2023年玉海楼作文600字 Today, I come to Zhejiang 4 collect books greatly one of buildings Yu Hailou. 今日,我来到浙江四大藏书楼之一的玉海楼。 Gate mouth, the couplet on doorcase is very marked, ; Yi Yuansong chrysanthemum, jade chart book. ; a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription: Cottage of 100 advance essence. This impression of deputy couplet is far although be white,look, light red can see however after approaching. Years vicissitudes of life, scour off bright before color, this light trace resembles is a key, leave later generations to go open collects books this the history of the building. 大门口,门框上的对联十分醒目,;颐园松菊,玉海图书。;横批:百晋精庐。这副对联的底色远看虽然是白的,走近后却能看到淡淡的红色。岁月沧桑,洗去了原来鲜亮的色彩,这淡淡的痕迹像是一把钥匙,留给后人去开启这座藏书楼的历史。 Walk into front door, clear minor details is big Confucianism the picture that Sun Yi yields a gentleman awesomely greet. The gentleman is wearing skullcap child, there is glasses of a pair of roundlet on bazoo, look bright, leaving short moustache, solemn even if " the analects of confucius " in ; is lukewarm and severe, power and not fierce, respectful and the appearance that brings ; description, be filled with deep esteem letting a person. Look with reverence the gentleman's picture, had seen his life brief introduction, toward right turn, from a few dense tree falls cross, will collect books before the door of the building. Door both sides is a couplet: One's pupils or disciples of ; kindly help secure the success of something, ; of Hai Chongbo billows, this is the literary work that foam of Guo of big literary giant is like. Collect books the building is a two layer buildings, upstairs it is to use those who collect books, it is to imprint below building composition the place of the book. The father that hears Sun Yi lets gentleman and him collects books in all 8, 90 thousand, existing one, 20 thousand protect existence luck to install city museum in. If want storytelling sweet family, their home is sure it is Number One Scholar. 走进正门,清末大儒孙诒让先生的画像赫然映入眼帘。先生戴着瓜皮帽子,鼻上架着一副小圆眼镜,目光炯炯,留着短胡,俨然就是论语中;温而厉,威而不猛,恭而安;描述的模样,让人肃然起敬。瞻仰了先生的画像,看过他的生平简介,往右拐,从几棵茂密的树木下穿过,就来到了藏书楼的门前。门两边又是一幅对联:;玉成桃李,海涌波澜;,这是大文豪郭沫若的手笔。藏书楼是一座两层楼房,楼上是用来藏书的,楼作文下是印书的地方。听说孙诒让先生与他的父亲共藏书八、九万卷,现有一、二万卷保存在瑞安市博物馆里。若要评书香家庭,他们家必定是状元。 In collect books there is pool of a small carry on one's shoulder between building and fast of 100 advance contented. In the pond, lotus leaf is next to closely, resemble the crowd of jostle each other in a crowd, unusually crowded. In antique courtyard, have so a green jade carries on his shoulder or back, become aware suddenly exuberant. 在藏书楼和百晋陶斋之间有一个小荷池。池塘里,荷叶紧紧地挨着,像摩肩接踵的人群,异样拥挤。在古色古香的院子里,有这么一片碧荷,顿觉生机盎然。 Fast of 100 advance contented is gone to again in go, be the former residence that Sun Yi lets a gentleman. There is the furniture such as bed, cabinet in the bedroom, there is different pattern on the bed, tu Jin acts the role of silver, although time is far, still see that day luxurious. Come to the kitchen, the kitchen utensils and appliances inside by wooden baluster round, for nothing hearth, black boiler, return lot having bavin, it is former model. This kitchen, already a lot of years did not firing cooked. 百晋陶斋再往里走,就是孙诒让先生的故居了。卧房里摆放着床、柜子等家具,床上刻着不同的图案,涂金饰银,年月虽远,依旧可见当日的豪华。来到厨房,里边的厨具被木栏杆围着,白白的灶台,黑黑的锅,还有柴堆,都是原来的样子。这厨房,已经有好多年没开火做饭了。 There is pool of a free captive animals by Yu Hailou, chi Li has a lot of small fish to loaf about leisurely back and forth over. At this moment, I as if the circumstance that saw Sun Yi makes a gentleman busy grant a fish to here later. 在玉海楼旁边有一个放生池,池里有很多小鱼在那儿悠然地来回游荡。这时,我仿佛看到了孙诒让先生劳碌后来到这里赏鱼的情景。(文/杨章)