Ancient European Literature欧洲古代文学.ppt
Chapter 1Ancient European LiteratureLiu YingWriters and their masterpieces Greek and Roman Mythology Greek writers:Sappho(612-?BC)Anakreon(ca.570-?BC)Aesops FableAeschylus(525-456 BC)Prometheus BoundSophocles(ca.496-406BC)Oedipus the KingEuripides(485-406BC)MedeaWriters and their masterpiecesAristophane(448-385?BC)The AcharniansPlato(427-347BC)Aristotle(384-322BC)PoeticsRoman writers:Virgil(70-19BC)AeneidHorace(65-8BC)The Art of PoetryOvid(43-17BC)MetamorphosisIdealized portrayal of Homer dating to the Hellenistic period.British Museum.Lived:ca.8th century BCvHomer and His Guide,by William-Adolphe Bouguereau(18251905).The scene portrays Homer on Mount Ida,beset by dogs and guided by the goatherder,Glaucus.(The tale is told in Pseudo-Herodotus).vWhat is an epic?vAn epic is a lengthy narrative poem,ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation.vThe first verses of the IliadGreece:Helen,Menelaus,Agamemnon,Achilles,Ulysses,Atreus,Troy:Alexandrus(Paris),Hector,Chryseis,Chryses,Antenor,Priam,Greece according to the IliadSophocles:Born:496 BCE,GreeceDied:406 BCENationality:AthenianWriting period:Theatre of ancient GreeceGenres:Tragedy and Satyr plays Sphinxs riddle:What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning,two at noon,and three in the evening?Sphinxs riddle:(Man,who creeps in infancy,walks upright in manhood,and supports his steps with staff in old age.)The Oedipus complex,in psychoanalytic theory,is a group of largely unconscious(dynamically repressed)ideas and feelings which centre around the desire to possess the parent of the opposite sex and eliminate the parent of the same sex.According to classical theory,the complex appears during between the ages of three and five,though oedipal manifestations may be detected earlier.Speaking of the mythical Oedipus,Freud put it in these terms:“His destiny moves us only because it might have been ours-because the oracle laid the same curse upon us before our birth as upon him.It is the fate of all of us,perhaps,to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father.Our dreams convince us that this is so.”