2023年游云龙山作文500字 In the morning, weather all the more fine, I and mom will to cloud dragon foot of a hill fall, began the brigade of our mountain-climbing. 早晨,天气非常的晴朗,我和妈妈来到了云龙山脚下,开始了我们的登山之旅。 Along brow on one direction, a greet of an arch over a gateway that builds by white granite, among an arch over a gateway " park of Yun Longshan forest " a few gules big character appear dazzing all the more. Duration spring in March, through an arch over a gateway Xiang Shan writes a composition on look, the peach blossom that alls over hill leaves flourishing, na Manshan's peach blossom draped pink clothes as lush and green big hill, enchanting especially. Hearing tangy flower sweet, refreshing, be like place oneself in Yu Xian condition. 沿着陡坡一路向上,一座由白色花岗岩建成的门楼映入眼帘,门楼中间的“云龙山森林公园几个红色大字显得非常夺目。时值阳春三月,通过门楼向山作文吧上望去,遍山的桃花开得正旺,那漫山的桃花就犹如郁郁葱葱的大山披上了粉红色的衣裳,分外妩媚。闻着扑鼻的花香,沁人心脾,如置身于仙境之中。 We down winding and tortuous path, going slowly ahead, pine far and near of Yun Longshan is famed, these pine fall in the set off of the flower, appear upright is forceful, be just as a piquet that the hand holds steel gun, let people can't help click of the tongue gasps in admiration. 我们顺着曲折曲折的小路,缓缓地向前走着,云龙山的松树远近著名,这些松树在鲜花的衬托下,显得刚正挺立,犹如一位位手握钢枪的哨兵,让人们不由得啧啧赞美。 Prep against faces south, look far, old person of a few a cycle of sixty years carries jug to be in " lie Long Tushui " team of vestibular in front of waits receive take but of the prolong life " holy water " . Clear brook goes out from the gurgle in Shi Long's mouth, below the illuminate of sunshine, wave light is crystalline. Close lightly a spring, cool and refreshing pleasant is sweet, one relaxed emerge all over, make a person free from worry and clinking. 迎着朝阳,远远望去,几十名花甲老人手提水壶在“卧龙吐水门厅前排队等候接取可延年益寿的“圣水。清亮的溪流从石龙的口中汩汩而出,在阳光的照耀下,波光粼粼。抿一口泉水,清凉甘甜,一股清爽涌遍全身,令人舒服无比。 The stone with abrupt edge rank climb all the way, a grand and grand edifice towers aloft to loosen in this in the sea, it is famous Buddha smooth temple, it and natural landscape one integrated mass, give a person a kind of wonderful sense. Leisurely of sound of chant of the sutra inside the temple is transmitted, made Yun Longshan's distinctive picture. From cloister nearby, the dune that a discretion rises and fall as place oneself Yu Sha desert is general, attracted numerous children to fight noisely here play, good discomfort is vivid. 沿陡峭的石阶一路上爬,一座宏伟壮观的建筑屹立在这松海之中,便是有名的佛光寺,它与自然景观浑然一体,给人一种妙不行言的感觉。寺内佛经诵读声悠悠传来,成为了云龙山独特的景象。离寺庙不远处,一片高低起伏的沙丘就犹如置身于沙漠一般,吸引了众多孩子们在这里打闹玩耍,好不快活。 Come to the summit, stand erect of grand 9 dragon column is in we at the moment, it is cloud-kissing, there are 5 ungual true dragons on column, appear august atmosphere. Open view scene stage all around it is to use white marble carven all sorts of lifelike mural. Look, a modern city all stops eye ground, highway of around the city, heavy traffic; Boreal river park, poll assemble is moved; High buildings and large mansions, strewn at random have send. The brigade of time of Yun Longshan, relaxed and happy letting a person, mental coruscate, what enjoy nature alone is magical. 来到山顶,宏伟的九龙柱屹立在我们眼前,它高耸入云,柱上回旋着九条活灵活现、形态各异、生动逼真的五爪真龙,显得威武大气。开阔的观景台四周是用汉白玉雕刻的各种惟妙惟肖的壁画。一眼望去,一座现代化都市尽收眼底,环城公路,车水马龙;北河公园,人头攒动;高楼大厦,错落有致。一趟云龙山之旅,让人心旷神怡,精神焕发,独享大自然的奇妙。