Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation (Anshan) Coke Dry Quenching Power Generation Project-资源文档资料整理者.pdf
PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 1 CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM-PDD)Version 03-in effect as of:28 July 2006 CONTENTS A.General description of project activity B.Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology C.Duration of the project activity/crediting period D.Environmental impacts E.Stakeholders comments Annexes Annex 1:Contact information on participants in the project activity Annex 2:Information regarding public funding Annex 3:Baseline information Annex 4:Monitoring plan PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 2 SECTION A.General description of project activity A.1 Title of the project activity:Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation(Anshan)Coke Dry Quenching Power Generation Project Version 6,12/12/2008.Version history Version 1 23/04/2007 GSP version Version 2 18/06/2007 Updated following DOE site visit Version 3 25/08/2007 Updated following receipt of DOE CAR&CR list Version 4 05/09/2007 Updated following further comments from DOE Version 5 13/12/2007 Updated following further comments from DOE Version 6 12/12/2008 Updated following reviews from EB A.2.Description of the project activity:The objective of Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation(Anshan)Coke Dry Quenching Power Generation Project (hereafter referred as the Project)is to install 2 sets of CDQ and Power Generation facilities for recovering the available heat from red hot coke produced by 4 coke ovens.The total generation capacity of the project is 24MW(12MW*2),which is expected to deliver 138.480GWh of electricity per year to be consumed entirely by Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation(AISG).Currently,there are eleven existing coke ovens at AISG,which used wet coke quenching(CWQ)and they have been operating very well.AISG accumulated plenty of experience on CWQ.According to the FSR for the project,in the absence of the project activity,wet coke quenching would continue to be used by coke oven No.5,No.6,No.7,and No.8 as well.With this method,the available heat in the red hot coke is emitted into the atmosphere,when it is quenched by water.The proposed project aims to install 2 sets of CDQ and power generation equipment.The one is for coke ovens No.5(6 meter height)and No.6(6 meter height)with 140t/h coke capacity;the other is for coke ovens No.7(6 meter height)and No.8(6 meter height)with 125 t/h coke capacity.Then the waste heat would be collected and transformed into energy.The electricity supplied by the project will replace the equivalent amount of electricity that otherwise would be imported from Northeast China Power Grid(NEPG),which is dominated by coal-fired power plants.It is estimated that the project will reduce 137,586 tCO2e per year.PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 3 Besides the GHG emission reductions,the Project would contribute to local and national sustainable development through:Reduction of air pollutants of coal fired power plants and CWQ such as SO2 and dust;Reduction of fossil fuel resource exploitation and consumption,thus improving energy efficiency;Improvement of energy mix and energy security;Creating 90 employment opportunities for the local community;Promoting implementation of similar activities in the region.A.3.Project participants:Please list project participants and Party(ies)involved and provide contact information in Annex 1.Information shall be indicated using the following tabular format.Name of Party involved(*)(host)indicates a host Party)Private and/or public entity(ies)project participants(*)(as applicable)Kindly indicate if the Party involved wishes to be considered as project participant(Yes/No)China(host)Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation No United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland NATIXIS Environment&Infrastructures No United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Camco International Limited No A.4.Technical description of the project activity:A A.4.1.Location of the project activity:A.4.1.1.Host Party(ies):China A.4.1.2.Region/State/Province etc.:Liaoning Province PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 4 A.4.1.3.City/Town/Community etc:Tiexi District,Anshan City A.4.1.4.Detail of physical location,including information allowing the unique identification of this project activity(maximum one page):The Project site will be inside of Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation which is located in Tiexi District,Anshan City,Liaoning Province,China.The specific site location is at longitude 1225923 and at latitude 410807.The location of the Project is shown in the following maps.A.4.2.Category(ies)of project activity:The Project falls into:Sectoral Scope 1:Energy Industries A.4.3.Technology to be employed by the project activity:The basic principle of CDQ Technology is that the red-hot coke is quenched by circulating inert gases within a closed environment processed by CDQ.The available heat of the red-hot coke will be transferred to the inert gases which generate steam to drive turbine to produce power.In addition,the installation of dust remover equipment will enable coke powder to be collected and removed,thereby reducing environmental pollution.The CDQ process of the proposed project is illustrated below:Project Location PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 5 10kv LineDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher73t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generator10kv Line5、6 Coke OvenNitric GasDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher65t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generatoro.7、8 Coke OvenNitric Gas10kv LineDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher73t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generator10kv Line5、6 Coke OvenNitric GasDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher65t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generatoro.7、8 Coke OvenNitric GasDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher73t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generator10kv Line5、6 Coke OvenNitric GasDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher73t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generator12MWTurbine and Generator10kv Line5、6 Coke OvenNitric GasDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher65t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generatoro.7、8 Coke OvenNitric GasDryQuenchingFurnaceCoke carriageDust catcherDust catcher65t/hCDQ Boiler12MWTurbine and Generator12MWTurbine and Generatoro.7、8 Coke OvenNitric Gas The high temperature red hot coke will be initially delivered by a coke loading cart to the top of CDQ furnace.The available heat of the red hot coke will be directly exchanged with inert gases(Nitrogen Gas).The red hot coke will be cooled down from about 1000 to 200-250,and then be delivered out of the CDQ furnace by a coke discharger.After the heat exchange(cooling coke),the inert gas is heated 900-950 and it is recycled by a blower.The inert gas is fed into the CDQ boiler to generate steam after being cleaned by the dust remover.Insert gas is cooled down by going through the boiler and it is reused to cool down the heated coke.After the heat is exchanged twice,the heat energy of red hot coke can be transformed as high pressure steam to generate power with condensing turbine.The main components of the CDQ system include:?Circulating water pump station?CDQ dust collecting system?CDQ central control unit?CDQ coke transfer system?CDQ locomotive car and coke-bucket check station?Turbine power generator?Power,automation,communications system The main technology/equipment will be imported.Details are listed in the following table:Technology/Equipment Name:Supplied by:Coke bucket Japan Coke pot transfer car Japan CDQ main body Domestic Circulating fan German Electromagnetic vibrating input device German Revolving airtight valve Japan PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 6 Technology/Equipment Name:Parameters No.5 and No.6 CDQ Boilers P=4.14MPa (after control valve 3.82MPa)t=450 Q=73t/h,Maximum Q=80t/h No.7 and No.8 CDQ Boilers P=4.14MPa (after control valve 3.82MPa)t=450 Q=65t/h,Maximum Q=71t/h 2 sets of Condensing Turbines 12MW C12-3.43/0.49 2 sets of Power Generators QFW-12-2 The CDQ technology adopted by the project is not widely used in China.Key equipment is imported from Japan and Germany.Other accessory facilities are produced by domestic manufacturers.If the project can be successfully operated as a CDM project it will contribute towards the transfer of CDQ technology to China.Planned project schedule A.4.4 Estimated amount of emission reductions over the chosen crediting period:The project will use fixed crediting period of 10 years.The estimated emission reductions over 10 years will be 1,375,860 tonnes.The estimated emission reductions of each year are as follows.Years Annual estimation of emission reductions in tonnes of CO2e 2008(01/04/08 31/12/08)103,190 2009 137,586 2010 137,586 2011 137,586 2012 137,586 2013 137,586 2014 137,586 2015 137,586 2016 137,586 Date Work July 2007 Ground breaking August 2007 Installed auxiliary equipments November 2007 Installed core equipment April 2008 Start operation PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 7 2017 137,586 2018(01/01/18 31/03/18)34,396 Total estimated reductions(tonnes of CO2e)1,375,860 Total number of crediting years 10 Annual average over the crediting period of estimated reductions(tonnes of CO2e)137,586 A.4.5.Public funding of the project activity:There is no public funding of the project activity.PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 8 SECTION B.Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology B.1.Title and reference of the approved baseline and monitoring methodology applied to the project activity:The applied methodology:The methodology applied to the Project is“Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for waste gas and/or heat and/or pressure for power generation”ACM0004(version 2)(http:/ methodology“Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources”ACM0002(version 6)(http:/ used to calculate the build margin and combined margin.The“Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality(version 3)”are also applied to the Project as required by the methodology ACM0004.(http:/ More information could be found at:http:/ Justification of the choice of the methodology and why it is applicable to the project activity:The methodology ACM0004 is applicable to the proposed project for the following reasons:1.The available heat which is contained in the red hot coke produced from coke oven is collected and used for electricity generation.Therefore,the project belongs to the category of project activities that generate electricity from waste heat in industrial facilities;2.The electricity generated by the project will replace the electricity that would be otherwise imported from the Northeast China Power Grid;3.The project owner,Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation,has no plan to undertake any fuel switch activity in the process where the coke is produced after the implementation of the proposed project activity.B.3.Description of the sources and gases included in the project boundary If the project is not put into operation,power generation from the project will be provided by Northeast China Power Grid(NEPG)in which Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation is located.NEPG is one of six regional power grids in China,and includes Helongjiang,Liaoning,PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 9 and Jilin provinces1.According to the methodologyiesACM0004 and ACM0002,the project boundary covers the CDQ furnace,CDQ boilers,steam turbine generation system with its auxiliary system;the energy sources for CDQ system start-up;and the power plants physically connected to the Northeast China Power Grid.The emissions sources which are involved within the project boundary for determination of both baseline and project emissions are presented as follows.Source Gas Included?Justification/Explanation CO2 Included Main emission source.CH4 Excluded Excluded for simplification according to methodology ACM0004.This is conservative.Fossil power plants physically connected to NEPG N2O Excluded Excluded for simplification according to methodology ACM0004.This is conservative.Baseline Fossil fuel fired captive power plant CO2 Excluded Not applicable,as there is no captive power in baseline scenario CO2 Included The project will use auxiliary fossil fuels for start up.CH4 Excluded Excluded for simplification according to methodology ACM0004.On-site fossil fuel consumption due to the project activity N2O Excluded Excluded for simplification according to methodology ACM0004.CO2 Excluded The project will use no burnable waste gas.CH4 Excluded The project will use no burnable waste gas.Project Activity Combustion of waste gas for electricity generation N2O Excluded The project will use no burnable waste gas.B.4.Description of how the baseline scenario is identified and description of the identified baseline scenario:According to the methodology ACM0004,the following five scenarios are identified as potential baseline scenario alternatives to the project:(1)The proposed project activity not undertaken as a CDM project activity;(2)The continuation of the current situation,import of electricity from NEPG grid;(3)Existing or new captive power generation on-site,using other energy sources than waste heat and/or gas,such as coal,diesel,natural gas,hydro,wind,etc;(4)A mix of options(2)and(3),in which case the mix of grid and captive power should be 1 Source:China Regional Grid Baseline Emission Factor of 2007 issued by the NDRC on 9th August,2007,http:/ PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM(CDM PDD)-Version 03.1.CDM Executive Board page 10 specified(5)Other uses of the waste heat and waste gas Scenario 5:other uses of the waste heat.The main energy demand is from production of iron and steel.However,the steam used in processing iron and steel must have a high temperature and pressure,above 540,5.3MPa2.The steam generated by CDQ has a temperature and pressure of only 3.82-4.5MPa,450.Thus the steam from CDQ cannot be used in production of iron and steel.Furthermore,because the blast furnace and converter gas are abundant in AISG and there is an extensive pipe network recovering all the gases needed to meet other uses purpose,it is unnecessary to invest in recovering waste heat from the red-hot coke for other uses which are already met.Therefore Scenario 5 cannot be considered a credible alternative of baseline scenari