再婚家庭未成年子女身心健康问题研究,社会工作论文本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 再婚家庭未成年子女身心健康问题研究【第一章 第二章】【第三章】【4.1 - 4.3】【4.4】【4.5】【结论/以下为参考文献】 中文内容摘要 有研究表示清楚,再婚家庭重组后孩子的心理健康状况令人担忧朱惠静,2020,但当前大部分研究以社会学或心理学的调查研究为主,而采取支持性干涉,尤其是社会工作参与的支持性干涉较少,相应地这方面的研究也较为贫乏。在为数不多的社会工作干涉中,又以侧重外部性支持为主,缺乏案主内在支持、自我救助的实务性研究。因而,怎样针对案主的需求,以案主内在支持和自我救助为出发点,切实帮助再婚家庭的未成年子女的心理能健康成长,是未成年社会工作的重要内容。 本研究以 Ellis 的 ABC 理论中关于认知因素对案主心理行为的影响作用为理论根据,选取再婚家庭中一名未成年为案主,以访视、心理晤谈等个案工作的专业方式方法,同时运用心理社会治疗形式、理性情绪疗法和人本治疗疗法这三种个案工作治疗形式对案主进行了干涉与研究。讨论并验证了 Ellis 的 ABC 理论中关于认知因素对案主心理行为的影响作用,同时比拟了三种个案工作形式在改善再婚家庭未成年子女的心理健康问题上的不同效果。 本研究首先发现案主的心理健康问题表现为:对家人的不满情绪、与家庭成员沟通困难、很难适应新的家庭环境。 导致案主心理健康问题的原因在于:1.未成年在父母关系破裂后,对父母的情感需求不能得到知足;2.再婚家庭三角关系的复杂化与家庭成员关系紧张影响了案主对家庭和自我概念的消极认知;3.案主的社会支持处于碎片化的缺陷状态,缺乏自我心理调适能力,进一步加剧了得案主对家庭和自我概念的消极认知。 通过社工干涉与研究发现,心理社会治疗形式、理性情绪疗法和人本治疗疗法三种形式对案主的心理健康状况改善有一定的效果,详细表如今:1.对家人的负面情绪有所减轻;2.和家人的关系得到了一定程度的改善,学会了沟通的技巧,与家人沟通的频率和能力有所提高。以上三种治疗形式的运用,主要是根据案主心理健康问题的根本原因的三个方面来选择的,在实务干涉经过当中分别对案主需求、自我消极体验、家庭沟通、自我心理调适等方面起到了一定程度的效果。 所以本研究中利用三种治疗形式各自的优势与其之间缺乏的互补,使得社工干涉与研究得到了顺利的进行。 据此,本次研究验证了 Ellis 的 ABC 理论中关于认知因素对案主心理行为的影响作用,通过个案工作对案主非理性信念的修通,案主对家人的负面情绪和沟通能力差的状况得到有效改善。详细结论包括:1.案主的心理问题产生的根本原因在于是案主本身积累下来的消极自我体验,父母再婚后的外部环境压力,即内外因交互作用的结果;2.案主对再婚家庭和自我概念的消极认知,是案主心理健康问题出现的重要影响因素,华而不实外部环境的改变对案主的认知有重要影响;3.别人的鼓励、支持案主回归亲属网络体系,有利于案主构成良好的自我认知,进而使案主从心理上产生归属感,知足安全与爱的需求;4.别人的积极、正向评价能够帮助案主树立起对家庭与自个的自信心,一定程度上改善案主对家庭与自我构成的消极认识。 本文关键词语:再婚家庭,未成年子女,实务研究,个案社会工作 Abstract Studies have shown that step-families restructuring after the child s mental healthconcern Zhu Huijing, 2020, but at present most of the research is based on study ofsociology or psychology, but adopt supportive intervention, especially in the socialwork intervention of supporting dare to less, accordingly, the research is alsorelatively poor. In a handful of social work intervention, and with emphasis onexternal support is given priority to, the lack of a director of internal support, self-helppractice and research. Therefore, how to according to the need of egotism to directorinner support and self-help, truly help remarried families of minor children s mentalhealth growth, is a very meaningful in adolescent social work some topics. methods of case work is given priority to, at the same time with the model ofpsychosocial treatment, rational emotional therapy and client-centered therapyintervention and study is made on three models of egotism. Not only discusses theremarried families minor children, the cause of mental health problems and verify theacademic circle about remarried families minor children the influence factors ofmental health problems of research conclusion, and compares the three case workmodes in the improvement of mental health problems in stepfamilies minor childrenof different effects. This study found that the fundamental reason for the director of mental healthproblems is: 1. The director is a minor physical and mental development period, to theemotional needs of the parents have not been satisfied; 2. The family of complicatedtriangle relationship of communication with family members don t open led to thedirector of the negative ego experience; 3. The parents of any party to remarry makesthe director of social support in the fragmentation of the defect state, further getdirector of family and self concept of negative cognition, discontent, and thus to thefamily member, it is difficult to adapt to the new home environment, lack of selfpsychological adjustment ability, difficulty to communicate with family members. Action research found that psychosocial treatment pattern, the rational emotionaltherapy and client-centered therapy three models, to improve mental healthdirector has certain effect, specific displays in: 1, to his family reduced negativeemotions; 2, and family relationships are improved to a certain extent, learned theskills of communication, the frequency of communication with family and abilityhave improved. On this basis, this study tested A Ellis ABC theory of cognitive factors in the roleof director of psychological behavior. Through case work for director of irrationalbeliefs, new director, effectively improve negative emotions and behavior. Specificconclusions include: 1, the director of the psychological problems are essentiallydirector itself accumulated experience negative ego, director of the early emotionalneeds are not met, their parents remarriage after external environment pressure,namely the interaction of internal cause and external cause results; 2, director ofremarried families and self concept of negative cognition, is one of the importantfactors affecting the director of mental health problems, including the change ofexternal environment has a significant effect to the director of the cognitive, 3, otherpeople s encourage and support the director regression relatives network system,namely to establish a close parent-child relationship with his father, frompsychological belonging, access to safe and love needs; 4, the active and positiveevaluation can help the director of others set up for families with their own confidence,to some extent improve the director negative understanding of family and selfformation; 5, workers of egotism unconditional respect and trust can effectivelyalleviate the negative emotions of egotism. Keywords: Step-families Underaged children Practical research Social caseswork 目录 中文内容摘要 Abstract 第一章 绪论 1.1 研究背景与问题 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究意义 1.3.1 理论意义 1.3.2 现实意义 第二章 文献综述 2.1 国外研究现在状况 2.2 国内相关研究 2.2.1 关于再婚家庭中未成年子女身心发展状况研究 2.2.2 关于再婚家庭未成年子女身心健康影响因素的研究 2.2.3 改善再婚家庭子女心理健康状况的干涉措施研究 2.3 研究述评 2.3.1 现有研究的缺乏 2.3.2 本研究的价值 第三章 研究与服务干涉的设计思路 3.1 研究设计 3.1.1 研究思路 3.1.2 理论根据与研究假设 3.1.3 研究内容 3.1.4 概念界定 3.1.5 研究方式方法与社工干涉方式方法 3.2 服务性干涉的基本思路 3.2.1 理论根据 3.2.2 干涉的主要方式方法 第四章 社会工作参与经过 4.1 个案背景 4.1.1 案主基本情况 4.1.2 案主家庭基本情况 4.1.3 接案与服务对象来源 4.2 个案预估 4.2.1 微观系统 4.2.2 中观系统 4.2.3 宏观系统 4.3 制定服务目的与计划 4.3.1 个案服务目的 4.3.2 个案服务计划书 4.4 施行服务计划 4.4.1 初期阶段:资料收集与问题诊断1-3 次 4.4.2 中期阶段:计划制定与服务提供4-9 次 4.4.3 后期阶段:成果稳固与结案、评估10-11 次 4.5 个案工作效果评估与总结 第五章 结论与讨论 5.1 案主改变的原因分析 5.2 个案工作方式方法参与再婚家庭子女心理健康问题的效果分析 5.3 对专业伦理价值观的反思 5.4 研究的缺乏与瞻望 结 语 以下为参考文献 致 谢