武威市农业发展中水资源利用问题探究,水资源论文中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,近几十年来中国社会经济的快速稳定发展离不开农业发展的丰富成果,农业是中国社会经济发展的重要推动力之一。从这个角度来看,可持续农业的发展必然成为我们国家社会经济可持续发展的有力保障。 然而在近几十年的农业发展经过中,农业相关的土地资源、水资源、天然草地资源等遭到严重的过度开发利用和人为污染毁坏,尽管在与各级以及社会各界气力的高度关注下开场控制,各类生态系统不同程度好转,但仍然没有从根本源头上得到治理。水资源短缺是当前制约我们国家当代农业发展最重要的因素之一,总量和人均占有量均远低于世界平均水平。本研究针对近年来武威市社会经济快速发展和农业构造调整经过中日益凸显的水资源短缺这一课题进行深切进入研究。从水资源短缺这一严重制约武威市农业产业化发展重要因素的视角,探寻求索怎样在农业产业化发展的经过中优化水资源配制构造,合理开发利用现有水资源,挖掘武威市农业产业化发展经过中水资源利用存在的一系列问题与缺乏,进而提出了武威市农业产业化进程中水资源可持续利用的发展策略。主要结果有下面几个方面: 1. 2018 年以来,武威市大力推进 设施农牧业+特色林果业 主体生产形式,经过几年发展获得了卓越成效。2020 年武威市农业增加值 94.7 亿元,到达甘肃省第一位,增长幅度达 6%;华而不实农民纯收入达 7834 元,增长 12.5%,均列全省第 6 位。在灌溉区推广高效农田节水技术 252.4 万亩,亩均节水 60 立方米,节约农业用水 1.5 亿多立方米。 2. 对武威市农业用水现在状况评价结果显示,1石羊河流域水资源开发利用程度较高,而黄河流域的大通河、金强河水资源的利用程度相对较低;2有限的水资源绝大部分用于农业灌溉,水资源经济效益低;3农业用水定额偏大,灌水技术落后,作物种植比例不尽合理。 3. 武威市水资源利用中存在人为影响因素过重、水资源调蓄能力缺乏、工程设施老化失修等问题。今后应重点采取下面几个方面的措施优化水资源利用: 1准确评价水资源的承载能力,维护生态农业的可持续发展;2旱作节水农业关键技术研发与推广利用。 综上所述,武威市农业水资源一方面遭到自然因素的影响,另一方面遭到人为大连过度开采导致水资源严重缺乏。通过积极发展当代农业、设施节水农业等措施,提升水资源利用率,保卫生态,缓解农业水资源供需矛盾是当下武威市农业水资源可持续发展的当务之急。 本文关键词语:武威市,农业产业化,水资源,利用,可持续发展 ABSTRACT China is the largest developing country. This is due to rapid and stabledevelopment of China s social and economic in recent decades. And it was alsoinseparable from development. From the perspective, the development of sustainableagriculture is bound to become a strong guarantee for our social and economicsustainable development. However, it was severely over-exploitation and destructionof man-made pollution for agriculture-related land resources, water resources, naturalgrassland resources in the decades of agricultural development. It was under controland several kinds of ecosystems improved to varying degrees under the highlycentralized and all levels of government, but still did not get the treatment from theroots. Water shortage is one of the most important factors restricting China s modernagricultural development, and the total and per capita volume is far below the worldaverage. Based on above mention, author researched the issue of water shortagesseverely constraining the development of agricultural industrialization in Wuwei City. He wanted to explore how to optimize the structure of water, rational developmentand utilization of existing water resources, and also to find the problems andshortcomings in the process of formulating the industrialization of agriculturedevelopment. The main results were the following aspects: 1. Since 2018, Wuwei City had achieved remarkable results by the mainproduction mode of facilities agricultural + Features horticulture . To 2020, theagricultural added value was 9.47 billion yuan, and the growth rate to 6% for WuweiCity, which was the first than other region in Gansu Province; The net income offarmers reached 7,834 yuan, an increase of 12.5%, which was the sixth of theprovince The efficient water-saving technology was promoted 252.4 acres farmlandin irrigated areas, water-saving 60 cubic meters per mu, and water-saving agriculturemore than 150 million cubic meters. 2. The evaluation results of the status of agricultural water use in Wuwei Cityshowed that: 1 It was a high degree of water resources exploitation for ShiyangRiver Basin, but the low for Datong Yellow River Basin and Jinqiang river; 2 Thewater resources were low economic efficiency by most of limited water resources forirrigation; 3 it was more larger scale for agricultural water, and more irrigationtechnology behind, and unreasonable planting proportions for all kinds of crops. 3. The problems water resources utilization in Wuwei City were the impactfactors overweight of the presence of man- made, lack of water regulation and storagecapacity, aging disrepair of engineering facilities. In the future, we should focus onthe following measures to optimize utilization of water resources: 1 There should bean accurate assessment of the carrying capacity of water resources to maintain thesustainable development of ecological agriculture; 2 Develop water-savingagriculture. In summary, it is a priority of the current agricultural water resources forsustainable development to ease the contradiction between water supply and demandin Wuwei City agriculture. On the one hand, natural factors affected agricultural waterresources; on the other hand, it had been serious lack of over-exploitation waterresources. And they must positive develop the modern agriculture, water-savingagriculture facilities and other measures to enhance the utilization of water resourcesand ecological protection. Key words: Wuwei; Agricultural industrialization; Water resources;Sustainable development 目 录 摘 要 ABSTRACT 目 录 第一章 绪论 1.1 研究背景 1.2 国内外研究进展 1.3 研究目的与意义 1.4 研究内容、方式方法及技术道路 1.4.1 研究内容 1.4.2 研究方案 第二章 武威市农业产业化发展 2.1 武威市大概情况 2.2 武威市农业产业化发展现在状况 2.2.1 主体生产形式有效推进 2.2.2 当代营销形式逐步建立 2.2.3 当代畜牧业强力发展 2.2.4 高效节水与旱作农业成效显着 2.2.5 农业机械化水平显着提高 2.3 武威市农业产业化发展成效 2.3.1 生态环境持续好转 2.3.2 农业改革不断深化 2.4 小结 第三章 武威市农业产业化发展经过中水资源利用分析 3.1 武威市水资源现在状况 3.1.1 水资源总量 3.1.2 武威市水土资源特点 3.1.3 可利用水资源量 3.2 武威市水利工程设施现在状况 3.3 武威市水资源开发利用现在状况 3.4 武威市水资源现在状况利用评价 3.5 小结 第四章 存在的问题与对策建议 4.1 武威市水资源利用中存在的问题 4.1.1 水资源环境保卫意识薄弱 4.1.2 水资源保卫投入缺乏,基础设施老化 4.1.3 人类活动造成水资源环境恶化 4.2 武威市农业产业化发展的水资源利用对策与建议 4.2.1 明确水资源承载力,加强宣传引导力度 4.2.2 争取国家相关项目资金支持,加强水土内涵修养保卫建设 4.2.3 实行生态移民,遏制生态恶化 4.2.4 加强农业水资源管理,合理开发利用 第五章 论文总体结论与瞻望 5.1 结论 5.2 研究瞻望 以下为参考文献 致 谢