ABMS BOEDT PresentationAs of March 07,2013NP&FA胡新煜胡新煜BOEDT Technology GroupThree-Dimensional Overview 2009 AMB Property Corporation 1Active Shutter 3D:3D效果突出,该技术实现起来比较容易,屏幕成本较低Polarization 3D:不闪式或偏光式,可视角度广,眼镜轻便,观看舒适裸眼式 3D:与LCD液晶工艺兼容,因此在量产性和成本上较具优势,不用佩戴眼镜3D Differentiated Strategy55inch RDZ FHD项目/裸眼 3D项目/FPR 3D项目36.5inch/32inch Active Shutter 3D 项目46inch FPR FHD 项目BOE Project Development一切都是我们自己的眼睛和大脑合伙“骗”了我们眼睛虽然看着同一个屏幕,但却要看到略有偏差的两个不同画面,主动式快门眼镜通过接收不同帧的画面实现,当频率达到120Hz时人眼观察不到闪烁内容。液晶屏幕无变更,成本低,效果好 Active Shutter 3D 详解详解3D显示技术发展方向与前景显示技术发展方向与前景3D显示技术多元化:快门式,偏光式,裸眼式,头戴式等市场调研:市场对3D产品需求日渐增高,3D显示技术应用领域逐步扩大发展方向:以健康为前提的条件下实现尺寸更大,清晰度更高,效果更好的3D液晶显示技术 2009 AMB Property Corporation 23D Market Research数据来源:互联网数据来源:互联网ZDC消费调研中心消费调研中心1)The operating portfolio includes the owned and managed portfolio and operating properties held through AMBs investments in unconsolidated joint ventures that it does not manage(excluded from the owned and managed portfolio)and the location of AMBs global headquarters2)Includes development properties available for sale or contributionNote:All data as of September 30,2009,includes investments held through unconsolidated joint ventures2013年年2月各尺寸月各尺寸3D液晶电视关注度液晶电视关注度2013年年2月市场液晶电视关注度月市场液晶电视关注度2013年年2月市场品牌关注度月市场品牌关注度 2009 AMB Property Corporation 3Active Shutter 3D 优势:优势:主动快门式3D技术有残影少、3D效果突出的优点,而且该技术实现起来比较 容易,屏幕成本较低,不论是电视、电脑屏幕还是投影机,只要更新频率能达 到要求,就能导入这个技术,市面上大部份的 3D产品都采用这个技术。缺点:缺点:1、亮度低、不停地闪烁,易造成视觉疲劳。2、易发生Crosstalk现象,造成左右眼图像不完全同步。3、观看角度小,眼镜较重。Polarization 3D 优势:优势:1、无闪烁,可观看舒适的3D影响。2、可视角度广,可在任何角度观察,3D效果不打折扣。3、无拖拉现象产生,可实现240Hz3D影响。缺点:缺点:3D效果略逊于其它同类产品。裸眼式裸眼式 3D:光屏障式光屏障式 优势:优势:与LCD液晶工艺兼容,因此在量产性和成本上较具优势。缺点:缺点:画面亮度低,分辨率会随着显示器在同一时间播出影像的增加呈反比降低。柱状透镜柱状透镜 优点:优点:3D技术显示效果更好,亮度不受到影响 缺点:缺点:相关制造与现有LCD液晶工艺不兼容,需要投资新的设备和生产线。Active Shutter 3D裸眼 3D33D Differentiated StrategyPolarization 3DPolarization 3D 2009 AMB Property Corporation 4空间分割偏光式空间分割偏光式3D显示显示FPR空间/时间分割方式圆偏光式,不易造成串扰分辨率减半,不适合大尺寸电视频率不用改变左右眼同时接受不同画面产生3D效果时间分割偏光式时间分割偏光式3D显示显示偏振式3D是利用光线的“振动方向”来分解原始图像,通过偏振式眼镜使得每只眼睛只能接受一个偏振方向的画面,达到左右眼接受到两组不同的画面。采用的圆偏光方向是有规律旋转的一组光,分左右偏振光,左右偏振光之间干扰非常小,眼镜片则一个采用左旋偏振光,另一个采用右旋偏振光则能达到效果。不同于快门式只要输出频率满足120Hz就可以导入,而是要在整张Panel上贴附一层FPR 用于将屏幕发出的非偏振光变成偏振光,从而产生3D效果。FPR贴附精度要求高,与像素点对位中间70um,两边120um时间分割方式能保证画面分辨率不变,但是需要提高率刷新频率至正常的2倍。空间分割方式与时间分割优缺点正好相反,不用改动刷新频率,分辨率降低一半。偏振式3D技术色彩小,颜色更为接近原始值。观看视角广,倾斜一定角度仍能看到高品质的3D画面效果。2009 AMB Property Corporation 5不用对Cell本身做修改,结构简单对不透镜精度要求高观测视角小,分辨率低3D Differentiated Strategy在Panel前放置柱状透镜,通过光线入射角度不同,折射不同的角度后分别为左右眼所接收,呈现3D显示效果屏幕亮度不会改变,但是分辨率等同于视差式会降低一半。观看视角小,移动会产生串扰现象,3D效果一般成本高于视差式。E:P=D:GQ:D=2P(D+G)结构简单,易进行改造。改造成本低亮度低,分辨率差,可视角度小视差挡板就是在光路加上一些遮蔽物,把部分方向的光遮住,只让某些角度的光可以传出去,人眼观测角度小,不能移动观看。挡板的位置经过精密计算,可以左眼像素(绿色)只被左眼看到,右眼像素(红色)只被右眼看到。观察位置偏移会产生串扰现象。柱透镜式裸眼柱透镜式裸眼3D视差挡板式裸眼视差挡板式裸眼3DE:P=D:GQ:D=2P(D+G)1/D+1/G=1/f3D Differentiated Strategy 2009 AMB Property Corporation 6空间三维图像不能显示较复杂图像高成本基于层叠胆甾液晶屏幕频率视觉效果 好,3D效果明显画面真实度高静态层叠式体三维技术静态层叠式体三维技术避免了运动扫描方式固有的亮度和旋转问题。观看角度受限,成本太高,不能量产化。计算机计算量巨大,类似全息影像,体积大,成本高。基于运动扫描的体三维显示基于运动扫描的体三维显示 2009 AMB Property Corporation 7显示装置为3维立体结构液晶电视无法采用真实的3D效果 成像为真实的3D图像360观测画面效果好,但暂时无法完成比较负责的图像不具备量产型基于运动扫描的体三维显示基于运动扫描的体三维显示1)Colliers International:Shanghai Industrial Property Market Second Half 2008在真实的空间建立3D图像,可以从任何角度观察,效果非常好,不但有心里景深,而且有物理景深。成像条件要求较高,现阶段用来成像的介质尚未完善,无法达到量产要求。成像内容简单,暂时无法显示较复杂的图案。不适用于液晶面板领域。可实现方法有:激光扫描式,LED阵列平板旋转式,基于螺旋加激光扫描式,柱面轴心扫描式。最多能显示10亿个像素点,为了减少死区,加入了中继转向器等精密光学仪器,成本大幅升高,设备制作难度大。激光的扫描速度有限,导致显示画面的容量叫小,无法完成高精度复杂画面显示。色彩单一,无法显示很复杂的彩色画面。平板旋转屏的清晰度受限,像素点在三维空间分布不均匀。3D Differentiated StrategyActive Shutter 3D 详解详解 2009 AMB Property Corporation 8利用高频载波信号实现红外信号的传输,确保时序稳定发射器每一周期发送一次红外信号,眼镜接收一次信号,左右眼各获取一张图片。需要电视或者充电重量较大红外或蓝牙传输方式视角较小佩戴时间长会造成头晕3D效果好,不损失图像分辨率为保证人眼观测不画面不闪烁,刷新频率需要达到120Hz,单眼刷新频率为60Hz同一时刻只有一个眼镜片处于透光状态,另一只全黑,利用红外时序信号,保证左右眼看到不同的两组画面。眼镜较沉重,不适于儿童及散光患者观看。SG 3D眼镜的构造眼镜的构造同步信号:60 Hz载波频率:37.9K Hz周期:16.66 ms高速液晶翻转易产生残像一次左右眼循环是一个周期,频率为60Hz通过红外同步信号与眼镜匹配时序红外同步信号时序图红外同步信号时序图 2009 AMB Property Corporation 9AMB Guangzhou Development Zone DCAMB Dalian Industrial Park DC1)Containerisation International,2008Active Shutter 3D 详解详解 2009 AMB Property Corporation 10Forward-Looking StatementsSome of the information included in this report and the presentations to be held in connection therewith contains forward-looking statements,such as those related to demand for China facilities,growth of Chinese middle class,continued Chinese government stimulus,cash sources to cover future capital requirements,the consummation of asset sales marketed,under contract or LOI,our plans to retire,extend and refinance debt and maintain fixed charge coverage at certain levels,estimated cash savings from our current dividend policy,estimated net G&A reductions,our opportunities and plans(including those regarding our global positioning and future capital deployment),our projected funds from operations,compound annual growth rate of our business divisions,future assets under management,same store and/or cash net operating income and other financial and operational guidance,our capabilities to drive growth,our future performance compared to peers and other market indices,rent growth,industrial and other market,GDP and trade growth,market drivers,trends and forecasts,port opportunities(such as ship capacity expansion,outsourcing trends,port market demand,port expansions,container growth,and escalating land values),on-tarmac opportunities(such as air cargo growth,ability to access and leverage positions,and expertise and key airport opportunities),hiring,performance and retention of key personnel,access to resources,leveraging of relationships,continuation and effectiveness of strategic drivers,information regarding our development,value-added conversion,redevelopment and renovation projects(including stabilization dates,square feet at stabilization or completion,sale or contribution dates,yields from such projects,our share of remaining funding,costs and total investment amounts,scope,location and timing of development starts,margins,projected gains and returns,sustainability,profitability,scope and scale of and demand for projects,targeted value-added conversion projects,redevelopment and conversion timelines,entitlement and repositioning potential of land),ability to deliver customer solutions,strength of lender and customer relationships,lease expirations,performance and value-creation of investments and market entry opportunities,real estate valuations,capitalization rates,acquisition capital and volume,scope and build out potential of land inventory,co-investment venture and other estimated investment capacity,terms of the co-investment ventures,performance,revenues and returns on investment,target leverage,future incentive distribution,asset management,acquisition and other private capital distributions and fees,timing of incentive distributions,private capital demand,launching of additional funds,termination of funds,future balance sheet capacity,ability to maintain credit extensions,our position to address debt maturities,interest rate changes,transition to open-end funds,and access to secured and non-secured financings,which are made pursuant to the safe-harbor provisions of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,as amended,and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933,as amended.Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties,there are important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements,and you should not rely on the forward-looking statements as predictions of future events.The events or circumstances reflected in forward-looking statements might not occur.You can identify forward-looking statements by the use of forward-looking terminology such as“believes,”“expects,”“may,”“will,”“should,”“seeks,”“approximately,”“intends,”“plans,”“pro forma,”“estimates”or“anticipates”or the negative of these words and phrases or similar words or phrases.You can also identify forward-looking statements by discussions of strategy,plans or intentions.Forward-looking statements are necessarily dependent on assumptions,data or methods that may be incorrect or imprecise and we may not be able to realize them.We caution you not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements,which reflect our analysis only and speak only as of the date of this report or the dates indicated in the statements.We assume no obligation to update or supplement forward-looking statements.The following factors,among others,could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those set forth or contemplated in the forward-looking statements:defaults on or non-renewal of leases by tenants or renewal at lower than expected rent or failure to lease at all or on expected terms,decreases in real estate values and impairment losses,our failure to obtain,renew or extend financing or re-financing,risks related to debt and equity security financings(including dilution risk),our failure to divest properties we have contracted to sell or to timely reinvest proceeds from any divestitures,failure to maintain our current credit agency ratings or comply with our debt covenants,international currency and hedging risks,financial market fluctuations,changes in general economic conditions,global trade or in the real estate sector,inflation risks,a downturn in the U.S.,California or global economy,increased interest rates and operating costs or greater than expected capital expenditures,risks related to suspending,reducing,or changing our dividends,our failure to contribute properties to our co-investment ventures,risks related to our obligations in the event of certain defaults under co-investment ventures and other debt,difficulties in identifying properties to acquire and in effecting acquisitions,our failure to successfully integrate acquired properties and operations,risks and uncertainties affecting property development,value-added conversions,redevelopment and construction(including construction delays,cost overruns,our inability to obtain necessary permits and public opposition to these activities),our failure to qualify and maintain our status as a real estate investment trust,risks related to our tax structuring,environmental uncertainties,risks related to natural disasters,changes in real estate and zoning laws,risks related to doing business internationally and global expansion,risks of opening offices globally,risks of changing personnel and roles,losses in excess of our insurance coverage,unknown liabilities acquired in connection with acquired properties or otherwise and increases in real property tax rates.Our success also depends upon economic trends generally,including interest rates,income tax laws,governmental regulation,legislation,population changes and certain other matters discussed under the heading“Risk Factors”and elsewhere in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,2008.