式要求。其目的使编制的文件,格式统一,编码规范,确保公司重要文件具有唯一编号,便于文件的识别、追溯和控制。This procedure is describing the file drafting format requirement of AP Shaanxi Pucheng PCEC Project of Shanghai Yanda Engineering Co., Ltd. Its purpose is to make the document prepared with consistent format, standard coding, to ensure that important documents with a unique number for easy file identification, traceability and control. 2 适用范围Scope 本程序适用于上海燕达建设有限公司AP陕西蒲城PCEC项目工程而编制的施工、管理有关的文件。This procedure applies to the construction, management-related documents prepared for AP Shanxi Pucheng PCEC project of Shanghai Yanda construction Limited.3 参考文件Reference document 3.1质量手册"Quality Assurance Manual” 3.2 冷箱车间制造或现场制造4ACB-680001 Rev 24 Responsibility职责4.1本程序由技术部负责编制、审核、修订和解释,项目总工程师组织质保审核,经项目经理批准后发布实施。The preparation, review, revise and explanation of this procedure is done by the technical department, the project chief engineer is responsible for the organization of quality assurance audit, and released after the approval of the project manager.4.2各职能部门安排相关主管或工程师编制文件、程序或施工方案,应遵照本程序执行。5 文件的分类The classification of documents 5.1公司体系文件分类The classification of company system documents: A层文件:手册Level A file: Manual B层文件:程序文件Level B file: Procedure Files C层文件:三级文件(包括管理制度、作业指导书、操作规程、相关记录、标准化表格、外来文件等)。Level C file: Three level files (including management systems, operating instructions, operational procedures, related records, standardized tables, external files, etc.).5.2 项目管理的文件分类The classification of project management involved documents 项目管理主要涉及B层和C层文件Project management is mainly involved in Level B and Level C files.各部门编制的程序,按下述定义进行归类,由项目总工审核。The procedures prepared by the various departments shall be classified by the departments as per the following definitions, and then to site chief engineer for audit.5.2.1管理程序MP Management Procedure ( MP) 为指导项目部各职能部门工作,各部门间的接口,以及各职能部门工作的方法、步骤,为完成工程实体服务的管理流程。5.2.2施工方案CP Construction Program (CP) 指根据一个施工项目制定的实施方案,其中包括组织机构、人员组成、进度安排、关键技术、重大施工步骤等、安全总体要求、施工危险因素分析、安全措施、材料供应流程等。5.2.3工作程序WP Work Procedure (WP) 工作程序描述的对象是具体作业活动,规定作业活动的方法和评定的准则;相关的安装记录,质量证明文件所需要的表格应加以描述,是施工方案的补充。5.2.4作业指导书WI Working Instruction(WI)指为保证某一具体作业活动的质量而制订的程序。5.2.5采购技术说明书PS Purchase Specifications PS 对采购物项进行技术说明,包括验收、储运、保存等规则。5.26 安全应急预案ERP;Emergency Response Plan 对突发事件处理的措施6. 文件的编制要求The requirements of documentation 根据项目的特点及合同的要求,由各职能部门指定工程师或管理人员编制,不必要的文件不需要编制,不适用的文件应当及时取消。6.1 文件格式File Format 文件格式包括封面、修改页、文件会签单、审核批准页、目录页和正文页,有必要时附图表。6.1.1 The document cover文件封面文件封面包括以下内容:文件名称、版次、状态、编制人、审核人、批准人、发布日期、修改说明、Logo。The document cover includes the following content: file name, version, status, prepared person, audited person, approved person, release date, modify description, logo.封面各项的填写规定如下:The filling rules of the Cover items are as follows:1)版次Revision a)文件版次使用英语字母,首次提交外部审批(PRE状态)的文件无版次(版次栏为0),批准后(CFC状态)以A版发布。项目部批准第一次发布的文件(CFC状态)为A版。文件升版按英文字母顺序依次递升。English letters are used for file version, the file first submitted to external examination and approval (PRE state) has no version (Revision column is “0”); after it is approved (CFC status) it is released as A version. The first released file approved by the project department (CFC status) is A version. File version update is according to English alphabetical order.b)程序升版还需送外部审批,则以P1、P2版的形式出现。例如程序从B版升为C版,那么送审应以CP1版报出,如需第二次送审,则以CP2版报出,依次类推。外部审批认可后,以C版CFC状态发布使用。The procedures update also needs to be sent for external approval, and then appear as the P1, P2 version. For example, the procedure was updated from the B version to the C version, and then submitted for review, it should be based on the CP1 version. For the second time submitted for review, It should be based on CP2 version, and so on. After it passed external approval, it shall be released and used as the CFC status of C version.c)所有升版送审情况应记录在文件的修改页中,质量控制文件在主副封面中列出,其它程序仅在修改页中列出。All the version update and sent for submitted for review should be documented in the file modify page, quality control documents are listed in the main and subsidiary cover, and other procedures are listed only in the modify page.2)状态Status 文件的状态,常用的有以下几种:The commonly used statue of file is the following:PRE表示待批准的准备状态。PRE- readiness state for approval.CFC表示已经核准,可以在工作中执行。CFC-that has been approved and can be performed at work.3) 日期Date 指文件的批准日期,由批准人填写。日期填写按照汉文习惯“年、月、日”的方式书写,但年份必须是四位数字。例如:2000年9月20日批准,应写成“2000.09.20”。 It refers to the approval date of the file, filled by the approval person. The date can be filled according to English habit “day, month, year" or Chinese habit "year, month, day", but the year must be four digits. For example: If it is approved on September 20, 2000, it should be written as "2000.09.20".4) 文件编码Document Coding System 文件编码格式如下:SHYD-文件类型码-PCEC-4位流水号常用的文件类型码如下:管理程序MP 施工方案CP工作程序WP 作业指导书WI采购技术说明书PS安全应急预案ERP6.1.2 文件的内容The file's content 程序文件的编制内容The preparation content of the procedure files 1) 管理程序The management procedure管理程序应包括(但不限于)以下内容:Management procedures, should include (but not limited to) the following:² 目的Purpose ² 范围Scope ² 参考文件,分为编制参考(上游文件)的执行参考(平行文件或下游文件)。Reference document is divided into the implementation reference of the preparation reference (upstream file) Reference (parallel file or downstream file).² 职责Responsibilities ² 程序内容Procedure content ² 附录(必要时,附表格式样。)Appendix (if necessary, like the attached format.) 2) 工作程序The work procedure 工作程序应包括(但不限于)以下内容: The work procedure should include (but not limited to) the following:² 目的Purpose ² 范围Scope ² 参考文件,分为编制参考(上游文件)的执行参考(平行文件或下游文件)。Reference document is divided into the implementation reference of the preparation reference (upstream file) Reference (parallel file or downstream file).² 工作条件(先决条件) Working conditions (prerequisites) ² 施工顺序(作业顺序)Construction order (operation order) ² 详细说明Details ² 附录(附表、附图) Appendix (attached table, photos) 3) 作业指导书Operating instructions c) 作业指导书应包括(但不限于)以下内容:Operating instructions should include (but not limited to) the following:² 目的Purpose ² 适用范围Scope of application ² 编制依据Preparation basis ² 主要工作步骤Major work steps ² 注意事项Note 4) 采购技术说明书 Procurement technical specifications 采购技术说明书应包括(但不限于)以下内容: Procurement technical specifications should include (but not limited to) the following:² 适用范围Scope ² 参考文件(上游文件)Reference files (upstream files) ² 质量要求quality requirements² 技术要求Technical requirements² 验收方法和步骤Inspection methods and procedures² 储存和使用注意事项6.1.3 文件的签名File signature 编制人、审核人和批准人应在原文的封面上签名。Preparation, audit, and approval persons shall sign on the cover of the original. 6.1.4 文件的层次File Level 层次分为如下几节,名称和编号是:The level is divided into the following sections, and names and numbers are:名称Name Item No.编号Writing Symbol 书写代号章Chapter 1顶头Align to the beginning 节Section 1.1顶头Align to the beginning 分节Sub-section 1.1.1顶头Align to the beginning 条Article 1)顶头Align to the beginning款Clause a)顶头Align to the beginning段Segment Empty two Chinese characters空两个汉字6.15文件的字体、字号和间距Font, font size and spacing of the file 1) 字体Font 程序文字使用宋体。英文用新罗马字体。Procedure text using the Times New Roman. New Roman font is adopted for English.一级标题:宋体加粗。A title: Times New Roman Bold. 2) 字号Font Size 修改页、目录页、正文、附录:均采用小四号字(细)。Modify pages, catalog pages, text, Appendix: adopt small 4 font (thin).封面标题:采用二号字加粗,正文标题采用小四号字加粗。Cover title: adopts the 3rd bold, text title adopts the 4th bold.页眉、页脚采用五号字。Headers, footers using the 5th font.3) 间距Spacing 页边距(计算机设定):左2.5厘米,右2厘米,上3厘米,下2厘米。Margins (computer settings): 2.5 cm left and 2 cm right, 3 cm top, 2 cm bottom.段前0.5行段后 0 行行间距:采用16磅。Line spacing: 16 lbs.字间距:计算机标准字间距。The word spacing: the computer standard word spacing.6.1.6 修改页、目录页、正文页modify pages, directory pages, text pages 修改页内容包括:修改版、章节、附录、修改范围。The content of modified pages includes: a modified version, chapters, appendixes, modified scope and format is shown in Appendix 4.目录页内容包括:章、节的标题和附录。The catalog page include: headings and appendix of one, two or three chapters.6.1.7 文件的页眉和页脚Headers and footers of file 1) 页眉Header 文件的正文、附录设置页眉。页眉包括以下内容:公司微标、程序名称、版次、页码,其格式在正文和附录的中。页眉的左右页边距与正文相同,上下居中。The header is set for modified page, catalog page, text, appendix of the file. The header includes the following: micro-logo of the company, procedure name, edition, page number, the format is included in the modified page, directory, text and appendix. The left and right margins around the header are same as the text, aligning center up and down.2) 页脚Footer 文件目录、正文和附录设置页脚。页脚设置文件编码,其格式包括在目录、正文和附录的中。页脚的左右页边距与正文相同,上下居中。The cover of the file, modify the page, catalog page, set the footer text and appendices. Footer to set the file encoding format included in the cover, modify pages, directories, text and appendix in. Footer left and right page margins and the text up and down the middle.6.1.8 文件页码File page 页码从正文开始编第1页,直到附录的最后一页。编排使用页码/总页码。Began to compile page 1 from the modified page until the last page of the appendix. The page number / total page number is adopted for the arrangement.6.2 文件的修改File modification 程序修改分为:发布修改通知单和升版两种形式。Changes in procedures are divided into two forms: releasing modify notice and version update.6.2.1 发布修改通知单Releasing modify notice 1) 对于程序内容的局部修改可以采用修改通知的方式进行,程序修改通知单的格式见附录1。For the part modification of the procedure content, way of modifying the notification can be used, the format of procedure modify notice can be seen Appendix 1.2) 一份程序的修改通知单不应超过两份。The modifying notice of a procedure should not be more than two.3) 程序使用部门接到修改通知后,须将通知号登记在程序封页修改说明中上,并将通知单装订在程序后;通知号的格式为版次+2位流水号,流水号从01开始。After a procedure using department receive a modified notice, it shall register notify number on the modify instruction of procedure cover page, and bind the notice on the back of the procedure.6.2.2程序升版 Procedure version update 程序有多处改动,必须升版。If a procedure has multiple variations, the version must be updated.1)升版时要在修改页注明修改范围,在封面修改说明栏注明修改原因,在正文修改部分左侧划线标明修改部分。The modify scope shall be annotated on the modify page when upgrading, the modifying reason shall be indicated on modifying description of the cover, and the amendment part shall be indicated on the left side of modified part of the text by drawing a line.2)文件升版,需和文件编制同样的过程执行审查和批准。The review and approval of the file version update shall be performed as the same process as documentation.3)程序全面修改时,不做修改标记。When the procedure is comprehensively revised, modify mark is not made.7 文件的审核及批准7.1文件的审核根据文件的适用范围,分别由部门经理、项目总工审核,重要的施工方案如吊装方案需要公司总工审核、批准;审核过程通常以邮件的形式发出,部门内部审核后,发各职能部门审核,无异议后会签。7.2文件的批准重要工作程序(施工方案)由项目经理批准后才能执行,其余由主管经理或部门经理批准。Important work procedure (construction plan) should be performed only after it is approved by the Project Manager, and the remaining shall be approved by the chief manager or department manager. 需要外部审核,需要在文件会签单后附加审核页,审核页见附录28 文件的取消Cancellation of documents 文件在项目部不适用,必须及时取消,按一定程序取消,并把取消单和文件封面分发给所有接收过的部门或人员。 Document of technology management shall be canceled according to a certain procedure, cancellation orders and documents cover shall be distributed to all the received department or staff.9文件的适用性The applicability of documents 新程序按本文件要求编制。先前已发布的仍然适用,升版时按本文要求修改。The new procedure shall be prepared as per the requirement of this article. Those previously published still apply, and when version updating, it shall be amend according to the requirement of this article.10 文件的储存和传输 文件以word版编制时,存储在电脑时,文件名按照下列格式:文件编码+程序文件名称(汉字)+版本号 文件进行交流和向外部传输时,通常以PDF格式进行。11 Appendix 附录附录1:程序修改通知单Appendix 1: Procedure modification notice文件名称:文件编码:修改内容1. 原有内容:修改后内容:2. 原有内容:修改后内容:以上内容经审核批准后执行。编制:审核:批准蒲城PCEC项目程序名称Air products批准 批准 审核 编制