Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 3:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation TranslationUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.In In paragraph paragraph 1,1,the the author author says says that that we we are are in in the the middle middle of of a a sixth sixth great great extinction.extinction.What What are are these these great great extinctions?extinctions?Could Could you you name name some.some.In In what what way way is is the the current current great great extinction different from the previous five ones?extinction different from the previous five ones?The The difference difference lies lies in in the the fact fact that that the the previous previous five five great great extinctions extinctions have have occurred occurred for for natural natural causes,causes,but but the the current current great great extinction extinction has has been been caused caused by by human human activities.activities.ReferenceReferenceEx.I,p.50Unit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.What is the author trying to do with paragraph 2?What is the author trying to do with paragraph 2?The The author author gives gives us us some some examples examples to to show show what what human human needs needs have have caused caused the the current current great great extinction.extinction.Generally Generally speaking,they are humans needs for survival.speaking,they are humans needs for survival.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.Why Why did did the the buffalo buffalo and and the the passenger passenger pigeon pigeon in in North North America become extinct?America become extinct?Both Both the the buffalo buffalo and and the the passenger passenger pigeon pigeon became became extinct extinct owing to owing to overhuntingoverhunting by humans.by humans.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.What What point point does does the the author author want want to to illustrate illustrate by by writing writing about the European rabbits in paragraph 4?about the European rabbits in paragraph 4?He He wants wants to to illustrate illustrate that that natural natural habitats habitats of of some some native native species species could could be be destroyed destroyed by by the the introduction introduction of of foreign foreign species.species.The The introduction introduction of of European European rabbits rabbits into into Australia Australia is is a a good good example.example.They They multiplied multiplied quickly quickly and and threatened threatened the the habitat habitat of of native native grazing grazing animals animals in in Australia by eating all the vegetation.Australia by eating all the vegetation.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.In In paragraph paragraph 5,5,the the author author states states that that humans humans endanger endanger other other species species by by destroying destroying their their natural natural habitats.habitats.What What example does the author give to support this statement?example does the author give to support this statement?The The example example is:is:The The rapid rapid shrinking shrinking of of rainforest rainforest caused caused the loss of many species that made their homes in it.the loss of many species that made their homes in it.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.What can we learn from paragraph 8?What can we learn from paragraph 8?Each Each life life form form occupies occupies a a special special place place in in the the ecosystem,ecosystem,and and the the disappearance disappearance of of any any species species will will affect affect other other species species in in the the ecosystem.ecosystem.But But 74 74 species species are are dying dying out out every day.every day.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.What What are are the the two two advantages advantages that that biodiversity biodiversity has has over over monocultures according to paragraphs 912?monocultures according to paragraphs 912?1)1)Biodiversity Biodiversity makes makes it it possible possible for for useful useful substances substances to to be found in species we havent got to test or study.be found in species we havent got to test or study.2)2)Biodiversity Biodiversity will will save save humanity humanity from from being being starved starved to to death death owing owing to to their their great great dependence dependence on on a a small small number of species.number of species.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.8.In In paragraph paragraph 10,10,the the author author writes writes about about the the Pacific Pacific yew yew tree.tree.What What makes makes the the Pacific Pacific yew yew tree tree so so highly highly valued valued today?today?What What does does the the author author want want to to tell tell us us by by mentioningthismentioningthis tree?tree?Because Because it it is is discovered discovered that that the the bark bark of of the the Pacific Pacific yew yew tree tree contains contains a a substance substance called called taxoltaxol,which which can can effectively effectively treat treat certain certain kinds kinds of of cancer.cancer.By By mentioning mentioning this this tree,tree,the the author author wants wants to to tell tell us us that that many many species species may die out before their value is discovered.may die out before their value is discovered.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.What is the main idea of paragraph 11?What is the main idea of paragraph 11?Paragraph Paragraph 11 11 mainly mainly tells tells us us that that the the value value of of the the vast vast majority majority of of species species has has yet yet to to be be discovered.discovered.It It is is very very important important for for us us to to protect protect the the diversity diversity of of species.species.If If we we dont,dont,we we will will lose lose species species that that may may turn turn out out to to be be extremely important to our own survival.extremely important to our own survival.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10.What point is suggested by the last paragraph?What point is suggested by the last paragraph?It It suggests suggests that that its its hard hard to to tell tell whether whether these these protective protective methods methods will will be be effective effective or or not not now now because because the the rapid rapid human human population population growth growth may may make make it it difficult difficult to to put put these these methods into practice.methods into practice.ReferenceReference1.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.12).12)2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.315).315)3.3.Conclusion(Para.16)Conclusion(Para.16)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textEx.II,p.511.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.12).12)We We are are in in the the middle middle of of a a sixth sixth great great extinction,extinction,which which is is caused by _.caused by _.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the texthuman activitieshuman activities2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.315).315)1)1)_ _ that that human human activities activities endanger endanger other other species.(species.(ParasParas.35).35)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textThree major waysThree major ways2)2)The The reasons reasons why why we we should should preserve preserve every every life-form life-form on on earth.(earth.(ParasParas.613).613)3)Methods of protecting endangered species.(Paras.1415)3)Methods of protecting endangered species.(Paras.1415)2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.315).315)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1)_ _ that that human human activities activities endanger endanger other other species.(species.(ParasParas.35).35)Three major waysThree major waysA.A.Human Human beings beings _ _ for for their their meat,meat,bones,skins or for protecting their crops and livestock.bones,skins or for protecting their crops and livestock.B.B.Foreign Foreign species species introduced introduced by by human human beings beings can can _._.C.C.Human Human beings beings _ _ by by cutting down forests,building towns,etc.cutting down forests,building towns,etc.kill off animals directlykill off animals directlyendanger the habitat of native speciesendanger the habitat of native speciesdestroy animals natural habitatsdestroy animals natural habitats2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.315).315)2)2)The The reasons reasons why why we we should should preserve preserve every every life-form life-form on on earth.(earth.(ParasParas.613).613)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textA._.A._.B.The variety of species can add natural beauty.B.The variety of species can add natural beauty.C.Some species provide humans with economic value.C.Some species provide humans with economic value.D.Each life-form _.D.Each life-form _.E.Biodiversity has obvious advantages over _.E.Biodiversity has obvious advantages over _.Every life-form has a right to existEvery life-form has a right to existoccupies a place within its ecosystemoccupies a place within its ecosystemmonoculturesmonocultures2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.315).315)3)Methods of protecting endangered species.(Paras.1415)3)Methods of protecting endangered species.(Paras.1415)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textA._.A._.B._.B._.C.Protecting animals through captive breeding(zoos).C.Protecting animals through captive breeding(zoos).Passing lawsPassing lawsSetting aside national parks and preservesSetting aside national parks and preservesText OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the text3.3.Conclusion(Para.16)Conclusion(Para.16)We We Its Its hard hard to to tell tell the the effectiveness effectiveness of of these these protective protective methods methods now.now.The The biggest biggest problem problem remains remains _._.how to meet the needs of a growing human populationhow to meet the needs of a growing human population1.1.The The passenger passenger pigeon pigeon was was a a _ _ example example of of a a species species that was made extinct by that was made extinct by overhuntingoverhunting.primeprime Unit 3:VocabularyVocabularycomponentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivityPart A,Ex.V,p.53Complete Complete the the following following sentences sentences with with words words given given below,below,makingmaking sure sure that that each each word word is is used used in in the the right right form.form.2.2.Climate,Climate,soil,soil,water,water,and and air air are are nonliving nonliving _ _ of of an an ponentscomponents Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity3.3.As As a a language,language,English English is is _ _ from from the the Anglo-Saxon,Anglo-Saxon,a a West West Germanic Germanic variety,variety,although although its its current current vocabulary vocabulary includes words from many languages.includes words from many languages.derivedderived componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 4.4.Stopping Stopping the the loss loss of of _ _ and and limiting limiting climate climate change change are are the the two two most most important important challenges challenges facing facing our our planet.planet.biodiversitybiodiversity componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 5.5.A A recent recent report report claims claims that that Microsoft Microsoft products,products,with with their their market market dominance,dominance,are are creating creating a a computing computing _ _ thats dangerously susceptible to worms and other attacks.thats dangerously susceptible to worms and other attacks.monoculturemonoculturecomponentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 6.6.The The December December 26,26,2004 2004 Indian Indian Ocean Ocean tsunami tsunami was was reported reported to to have have killed killed more more than than 225,000 225,000 people,people,and and with with _ others missing or losing their homes._ others missing or losing their homes.uncounteduncounted componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 7.7.With With the the invention invention of of blogsblogs,the the number number of of websites websites that that would would be be interesting interesting to to follow follow each each day day has has _ _ several times over.several times over.multipliedmultiplied componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 8.8.The The movie movie Two Two Brothers Brothers tells tells the the story story that that two two tigers tigers are are separated separated as as cubs cubs and and taken taken into into _,_,only only to to be be reunited years later as enemies.reunited years later as enemies.captivitycaptivity componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegislationcaptivitycaptivity Unit 3:VocabularyVocabulary 9.9.In In 2000 2000 and and again again in in 2002,2002,the the US US congress congress considered considered _ _ to to limit limit violent violent content content and and more more tightly tightly regulate regulate the video games industry in America.the video games industry in America.legislationlegislation componentcomponentmonoculturemonoculturemultiplymultiplyconserveconserveprimeprimetropicaltropicalderivederiveuncounteduncountedbiodiversitybiodiversityendangerendangerlegislationlegisl