Enhanced action on development and transfer of technology Convergence is interpreted where there are no opposing alternative options and where brackets have not been used to identify objections to elements of the text.Divergence is interpreted where Parties have explicity stated their objection,or where there are significant alternatives or use of brackets that indicate that Parties object to elements of the text.The content of the table follows the existing structure of the text and is only indicative.Parties may have other perceptions and the table may not reflect all convergence and divergence.Issues Convergence Divergence Objective,scope and guiding principles(paragraph 181)Reference to the provision of the Convention and relevant COP decisions.On the need for enhanced action on technology development and transfer.Enhanced action is required across all stages of the technology development cycle.Elements contained within the existing enhanced framework on technology transfer should continue to be included in a future arrangement.The need for an internationally coordinated approach to technology development and transfer The different characteristics of a technology mechanism versus a framework for technology versus a set of actions.The scale and role of public and private financing(including beneficiaries of financing and who should provide financial support).The nature of national actions(the scope of actions that should be undertaken,whether they are prerequisites for financing and their binding/non-binding nature).Technology action plan(paragraph 181-183)Concept of technology action plan as a planning instrument for implementation.Efficient national technology planning instruments linked with national technology road maps(paragraph x.1,Alternative 2)An international technology action plan to be elaborated by a new constituted body on technology which would oversee implementation.(Alternative 1)International or national action plans and roadmaps.(x.1,Alternative 2)Scope of the international technology action plan.Whether the technology action plan should be linked to a financing scheme.Who should be the beneficiaries and who should provide financial resources for implementation of the plan.TNA,Capacity Building and Enabling Environments Efforts on TNAs should be enhanced and potentially integrated into the preparation of national action plans/strategies,NAMAs and NAPAs.(a)Alternative to(a),Alternative 1(a)and(b)and Alternative 2(a)and(b)TNAs as a stand alone instrument or integrated into a national plan or strategy.Whether completing a TNA should be a condition for access to financing.11/08/2009 09:14 Issues Convergence Divergence(paragraph 184)Enabling environments and capacity building are key elements to be addressed to prompt DTT.(b)and(c)paragraph 184.2)The nature of national policies and measures for enabling environments(the scope of actions that should be undertaken,whether they are prerequisites for financing and their binding/non-binding nature).Technology road maps(paragraph 185)Link between technology road maps and technology needs assessment Identification of specific technologies as priorities for technology road maps(carbon capture and storage,clean fossil fuel,non-energy use of fossil fuel technologies).Cooperative R&D(paragraph 186)Scaling up national efforts(Chapeau)Strengthening south-south,north-south and triangle cooperation(sub paragraph a)Providing joint RD&D opportunities for developing countries(sub paragraph b)All parties or developed country parties should strengthen their efforts on national R&D.(Chapeau to paragraph).Whether financing support should be provided for developing country participation in international R&D;and where financial support should come from.Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)(paragraph 187-189)Protect incentive for innovation Enhanced protection of intellectual property to enhance innovation Options for flexibility to address IPRs(paragraph 187-189),including:Compulsorary licensing;Patent pooling;preferential/differential pricing;IPR sharing for collaborative R&D;review of all IPR regulations;revoking patent rights;limited time patents;proposed Declaration on IPRs and environmentally sound technologies;exemption of LDCs/vulnerable countries from patent protection for climate-related technologies;institutional arrangements to address IPR issues.Incentive mechanism(paragraph 190-191)Incentive mechanism and technology leveraging service to prompt financing DTT.Existing mechanisms or new mechanisms.Whether incentive mechanism should be linked to meeting of quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments Whether the incentive mechanism should be a crediting mechanism Technology information A technology information platform should be developed.Inclusion of information on IPR and licensing in the platform.Issues Convergence Divergence(paragraph 194-195)Institutional arrangement(paragraph 196)On the need for a body to oversee the overall implementation of future action Functions of the institutional arrangement:Facilitative and advisory or decision making.Form of constituted institutional arrangement:Enhanced EGTT or advisory group.(paragraph 196 option 1 and 6)A subsidiary body on technology (paragraph 196.alternative 1)Technology innovation centres(paragraph 197-198)Establishment and networking innovation centres(paragraph 197)Financing of the network of centres(paragraph 198)Function of the this network which linked to sharing IPRs.(paragraph 197(e)Financing technology(paragraph 175 and 198)Important role of private sector to scale up the financing on DTT A specialized technology fund under the Convention.(Alternative to paragraph 198)Capacity-building Issue Convergence Divergence Principles of capacity-building para x.1,x.2,x.3,199(x.a),201 Principles corresponding to those outlined in the framework for capacity-building in developing countries(decision 2/CP.7):continuous,progressive,iterative and country-driven process consistent with national priorities.Reference to the need to take into account special circumstances of LDCs as stipulated in Article 4.9 of the Convention.Reference to capacity-building as an integral part of enhanced action on mitigation and adaptation.Integration of capacity-building support in development planning and implementation vs implementation of stand alone capacity building projects/programmes.Provision of capacity-building support to developing country Parties,along with delivery of financial support and technology transfer,as a legally binding obligation of developed country Parties,with consequences for non-compliance.Scope of capacity-building support para 199,199.1 Institutional strengthening;Enabling environments and policy/regulatory frameworks;Establishment or strengthening national coordination bodies/processes and national focal points;Building of capacity to develop and implement mitigation and adaptation actions/plans/programmes;Capacity-building for monitoring and reporting;Education,training and public awareness with focus on youth,women and indigenous peoples;Readiness for access to financial resources.Institutional arrangements for capacity-building support alternative para to 199;para 199.2,201.2,201.3 Establishment of a specific capacity development and support mechanism focusing on capacity-building needs of LDCs,SIDS and African countries vs such a mechanism without making reference to specific needs of LDCs,SIDS and African countries.Establishment of a technical panel on capacity-building for adaptation and a technical panel on capacity-building for mitigation.Measurement of capacity-building support alternatives to para 199 and 200;para 199.3,200 Need for reporting on capacity-building activities and support provided.Establishment of specific performance indicators for measuring and verifying capacity-building support to developing countries vs an approach whereby all Parties report on progress made in enhancing the capacity to address climate change,and of support provided or received.Provision of financial resources for capacity-building support para 201,201.1;alternative to 201 Establishment of a dedicated multilateral fund for capacity-building vs a new financial mechanism to support mitigation,adaptation,technology transfer and capacity-building action.Provision of financial resources for capacity-building in a transparent,expedited,direct access,sustainable and predictable manner within the overall guidance of the COP.