Romantic filmComedy film爱情片爱情片喜剧片喜剧片Thriller filmMartial arts film恐怖片恐怖片武侠片武侠片Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙卧虎藏龙Information in the poster(海报)(海报):Director:Characters:Ang LeeChow Yun-FatMichelle YeohChang ChenZhang Zi-YiCrouching Tiger,Hidden DragonOSCAR AWARDSBest Foreign Film最佳外语片最佳外语片Best Cinematography最佳摄影最佳摄影 Best Art Direction最佳艺术指导最佳艺术指导 Best Original Score Award最佳音乐最佳音乐 Ang LeeFilmsSenseandSensibility理智与情感理智与情感CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon卧虎藏龙卧虎藏龙BrokebackMountain断背山断背山Lust,Caution色戒色戒LifeofPi少年派的奇幻漂流少年派的奇幻漂流TaiwanFast reading:Match the main idea with each paragraphParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5A.The writers opinionB.The characters of this film.C.The plot of the filmD.The setting of the filmE.Introduction of Ang LeeStep3.Skimming True(T)or false(F)NameTypeSettingPlotCharactersOpinionCrouching Tiger,Hidden DragonMartial arts filmIn the early 1800s Peking rooftopsWestern deserts of chinaFall in love with,a good friend Get the stolen sword backLi Mubai Yu Xiulian Yu JiaolongMasterpiece,excitingFilmReviewLi Mubai (played by Chow Yun Fat)Yu Xiulian(played by Michell Yeoh)Yu Jiaolong(played by Zhang Ziyi)Careful reading Para 4;51.Why does Mubai feel that he cant marry Xiulian?2.Whats the character of Yu Xiulian?3.Whats the comment(评论评论)on Yu Jiaolong in the film review?4.What do you think of Chow YunFat?5.Why are Chows romantic scenes with Xiulian moving?Careful reading1.Why does Mubai feel that he cant marry Xiulian?2.Whats the character of Yu Xiulian?_ _,Xiulian is the character we care about most.Brave,good and strongBecause Xiulians fiance who has died was Mubais good friend.3.Whats the comment(评论评论)on Yu Jiaolong in the film review?Zhang Ziyi plays the part of Yu Jiaolong,4.What do you think of chow YunFat?5.Why are Chows romantic scenes with Xiulian moving?a young woman who is not as good as she seems.But one cannot forget the wonderful Chou Yun-Fat,who is as good with a sword as he is with a gun.Because their eyes show all the love that they must not express in words.directorsettingcharactersopinionplotCrouching Tiger,Hidden DragonFilm reviewdirectorsettingcharactersopinionplotCrouching Tiger,Hidden DragonFilm reviewWorkingroupsandretellthefilmreview.Payattentiontothefiveelements(要素要素)ofafilmreview.Setting:intheearly1800s,Pekingrooftops,westerndesertsofchinaPlot:fallinlovewith,getthestolenswordbackCharacters:LiMubai(actedByChowYun-Fat)Opinion:amasterpieceofmartialartsfilm,excitingDirector:directedby