2023年歇后语故事作文400字 Believe you know a lot of of which the first part, but do you know story of a two part allegorical saying? I tell a story of a two part allegorical saying to you today: The egg meets stone —— overrate force. 信任你们都知道许多歇后语,但是你们知道歇后语故事吗?今日我就给你们讲个歇后语故事:鸡蛋碰石头——不自量力。 One day, the egg goes watching stone and neighbour duck's egg than going all out, unfortunate is duck's egg was smashed by stone. The egg feels duck's egg is very miserable, egg white yoke shed one ground. In egg heart very ill-affected, want to avenge to neighbour duck's egg. 一天,鸡蛋去观看石头和邻居鸭蛋的比拼,不幸的是鸭蛋被石头砸碎了。鸡蛋觉得鸭蛋好惨啊,蛋清蛋黄流了一地。鸡蛋心里很不服气,想给邻居鸭蛋报仇雪恨。 Then, it begins to practice fighting stroke ability ceaselessly everyday. 于是,它每天开始不断练习抗击打能力。 Of these a few months exercise time in, the egg did not become strong not only, do oneself black and bluely instead, it is forced to be raised in the home. Its again and again considers: Why didn't I become strong? It writes a composition considering this issue continuously, had hurt ability to stop to think till it. 这几个月的锻炼时间里,鸡蛋不仅没有变强,反而把自己搞得遍体鳞伤,它只好在家养伤。它反复地琢磨:为什么我没有变强呢?它一作文直在琢磨这个问题,直到它伤好了才停止思索。 This it not dare again practice martial arts, it wants to be inferior to be being mixed directly stone tussle. 这次它不敢再练武了,它想不如直接和石头打斗一场。 Before the match begins, both sides gives the other side a contemptuous eyes, they two who is unwilling also give the impression of weakness. 竞赛开始前,双方都给对方一个轻视的眼神,它们两个谁也不甘示弱。 The egg was not taken protect, but the pattern that did not show any fear, the blaze that is avenged in its heart is burning. Egg and stone bump in abruptly like the car of travel of two high speed together, as a result your imagination gets, the egg breaks ulterly changedly, likelihood this momently, the egg knows he is wrong really. 鸡蛋没有带护具,但没有表现出任何可怕的样子,它的心中被报仇的火焰燃烧着。鸡蛋与石头像两辆高速行驶的汽车猛然撞在了一起,结果你想象得到,鸡蛋碎得面目全非,可能这一刻,鸡蛋知道自己真的错了。 This is: The egg touchs the story of stone —— overrate force, what did you comprehend from which? 这就是:鸡蛋碰石头——不自量力的故事,您从中感悟到了什么?(文/何东林)