2023年我们在一起作文600字 On December 8, 2023, a pestilential and breathed ground erupted. 2023年12月8日,一场瘟疫无声地爆发了。 On January 2, 2023, already had diagnose of 41 new-style and pneumonic patients. Virus of new-style coronal shape travels with splitting speed, diffuse. More and more people encounter misfortune, till two week hind, people just realizes, want the guaze mask since the belt. 2023年1月2日,已有41名新型肺炎患者确诊。新型冠状病毒以极快的速度传播、扩大。越来越多的人遭受不幸,直到两周后,人们才意识到,要带起口罩了。 This should beaming Spring Festival, be troubled by because of this epidemic situation however popular in a state of anxiety. 本应当喜气洋洋的春节,却因为这场疫情而闹得人心惶惶。 I see the Wuhan street that does not have one person for nothing almost, resemble extremely the camera lens in film biochemistry crisis. Guaze mask suffers mad grab, the price is higher and higher. The city is closed, how many person is forced to depart. On 10 thousand people entered a hospital, about a hundred person is gone. 我看到几乎空无一人的武汉街头,像极了电影生化危机里的镜头。口罩遭到疯抢,价格越来越高。城市被封闭,多少人被迫分别。上万人进了医院,上百人死去了。 I see, pass the old person of 7 a period of ten days, fumble gregarious software gives use hard, appeal to everybody. His wife, granddaughter and himself he, acquired virus, and his daughter, answer to be treated to cannot get, died unfortunately. He is how to long for a hope to arrive! 我看到,年过七旬的老人,苦苦摸索社交软件出用法,向大家求助。他的妻子、外孙女以及他自己,都染上了病毒,而他的女儿,应为无法得到治疗,不幸去世了。他是怎样渴求盼望降落啊! I see, parents fights bravely fight epidemic disease, girl of 6 years old cries aloud to monitoring crying: ; father, mom! How ; is helpless, how does choke fill in. 我看到,父母奋战抗疫一下,六岁的女孩对着监控大声哭喊着:;爸爸,妈妈!;多么无奈,多么哽塞。 But, we won't so be defeated easily. 可是,我们不会就这么被轻易战胜。 I see, lao father drives what the composition visited grandchildren to come to pay a New Year call, lying between the barrier on the window to drop a red bag and a packet of guaze mask however. 我看到,姥爷赶作文走了孙子的上门拜年,却隔着窗户上的栅栏丢下了一个红包和一包口罩。 I see, chinese female basket is obtained two Lian Sheng, shift to an earlier date one round to march Tokyo Olympic Games. The match ends, they are cheered for Wuhan, the hubbub that cheers for the motherland resounds through competition ground. 我看到,中国女篮获得两连胜,提前一轮进军东京奥运会。竞赛一结束,她们为武汉加油、为祖国加油的呼喊声响彻赛场。 I see, in the breaking up one's family in ; of case of arson of that ; baby-sitter forest father Lin Shengbin, bosom is worn a kind-hearted heart, the guaze mask that donated covalence to be worth 90 thousand 5000. 我看到,在那场;保姆纵火案;里妻离子散的林爸爸林生斌,怀抱着一颗和善的心,捐赠了共价值9万块的口罩5000个。 I still see, hospital of igneous god hill already built ending …… 我还看到,火神山医院已建设完毕…… Now, diagnose case load has counted the world to fall continuously, epidemic situation had improved somewhat. 如今,确诊病例数已经连续数天下降,疫情已经有所好转了。 I very ashamed remorses. As a student, the business that I can do stays in the home only, answer loudly only aid. In the meantime, I also very rejoice, feel happy oneself can live in so a warmth powerful nation. I am expecting eagerly, can go in blue sky one day. 我很愧疚。作为一名学生,我所能做的事情只有呆在家里,只有高声应援。同时,我也很庆幸,庆幸自己能够生活在这么一个暖和又强大的国家。我热切地期盼着,可以走在蓝天白云下的那一天。 The lovely worker that acknowledgment still is struggling in a gleam of people, the person that appreciate great medical service people, thank all passion the life, people that expecting good future. I believe, want us to be together only, can conquer is all and difficult. 感谢仍在一线奋斗着的可爱的工作者们,感谢宏大的医者们,感谢全部喜爱生活、期盼着美妙将来的人们。我信任,只要我们在一起,就能战胜全部困难。 In the A in A, cheer! 阿中阿中,加油!(文/陆熠月)