2023年蚂蚁军团作文800字 I discovered magical one act in the doorway of our home today. I saw horse and foot of ant army group hits out, go seeking food. Ant people the head of a long round circle, there still is a pair on the head fine the antenna that grows again, grow long string like two. Be in this fine there still is a pair below long string again very small very small eye, if we look not carefully,still cannot see. There still is sharp big jaw in the lower part of the eye, resembling is the sword with two sharp black. 今日我在我们家的门口发觉了奇妙的一幕。我观察了蚂蚁军团全军出击,去查找食物。蚂蚁们长着一个圆圆的脑袋,头上还长着一对又细又长的触角,就像两根长长的绳子。在这根又细又长的绳子下面还有一双很小很小的眼睛,假如我们不认真看还看不到呢。在眼睛的下方还有锐利的大颚,就像是两把黑色锐利的宝剑。 Her bosom is growing 3 pairs fine what grow again is sufficient. Of its abdomen round billow, look at seem to be about to give birth to darling like. I see a big of their a dense mass of, sufficient have about a hundred! I crouch to look, wow, on the ground one big thickly dotted all is small ant. I still see one grows the ant that has wing unexpectedly, ponder in my heart: How to go into action this personally after Lian Yi? I am abrupt a few ant take the advantage of me carelessly, climbed my arm to go up! Look I remove gooseflesh. I shook her to go down rapidly. 她的胸部长着三对又细又长的足。它腹部圆滚滚的,看着似乎快要生宝宝似的。我观察他们黑压压的一大片,足有上百只呢!我蹲下去一看,哇,地上一大片密密麻麻的全都是小蚂蚁。我竟然还观察一只长有翅膀的蚂蚁呢,我心中暗想:这次怎么连蚁后都亲自出马了?我突然几只蚂蚁趁我不留意,都爬到我手臂上了呢!看得我都起鸡皮疙瘩了。我抓紧把她抖了下去。 I look carefully. Discover what draw them to before is a gone earthworm. I see these ant want go into operation again. These ant see bigger than them the earthworm of a few hundredfold, the feeling seems to fear a bit like. But they look at this colossus, advance despite difficulties, a few ant run to be being pulled fine the earthworm like the elastic that grows again. Composition but this colossus absolutely still. Other ant also climb over, some is biting the body of the earthworm, some is pulling the head of the earthworm, some exerting all one's strength the ground is pulled, but the earthworm is motionless still. 我认真一看。发觉原来是一条死去的蚯蚓把他们引来的。我看到这些蚂蚁又要开工了。这些蚂蚁看到比他们大几百倍的蚯蚓,感觉似乎有点可怕似的。但是它们看着这个庞然大物,知难而进,几只蚂蚁跑上去拉着又细又长的橡皮筋一样的蚯蚓。作文可这庞然大物纹丝不动。其他的蚂蚁也爬过来,有的咬着蚯蚓的身子,有的拽着蚯蚓的头,有的用力地拉,可蚯蚓还是纹丝不动。 Among them an ant climbs the past, touch other ant with antenna, seem to saying: We divide ; into two teams covey to be before the earthworm, covey is at the back of the earthworm, next two detachment resemble tug-of-war same, one reinstate force is pulled. ; passed a little while, this fine the earthworm that grows again was dragged two paragraphs, one end length a paragraph short. Unplug the ant of the river people climb earthworm body in succession, cut it a small with sharp big jaw a small, a gluttonous small ant couldn't help sampling secretly a delicate earthworm flesh, seem to saying: Earthworm flesh taste is truly good! Other ant very respect property, be in all the time break up an earthworm, did not eat stealthily. 其中有一只蚂蚁爬过去,用触角碰了碰其他的蚂蚁,似乎在说:;我们分成两队一队在蚯蚓的前面,一队在蚯蚓的后面,然后两支队像拔河一样,一起用力拉。;过了一会儿,这条又细又长的蚯蚓被拽成了两段,一段长一段短。拔完河的蚂蚁们纷纷爬到蚯蚓身上,用锐利的大颚把它切成一小块一小块的,有一只贪吃的小蚂蚁忍不住偷偷品尝了一口美味的蚯蚓肉,似乎在说:蚯蚓肉味道真正好呢!其他的蚂蚁都很敬业,始终在分割蚯蚓,都没有偷吃。 Passed very long the earthworm is become a small by cent a small, resemble sesame seed same size. Ant people some carries earthworm flesh on the shoulder, some is pulling earthworm flesh to go, return some to had lifted it high the top of head, general like Hercules high and mighty region is worn booty comes home, inside the log house that they were discharging shipshape team to return their warmth. 过了好长时间蚯蚓被分成一小块一小块,就像芝麻一样大小。蚂蚁们有的把蚯蚓肉扛在肩上,有的把蚯蚓肉拖着走,还有的把它高高举过头顶,就像大力士一般趾高气扬地带着战利品回家,他们排着整整齐齐的队伍回到了它们暖和的木头房子里面。 Ant can be the puppy of a flock of admire letting a person really, do not see them stature is small, the ant of unitive of one mind is OK still conquer elephant! 蚂蚁可真是一群让人尊敬的小动物啊,别看他们个子小,团结一心的蚂蚁还可以战胜大象呢!(文/郑明朗)