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1Chapter 7 Good Business LetterlContentsl7.1 Introductionl7.2 Envelopel7.3 The Parts of Business Lettersl7.4 Model Lettersl7.5 E-mail27.1 Introductionattractive business letter profitbusiness opportunities.writing guideline of good business letter in clothing industry.lBe clear,brief and businesslike;lDont write confused,overlong or pointless letter;lBe polite,friendly and informal;lWrite to communicate;lWrite concise and purposeful letter.37.2 Envelopel7.2.1 Envelope Patternletterhead quality tastesinside address same style4l7.2.2 Envelope Remarkremark wordslAir Mail,Printed Matter,Express,Registered,etc.lBy Courtesy of Mr.or By Favors of Missetc.lAttention of Mr.or Recommending Mr.etc.5lLecturing Exercises1.Write out some special notes of envelope.2.Give an example of illustrated envelope.67.3 The Parts of Business Lettersl7.3.1 Letter Patterninternational business letters definite sequence convenient standard pattern.78l7.3.2 Explaining of Letter PatternLetterheadlName&AddresslCable AddresslTrade MarkDatelinelin one straight lineltwo forms in dateline writingUSA:May 1,2001 or 1 May 2001UK:1st May 2001 9Reference NumberlDocument Number.Inside Name&AddresslName lTitlelCompany NamelStreet Address(P.O.Box No.)lCity State(Province)lCountryAttention LinelThe letter receiver10Salutationlflush with the first line of the inside addresslThe punctuation comma“,”(for UK)full stop“:”(for USA)lsalutationFormal Salutation:Sir,or Madam,Informal Salutation:Dear Sir,or Dear Madam,Subject HeadinglA brief about the contents of the message 11Body of Letterlmain part of the message lone paragraphlfew paragraphsComplimentary Closelsignature lvertical center lright margin.ltypes of general complimentary close Respectfully yoursSincerely yoursTruly yoursYours faithfully12Writers InformationlCompanys NamelWriters SignaturelWriters Typed Name and TitlePostscripts/Enclosurelprice list lgoods cataloguelspecial wording13lLecturing Exercises1.Write out the major points of a business letter.2.Write a letter with full block style by your suggestion(any topic)147.4 Model Lettersl7.4.1 Enquiry and Ordersimplicity clearing category list price listunit price sample swatchbrief receiver15Case I:A First Enquiry16171819lLecturing Exercises1.List the contents of an enquiry letter.2.Write an enquiry letter by your suggestion(the topic relative to clothing industry).20l7.4.2 OffersStyleOrder No.Size&Color,QuantityUnit price&DiscountTotal pricePaymentDelivery212223lLecturing Exercises1.Write an order letter about shell fabric by your suggestion.2.Write an offering letter about jeans by your suggestion.24l7.4.3 Payment and Shipmenttabulation essential details vendor purchaserpayment shipment considerationlIdentify the order details;lTabulate all the relevant details about product.lEnd with a friendly message.252627lLecturing Exercises1.Write a payment letter by your suggestion.2.Write a shipment letter by your suggestion.28l7.4.4 Complaint Lettersselling goodsenterprises handle 29303132lLecturing Exercises1.List the characteristics of a sales letter.2.Write a sales letter of garment products by your suggestion.337.5 E-maillUnderstanding of articleRapid expansion Internet NetworkShort message Clothing industriesElectronic messages Company Computer network34l7.5.1 E-mail ElementTolE-mail address lUsername lCharacterlDomain Subjectlstatement lincoming mail lidentify messages 35Cclbusiness communicationlcarbon copy Body Textlfull text lappropriate greetinglappropriate close.Attached Filelattach word documentslprogram fileslpictures lEnc.lbusiness letter36l7.5.2 Case StudySummaryWriting guidelines lKeep one subject per message,and dont cover various issues in a single e-mail.lUse a descriptive subject heading.lKeep messages short and to the point,and write short sentences.lUse bulleted lists to break up complicated texts.lQuote from the original e-mail if required and target dates.lConclude your message with actions required and target dates.373839lLecturing Exercises1.List the contents of e-mail.2.Write a piece of e-mail in the clothing industry by your suggestion.403.Writes a returned E-mail according to following messages.41ReviewinglBusiness Letter in different situationlWrite and return the Business E-mail for different situation in clothing industrylE-mail for sample approvedlOthers