2023年赤诚之心作文600字 From ancient up to now, patriotic it is the topic that people place is fond of all the time. 从古至今,爱国始终是人们所热衷于的话题。 Period of day of the Song Dynasty, a northward nomadism name a group of things with common features rises abruptly, national big chaos. A husband of female bookman, in the night with one day revolting happening, serve as him of magistrate and do not have lead one's men in an act, and when take the advantage of chaos to escape. This feels for his husband very abashed for female bookman, reach the point that Wu Jiang presses down all right when them, she cannot refrain from ground song goes ; to be born regard as an outstanding personality, also be ghost hero to death. Think of Xiang Yu up to now, do not agree to cross Jiang Dong. ; this 1000 ancient the peak of poetic perfection, between the lines shows sentiment of Yan Yan that dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland fully. She, it is Li Qing according to. 宋朝时期,北方的一个游牧名族崛起,国家大乱。一位女文人的丈夫,在一天发生叛乱的夜里,作为地方长官的他并没有身先士卒,而时趁乱溜走。这为女文人为他的丈夫而感到十分惭愧,当他们行到乌江镇之处,她便情不自禁地吟出;生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不愿过江东。;这一千古绝唱,字里行间透露出殷殷的报国之情。她,就是李清照。 Period of the Southern Song Dynasty, a bookman is captured captive 3 years, the enemy for many times to his induce to capitulate, make the job with prime minister even, but he still does not waver in the least, expression wrote ; life sturdily on paper since ancient times who is had dead, leave historical records of understand without being told extraction pellet or powder. ; these a few pretty words. Before be being adjudicated again, still somebody to his induce to capitulate, his stoutly say: ; country already died, dedicate oneself to the service of his motherland in order to die only, other I am begged without place. ; then he to southern heroism die a martyr. His ; life since ancient times who is had dead, leave / of full marks of historical records of understand without being told extraction pellet or powder. ; already became name of through the ages sentence. He, it is Wen Tianxiang. 南宋时期,一位文人被俘虏三年,敌人多次向他劝降,甚至许以丞相之职,可他依旧毫不动摇,神色坚毅地在纸上写了;人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。;这几个俊秀的字。再被判决之前,仍有人向他劝降,他坚决地说道:;国家已亡,唯有以死报国,其他我一无所求。;于是他便向南方勇敢就义了。他的;人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青总分/。;已成了千古名句。他,就是文天祥。 Nowadays, in the New Year this 2023, this is destined is a not ordinary New Year. As the outbreak of epidemic situation, the people of the whole country people change solidarity antagonism epidemic situation. Everywhere medical worker people drive Xiang Wuhan in succession, in devoted front. They the drive that each is adopting honor permits no turning back, risking the danger that is infected, advanced line is being assisted. Defend cumbersomely take wrap the body in them to go up, cannot see their appearance, can feel their fervent atrium of the heart however. The sweat with big beans bead boil from your head fall, carry on the back after already all and drenched. Issueing guaze mask, a path chasm appeared on the face. They are not divided admitting a patient day and night, send a hospital each patient with one's own hands. Can be in this while also each medical worker enters emergency call room, but their there still is a smile on the face. Express little elder brother, cleaner, not famous enthusiastic citizen gives his one's pygmy effort in succession. But we believe, want our solidarity only, can have opened this crisis certainly. 如今,在这2023年的新年,这注定是一个不平凡的新年。随着疫情的爆发,全国人民们变团结一致对抗疫情。各处的白衣战士们纷纷赶向武汉,投入前线之中。他们个个抱着义无反顾的精神,冒着被传染的危急,在前线支援着。笨重的防护服裹在他们的身上,看不到他们容颜,却能感受到他们火热的心房。豆大的汗珠从你头上滚落,后背已经全部湿透。在下口罩,脸上出现了一道道鸿沟。他们不分日夜地接收着病人,亲自将一个个病人送出医院。可在这的同时也有一个个白衣战士进入急诊室,可他们的的脸上仍带着微笑。快递小哥,清洁工,不知名的热心市民纷纷献出自己的绵薄之力。但我们信任,只要我们团结一致,肯定能撑过这个难关。 The heart of a patriotic absolute sincerity, risking ablaze blaze, never have stop to had burned. 爱国的一片热诚之心,冒着熊熊的烈火,从没有停止燃烧过。(文/王忠旭)