度假酒店服务质量管理问题探析,质量管理论文本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 度假酒店服务质量管理问题探析【第一章】【第二章】【第三章】【第四章】【结束语/以下为参考文献】 摘 要 度假酒店服务质量管理改良研究-以沈阳 J 度假酒店为例当下,酒店产业快速发展,已经在旅游业中占有重要的地位。随着近年来我们国家旅游业的蓬勃发展,我们国家的酒店数量越来越多,竞争也越来越剧烈。因而,怎样在互相的竞争中生存下来,就成为我们国家所有酒店最大的难题。 自我们国家参加 WTO 以后,我们国家的各项体制不断的完善,极大的改善了我们国家的投资环境,导致大量的国外投资者到我们国家进行投资,这就使得我们国家的酒店业受国外先进产业的影响,不断的在各个方面进行更新,总体表如今两个方面:一方面在于硬件方面的不断更新和改良,进而提高酒店的经营质量和提升酒店的竞争力;另一方面我们国家的酒店也在软件上下了很大的功夫,比方采用各种策略提高顾客的满意度,提升顾客的忠实度,这些努力使得我们国家的酒店在近些年取了突破的进展。作为本文的研究对象,J 度假酒店也在创立之初到如今获得了很大的进展,但也存在很多问题,比方酒店的管理层对于服务质量管理的理解存在误区,对于这方面意识较为淡薄,对顾客的调查不够,进而导致不了解顾客的期望与需求,进而影响酒店顾客的满意度,长此以往对于酒店顾客忠实度的提高起到了阻碍作用。当前,酒店的高层也比拟注重这些问题,逐步在酒店的质量管理方面作文章,希望通过从服务质量的项目管理入手,以服务质量为酒店的核心竞争力,通过服务质量来提升顾客的满意度和忠实度,进而提高酒店的经济效益。因而,能够讲服务质量的项目管理问题在当下已不仅仅关系到酒店的经济效益,还是一个酒店能否在诸多同行中脱颖而出,能否可持续发展下去的关键所在。 本文就以 J 度假酒店为研究对象,通过对其进行考察、调研、分析比拟等多种方式方法对该酒店的经营现在状况及服务项目管理进行分析,在搜集酒店服务质量管理方面的相关文献下,以提出问题、分析问题、解决问题这一逻辑顺序,通过对 J 度假酒店各个层次员工进行全方位的了解,找出该酒店当下服务质量项目管理中存在的问题,主要有:酒店高层管理效率差、部门间协调性差、酒店内部员工素质偏低难以匹配高水平硬件、酒店员工满意度低导致流动率高、恶性的价格竞争导致酒店的服务水平偏低;其原因在于酒店高层缺乏战略目光、酒店员工整体素质不高、酒店缺乏完善的服务质量管理保证体系;因而该酒店应该从下面几个方面改善服务质量项目管理:立足管理创新;搞好高层管理者培训;提高酒店内部的协调性;提高软件服务质量管理标准;设计员工满意体系和顾客满意体系;完善酒店服务质量管理体系;树立酒店品牌避免恶性竞争。 本文关键词语: 服务质量,项目管理,顾客满意度,顾客忠实度 Abstract Currently, the hotel industry, the rapid development, has played an importantrole in tourism. With the rapid development of China s tourism industry in recentyears, an increasing number of hotels, and more intense competition. So, how tosurvive in competition with each other, has become the biggest problem of all hotels. Since China s accession to the WTO, China s continuous improvement of thesystem, greatly improved the country s investment environment, resulting in a largenumber of foreign investors to invest in our country, which makes the country s hotelindustry affected by foreign advanced industry, continue to carry out all aspects of theupdate, the overall performance in two aspects: one is that the hardware aspects of theconstantly updated and improved, thereby improving the quality of the hotel businessand enhance the competitiveness of the hotel; on the other hand our hotel software isalso up and down a lot of effort, such as using a variety of strategies to improvecustomer satisfaction and enhance customer loyalty, these efforts make our hotel theprogress in recent years to take a breakthrough. As the object of this study, J ResortHotel also inception to now has made great progress, but there are many problems,such as the quality of management leads to poor awareness of the service qualitymanagement concepts narrow understanding, due to the quality of servicemanagement in place due to too loose discipline, lack of customer needs andexpectations of the research, the emphasis in the form of the management processleading to the QOS management at a low level, and many other problems. Currently,the hotel s executives also pay more attention to these issues, and gradually making afuss in the quality management aspects of the hotel, hoping to start from the servicequality of project management, quality of service as the core competitiveness of thehotel, through the quality of service to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty,thereby enhancing economic efficiency of the hotel. Therefore, we can say that thequality of service has not only the relationship between project management issues inthe current economic benefits of the hotel, or a hotel can stand out in many peers, theability to continue the key to sustainable development. This paper focuses on J Resort Hotel for the study, through its investigation,research, analysis and comparison of a variety of methods to analyze the operatingstatus of the hotel and service project management, quality management, hotelservices collect relevant under the document, to ask questions, analyze and solveproblems in a logical order that, through the J Resort Hotel employees at all levelscomprehensive understanding of the hotel to find out the current quality of serviceproblems in project management, primarily are: poor hotel senior managementefficiency, inter-sectoral coordination is poor, the low quality of the staff within thehotel is difficult to match the high level of hardware, hotel employee satisfaction dueto the low flow rate, the vicious price competition resulting in low levels of the hotel sservices; the reason is that hotel executives lack of strategic vision, the overall qualityof the hotel staff is not high, lack of proper hotel service quality managementassurance system; therefore the hotel management should improve the quality ofservices in the following areas: based on management innovation; improve training ofsenior managers; improve coordination within the hotel; improving the quality ofservice management software standards; design employee satisfaction and customersatisfaction system system; improve hotel service quality management system;establish a hotel brand to avoid vicious competition; VIP service to establish ascientific quality management system. KeyWords: Quality of service, Project management, Customer satisfaction, Loyalty 目 录 摘 要 ABSTRACT 目 录 第 1 章 绪论 1.1 研究背景及方式方法 1.1.1 研究背景 1.1.2 研究方式方法 1.2 相关理论与国内外研究现在状况 1.2.1 相关概念 3酒店服务质量管理 1.2.2 国内外研究现在状况 第 2 章 J 度假酒店服务质量管理现在状况及主要问题分析 2.1 J 度假酒店的基本情况分析 2.1.1 酒店简介及发展历程 2.1.2 酒店的市场环境分析 2.1.3 J 度假酒店的员工管理体系 2.2 酒店服务质量管理存在问题分析 2.2.1 酒店高层管理效率差 2.2.2 部门间协调性差 2.2.3 酒店内部员工素质偏低难以匹配高水平硬件 2.2.4 酒店员工满意度低导致流动率高 2.2.5 恶性的价格竞争导致酒店的服务水平偏低 2.3 问题产生原因分析 2.3.1 酒店高层缺乏战略目光 2.3.2 酒店员工整体素质不高 2.3.3 酒店缺乏完善的服务质量管理保证体系 第 3 章 酒店服务质量管理的改良措施 3.1 立足管理创新搞好高层管理者培训 3.2 提高酒店内部的协调性 3.3 提高软件服务质量管理标准 3.4 设计员工满意体系和顾客满意体系 3.5 完善酒店服务质量管理体系 3.6 树立酒店品牌避免恶性竞争 3.7 建立科学的 VIP 服务质量管理体系 第 4 章 酒店服务质量改良的措施保障 4.1 提高软硬件管理水平 4.1.1 保持硬件设施的干净整洁 4.1.2 加强酒店员工对设施设备的使用熟练度 4.1.3 酒店的高层要加强服务质量意识 4.2 实现科学的管理控制 4.3 加强员工管理 4.4 加强顾客引导工作 4.5 加强对顾客投诉的管理 4.5.1 引起顾客投诉的原因 4.5.2 提高酒店员工对顾客投诉的认识 4.5.3 处理顾客投诉的基本原则 4.6 重视工作经历体验总结 4.7 服务流程标准化 4.8 在保证服务质量的基础上进行产品创新 结束语 以下为参考文献 致 谢