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Oxford English 八年级下册八年级下册Unit 4 More practiceTom and JerryGuessing game 1 1Listen to the songs and guess the names of the cartoons.Pre-reading What do you know about Tom and Jerry?2 2While-reading Task 1:Underline the names and numbers in the passage.Scanning Tom,Jerry,William Hanna,Joseph Barbera,MGM1930s,1940,17,seven,1142 2While-reading Task 2:Read the passage and then finish the exercises.()1.Who thought of the idea of Tom and Jerry?A.William Hanna.B.Williams boss.C.Joseph Barbera.D.William and Joseph.()2.When was the first Tom and Jerry cartoon shown in cinemas?A.In 1930.B.In 1940.C.In 1950.D.In 1960.()3.How long do most Tom and Jerry cartoon shown in cinemas?A.Around 7 minutes.B.Around 8 minutes.C.Around 9 minutes.D.Around 10 minutes.()4.How many Tom and Jerry cartoons were made in total?A.110.B.112.C.114.D.116.()5.The passage mainly tells us .A.the characters of Tom and Jerry B.the development of Tom and Jerry C.the maker of Tom and Jerry D.the total number of Tom and Jerry01 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100Back to Clock HomeCountdown ClockBy Dr.Jeff Ertzberger00 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100Back to Clock HomeCountdown ClockBy Dr.Jeff Ertzberger()1.Who thought of the idea of Tom and Jerry?A.William Hanna.B.Williams boss.C.Joseph Barbera.D.William and Joseph.()2.When was the first Tom and Jerry cartoon shown in cinemas?A.In 1930.B.In 1940.C.In 1950.D.In 1960.()3.How long do most Tom and Jerry cartoons last for?A.Around 7 minutes.B.Around 8 minutes.C.Around 9 minutes.D.Around 10 minutes.()4.How many Tom and Jerry cartoons were made in total?A.110.B.112.C.114.D.116.()5.The passage mainly tells us .A.the characters of Tom and Jerry B.the history of Tom and Jerry C.the makers of Tom and Jerry D.the total number of Tom and Jerry3 3Post-readingTask 1:Can you do the voices?Guess the name of the cartoon characters and try to do the voices.猜猜你所听到的是哪个卡通人物的声音,猜猜你所听到的是哪个卡通人物的声音,并试试为他配音。并试试为他配音。Oh,my own personal flurry!flr Hello.I am Baymax,your personal health care companion.kmpnjn Enjoy the clip of Despicable Me 2!How many characters are there in the clip?Standard for evaluation评评分分标标准准 满满分分10分:分:A、语语音音语调语调(4分分):语语音音语调语调是否是否标标准,流准,流畅畅度度(fluency)、清晰度清晰度(clarity)、台台词词熟熟练练度度(proficiency)。B、表演技能、表演技能(3分分):对剧对剧中人物的性格特点和心理特征中人物的性格特点和心理特征是否表是否表现现充分,充分,对对白是否富有感情,能否融入到白是否富有感情,能否融入到电电影当影当中。中。C、整体效果、整体效果(3分分):配音:配音节节奏、奏、时时机是否与影片相吻合,机是否与影片相吻合,肢体肢体语语言表达是否到位,言表达是否到位,团队协调团队协调度。度。ToneandPronunciation发发音和音和语调语调(4)RolePlayingSkills表演技能表演技能(3)CollectiveEffect整体效果整体效果(3)Total总总分分(10)The best voice actor最佳配音最佳配音员员Group AGroup B01 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100Back to Clock HomeCountdown ClockBy Dr.Jeff Ertzberger00 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100Back to Clock HomeCountdown ClockBy Dr.Jeff ErtzbergerTask 2:Show time!Do the voices for the clip of Despicable Me 2.给电影片段配音。给电影片段配音。Please grade their performance!ToneandPronunciation发发音和音和语调语调(4)RolePlayingSkills表演技能表演技能(3)CollectiveEffect整体效果整体效果(3)Total总总分分(10)The best voice actor最佳配音最佳配音员员Group AGroup BEg.I think Group is better.Because have good acting skills/a natural style/make a deep impression on me/speak loudly and clearly/express the characters feelings very well The best voice actor in Group is Which group do you think is better?SummaryWhat have you learnt from this lesson?4 41.the history of Tom and Jerry2.When doing the voices,we should pay special attention to the tone and pronunciation,the speed,acting skills;try best to express the characters feelingsHomeworkDo the voices for your favourite cartoon clip.5 5