兰州市休闲农业规范化建设探究,农业经济学论文本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 兰州市休闲农业规范化建设探究【第一章】【第二章】【第三章】【第四章】【5.1 - 5.5】【5.6 5.7】【第六章】【以下为参考文献】 内容摘要 随着人们生活水平的提高,物质消费已经不能知足人们日益增长的消费需求,走进自然、回归田园、体验生活已成为时代的呼声。休闲农业作为一种新型农业经营业态,农业的多功能特性将得到开发和利用,而且作为当代农业的重要组成部分,休闲农业不仅能够有效地解决三农问题,促进农业产业构造调整,实现农民增收,而且顺应了时代发展要求,让人们精神生活得到知足。 兰州市拥有丰富的农业资源和自然景观,加之拥有深切厚重的历史文化底蕴和乡村民俗特色,因而休闲农业可开发利用价值高,范围广。近年来,兰州休闲农业借助 中国西北游,出发在兰州 的营销口号快速发展,同时借助 一路一带 经济发展战略机遇,产业规模得以迅速扩大,并且获得了显着的经济效益。然而,兰州休闲农业的快速发展能否知足消费者的需求,以及怎样实现可续发展和保证地方农业经济的快速提高具有重要的研究意义。 本文以兰州市休闲农业为研究对象,以产业经济学、农业经济学、区域经济学、管理学、旅游学等多种学科理论为支撑,将理论研究与实证研究相结合,力争从发展变化中探寻求索出发展存在问题,进而为兰州休闲农业规范发展、科学指导、有效管理提供可靠地参考根据。 首先,对国内外休闲农业研究文献和主要发展研究方向进行深切进入研究,通过对国内外各地区休闲农业发展实践进行比拟,得出管理调控、行业协会组织的指导与支持、经营主体多元化、活动内容特色化是休闲农业实践成功的关键,希望能够给兰州休闲农业发展带来经历体验启示;其次,从自然资源、经济发展、基础设施建设、农业资源、旅游业发展五个方面对兰州市休闲农业发展优势进行分析,进一步对兰州休闲农业发展现在状况、空间构造布局、主要发展形式进行总结;然后,根据消费者消费行为从消费者基本特征、行为动机、认知行为、决策行为、顾客满意度五个方面对兰州休闲农业游客进行问卷调查与实地访谈;再次,结合兰州市休闲农业实际发展情况,利用层次分析法建立休闲农业发展评价指标体系,通过模糊综合评价法对兰州市各县区休闲农业发展水平进行评价,得出兰州休闲农业整体综合评分 65.1616,发展等级 III 级,发展水平一般,皋兰县、永登县、榆中县、安定区,综合评价得分分别为 86.57、78.47、75.41、72.38,所处等级 II 级,发展较好;西固区、城关区、七里河区、得分分别是 63.15、62.21、60.97,所处等级 III 级,发展情况一般;红古区得分为 49.22,所处等级 IV 级,发展较差;再对各县区发展水平进行差异分析,进而得出兰州休闲农业发展中存在产品缺乏创新,发展形式雷同、活动介入度低,且 农味 缺乏、民俗文化缺失,发展内涵单调、营销力度不够,品牌尚未构成、从业人员素质低,服务质量有待提升等问题;最后,针对主要存在的发展问题,通过学习和借鉴发达地区经历体验,提出科学考察规划,因地制宜开发、坚持以 农 为本,彰显三农特质、挖掘农业文化,提升品质内涵、加强核心品牌建设,加大营销宣传力度、加强支持力度,合理制定法律规范、提升队伍素质,改善服务质量,以期能够进一步促进兰州市休闲农业快速发展。 本文关键词语:兰州市;休闲农业;层次分析法;模糊综合评价;发展问题 Summary With the improvement of people s living standard, material consumption has alreadycan t satisfy people s growing consumer demand. Walk into nature and return to the rural andexperience life has become the voice of The Times. Leisure agriculture as a new type ofagricultural management forms, the multi-functional characteristics of the agricultural hasbeen developed and utilized. As an important part of modern agriculture, leisure agriculturecan not only effectively solve the issues of agriculture, promote the adjustment of agriculturalstructure, increase the peasant s income, but also meet the development requirement of ourtimes, let people spiritual life satisfaction. Lanzhou city has rich agricultural resources and the natural landscape and profoundhistorical culture and rural folk characteristics, so the leisure agriculture has high value of thedevelopment and utilization. In recent years, Lanzhou leisure agriculture with the help of themarketing slogan of a tour of northwest China, set off in lanzhou and the economicdevelopment strategic opportunities of One Belt And One Road to take development,industrial scale expands rapidly, and the economic benefit significantly. However, the rapiddevelopment of leisure agriculture whether or not meet the needs of consumers and how torealize the sustainable development and ensure the rapid increase of local agriculturaleconomy is worth studying in lanzhou. This paper takes leisure agriculture of lanzhou as the research object, in IndustryEconomics, Agricultural Economics, Regional Economics, Management Science , TourismEconomics and other disciplines theory as the support, combining theoretical research andempirical research, and strive to explore development problems from the development andchange, to provide reliable reference basis of the development, scientific guidance andeffective management to lanzhou leisure agriculture. First of all, to research the literature of domestic and overseas and the main researchdirection of leisure agriculture, by means of comparing the leisure agriculture development ofdomestic and overseas in practice , sums up the management and regulation of government,the guidance and support of industry association , the diversification of management andcharacter of content are the key to the success of leisure agriculture practice, hope to be ableto experience and revelation to the development of leisure agriculture in lanzhou. Secondly,from natural resources, the development of economic, infrastructure construction, agriculturalresources, the development of tourism to analysis the advantage of development of leisureagriculture , further to summarize the current situation and the spatial structure and the maindevelopment pattern of the leisure agriculture in lanzhou. Then, according to the theory ofconsumer behavior from a consumer s basic characteristics, motivation, cognitive behavior,decision-making behavior and customer satisfaction five aspects survey the questionnaire andon-the-spot interview the tourists of leisure agriculture in lanzhou. Once again, combining thereality of the development of leisure agriculture in lanzhou, using the Analytic HierarchyProcess AHP to establish evaluation index system of leisure agriculture, by FuzzyComprehensive Evaluation FCE method to evaluate the development level of leisureagriculture of lanzhou counties, Lanzhou leisure agriculture overall comprehensive score of65.1616, development level III grade, development level of medium, Gaolan county,Yongdeng county, Yuzhong county, Anning county, the comprehensive evaluation score are86.57, 78.47, 75.41, 86.57, development level II grade, development level is better, Xigucounty, Chengguan county, Qilihe county, the comprehensive evaluation score are 63.15,62.21, 60.97, development level III grade, development level of medium;Honggu countyscored 49.22, development level IV grade, poor development situation , again to analysis thedifference of development level in all counties. Existing the development mode participation,farmers participation degree is low and the same the character of rural is insufficient, lackof the folk culture, connotation of the development of monotonous, marketing brand has notyet formed, personnel quality is low, to improve service quality etc. Finally, in view of themain problems of the development, through the study the experience of developed areas, putforward scientific planning, adjust measures to local conditions, adhere to the farming forthis, show the character of the issues of agriculture, reserch the agricultural culture, enhancethe connotation of quality, increase the intensity of marketing, strengthen the construction ofthe core brand, strengthen government support, establishing reasonable legal norms, improvestaff and service quality, in order to further accelerate the development of leisure agricultureof lanzhou. Key Words: Lanzhou City; Leisure Agriculture; Analytic Hierarchy Process; FuzzyComprehensive Evaluation; Development issues 目录 内容摘要 Summary 第一章 绪论 一、研究背景及意义 一研究背景 二研究意义 二、休闲农业国内外研究综述 一国外休闲农业综述 二国内休闲农业综述 三国内外休闲农业研究评述 三、研究技术道路及方式方法 一研究技术道路 二研究方式方法 四、研究内容 五、可能的创新点及缺乏 一可能的创新点 二缺乏之处 第二章 休闲农业发展理论与实践 一、休闲农业理论概述 一休闲农业的内涵 二休闲农业的基本特征 二、休闲农业相关基础理论 一产业一体化理论 二体验经济理论 三马斯洛需求层次理论 四区域经济发展理论 三、国内外休闲农业发展实践 一国外休闲农业发展实践 二我们国家休闲农业发展实践 三国内外休闲农业发展实践总结 第三章 兰州市休闲农业发展现在状况 一、研究区域大概情况 二、兰州市休闲农业发展优势分析 一自然资源发展优势 二经济发展优势 三基础设施发展优势 四农业发展优势 五旅游业发展优势 三、兰州市休闲农业发展大概情况 一兰州市休闲农业发展现在状况 二兰州市休闲农业空间构造布局 三兰州市休闲农业发展类型 第四章 兰州市休闲农业消费者行为分析 一、兰州市休闲农业调查问卷大概情况 一调查问卷的设计 二调查问卷发放情况 二、休闲农业消费者行为分析 一消费者基本特征 二消费者行为动机分析 三消费者认知行为分析 四消费者决策行为分析 五消费者满意度分析 第五章 兰州市休闲农业发展综合评价 一、研究方式方法 二、评价指标体系构建 三、模糊综合评价法模型构建 一建立评价因素论域 二建立评价等级论域 四、兰州市休闲农业发展评价指标权重集建立 一建立判别矩阵 二各因素权重确定 五、兰州市休闲农业整体发展综合评价 六、兰州市各县区休闲农业发展评价分析 一兰州市各县区休闲农业发展评价 二结果 三分析 七、兰州市休闲农业发展存在问题 一产品缺乏创新,发展形式雷同 二活动介入度低,且 农味 缺乏 三民俗文化缺失,发展内涵单调 四营销力度不够,品牌尚未构成 五从业人员素质低,服务质量有待提升 第六章 兰州市休闲农业发展对策和建议 一、科学考察规划,因地制宜开发 二、坚持以 农 为本,彰显三农特质 三、挖掘农业文化,提升品质内涵 四、加大营销宣传力度,加强核心品牌建设 五、加强支持力度,合理制定法律规范 六、提升队伍素质,改善服务质量 致谢 以下为参考文献