测试理论及试卷分析系列讲座(1)熊捍东教师培训教师培训安庆师范学院外国语学院安庆师范学院外国语学院11.2 Why to learn LT?1.2 Why to learn LT?To enhance the theoretical level and quality of test-making(命题).To arouse teachers scientific awareness,not to carry out testing purposelessly(盲目),excessively(过度)or unreasonably(非理性).To deal with results of tests carefully and discreetly(谨慎),motivating learners interest.To become expert educators and enjoy life.1.Understanding of Language Testing22.Categories of Language TestingWhat kinds of testing do you know?2.1 Proficiency test2.1 Proficiency test(水平测试)To measure peoples ability in a language regardless of(不考虑、不管、忽略)any training they may have had.2.2 Achievement test2.2 Achievement test(成就测试)To measure how much of the language had been taught during a given period of time.2.3 Diagnostic test2.3 Diagnostic test(诊断测试)To identify student strengths and weakness and to ascertain further teaching plan.32.4 Placement test2.4 Placement test(分班测试)Place students at the stage or class appropriate to their abilities.2.5 Aptitude test2.5 Aptitude test(潜能测试)To predict a students future success,potential,capability in language study.2.6 Power test2.6 Power test(能力测试)To measure the level of performance with sufficient difficulty and ample time to complete.2.Categories of Language Testing42.Categories of Language Testing2.7 Speed test2.7 Speed test(速度测试)To measure the level of performance with many easy test items and a time limit.2.8 Computer adaptive test2.8 Computer adaptive test(计算机测试)Using computer to present test content and can match individual testee ability.2.9 Standardized test2.9 Standardized test(标准测试)Test that has been experimentally evaluated and found valid and reliable.52.10 Direct-testing2.10 Direct-testing(直接测试)To measure ones ability directly in authentic(真实)context and format.2.11 Indirect-testing2.11 Indirect-testing(间接测试)2.12 Discrete-point testing2.12 Discrete-point testing(分离测试)To test a single element of language or skill at a time.2.13 Integrative testing2.13 Integrative testing(综合测试)To test two or more(often a number of)skills or features of language together.2.Categories of Language Testing62.14 Objective testing2.14 Objective testing(客观测试)It can be scored with reference to a scoring key and with no subjective judgment.2.15 Subjective testing2.15 Subjective testing(主观测试)It is scored on scorers opinion or judgment.2.16 Norm-referenced testing2.16 Norm-referenced testing(常模参照测试)Performance is measured not with relation to teaching objectives,but with relation to group ranking(排名).2.17 Criterion-referenced testing2.17 Criterion-referenced testing(标准参照测试)Performance is measured not with relation to others scores,but with relation to criteria for a particular unit of learning.See the RSA test2.Categories of Language Testing7Accuracy(准确性)Appropriacy(适宜性)Range(范围)Flexibility(灵活性)Size(话语长度)Pronunciation still obviously influenced by L1 though clearly intelligible(可理解的).Grammatical or lexical accuracy is generally high,though some errors which do not destroy communication are acceptable.Use of language generally appropriate to function.The overall intention of the speaker is always clear.A fair range of language is available to the candidate.He is able to express himself without overtly(公然地)having to search for words.Is able to take the initiative in(参与)a conversation and to adapt to new topics or changes of direction though neither of these may be consistently manifested.Most contributions(话语)may be short,but some evidence of ability to produce more complex utterances and to develop these into discourse should be manifested.See the RSA test(The Royal Society of Arts)at intermediate level83.Main tests in the world3.1 PETS(Public English Test System)全国公共英语考试LevelsLevelsEquivalents Equivalents 12345To the level which junior graduates are to reachHigh level of senior graduates in middle schools4th level of CET To or higher than the 6th level of CET 4th level of TEM 93.2 CET(College English Test)&TEM(Test for English Majors)(大学英语&专业英语)NameAdministratorPurposeTypeCETCET TEMTEM The 4th&6th Level Committee of National College English To check the teaching objectives set by College English Curriculum The Foreign Language Major Instructing Group of the National Higher Education Committee To check the objectives set by the basic curriculum for English major or by the advanced curriculum for senior students Criterion-related norm referenced test.尺度相关常模参照性考试 103.3 3.3 TOEFLTOEFL,GRE&,GRE&GMATGMAT(托福、美国研究生入学考试&国外工商管理硕士MBA入学考试)AbbreviationAbbreviationFull nameFull namePurposePurposeAdministratorAdministratorTOEFLGREGMAT国外工商管理硕士MBA入学考试Test of English as a Foreign LanguageProficiency test for entering colleges in A.&Canada,excluding AustraliaGraduate Record ExaminationFor entrance of postgraduate,knowledge test:(General Test/Aptitude Test;Subject Test/Advanced Test)Graduate Management Admission Test(美国商学院研究所入学考试委员会)同样委托ETS设计举办For entrance of MBA,math competence,language comp.,logical thinking,problem solving.Not only in Am.but in Europe.Founded by ETS(Educational Testing Service,Princeton,New Jersey)in 1947,the biggest non-profit assessment organization,educational research leader,service for 200 countries and in charge of 12,000,000 individuals tests.113.4 IELTS(雅思)Abbr.Full namePurposeAdministratorIELTSIELTSInternational English Language Testing System(国际英语语言测试系统)For studying in English-speaking countries,especially in Commonwealth of Nations1.The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate UCLES2.The British Council3.IDP Education Australia 剑桥大学考试委员会英国文化协会澳大利亚教育国际开发署124.Criteria of Language Testing4.1 Whats validity(效度)?In testing,it refers to the degree to which a test actually measures what it is supposed to measure.4.1.1 Face validity(表面效度)The extent to which a test appears to measure what it claims to measure.4.1.2 Content validity(内容效度)A test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample of the language skills,structure,etc.with which it(test)is meant to be concerned.134.1.3 Construct validity(构建效度)The extent to which the planned skills are actually measured in a test.4.1.4 Concurrent validity(共时效度)The extent to which scores on a new test correspond to scores before.4.1.5 Predictive validity(预测效度)The correlation coefficient(相关系数)between scores from an aptitude test and scores later.4.Criteria of Language Testing144.2 Whats reliability(信度)?Refers to the consistency(一致性)of the scores from a test.See the calculation(信度计算)Thank you for the cooperation!4.Criteria of Language Testing15