运动功能性训练对幼儿体质的干预研究,体育保健学论文题目:运动功能性训练对幼儿体质的干涉研究第一章:第二章:3.1:3.2 3.3:3.4:结论/以下为参考文献: 目录 中文内容摘要 ABSTRACT 1 前言 1.1 选题根据 1.1.1 幼儿体质下降 为本研究提供了考虑的对象 1.1.2 幼儿体质研究的现在状况为本研究提供了广阔的空间 1.1.3 运动功能性训练理念在我们国家的兴起为本研究提供了思路 1.2 研究目的、意义 1.2.1 研究目的 1.2.2 研究意义 1.3 研究任务 1.4 文献综述 1.4.1 幼儿体质的相关研究 1.4.2 运动功能性训练的相关研究 2 研究对象与方式方法 2.1 研究对象 2.2 研究方式方法 2.2.1 文献资料法 2.2.2 访谈法 2.2.3 测试法 2.2.4 实验干涉法 2.2.5 数理统计法 3 研究结果与分析 3.1 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体形态影响的实验结果与分析 3.1.1 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体形态影响的实验结果 3.1.2 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体形态影响的研究分析 3.2 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体机能影响的实验结果与分析 3.2.1 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体机能影响的实验结果 3.2.2 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体机能影响的研究分析 3.3 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体素质影响的实验结果与分析 3.3.1 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体素质影响的实验结果 3.3.2 运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身体素质影响的研究分析 3.4 对分析结果的讨论 3.4.1 实验的干涉效果验证了实验方案的有效性 3.4.2 实验方案的设计要符合幼儿生长发育的规律 3.4.3 应注重身体素质间的转移现象 3.4.4 应重视练习中动作的质量,逐步构成正确的动作形式 4 结论与建议 4.1 结论 4.2 建议 4.3 本研究的局限性与后期研究的考虑 4.3.1 本研究的局限性 4.3.2 后期研究的考虑 以下为参考文献 中文内容摘要 在人一生的发展中,幼儿阶段是个体动作发展、智力开发、个性构成的关键时期。幼儿阶段体质的发展为其一生奠定了重要的基础,发展缺乏就会波及到将来整个身心的健康。但对于学龄前的儿童,家长和社会一般比拟注重他们智力的开发,缺少对孩子身体发育状况的关注,现有的幼儿园体育活动形式又无法有效的解决幼儿的体质问题。因而本研究针对这一现在状况,以安全性、趣味性、科学性、适用性等为原则, 通过对功能训练理念、方式方法和手段的引进和改造,设计出合适幼儿的锻炼方式方法,进行实验干涉,旨在加强幼儿的体质、丰富幼儿体育活动和业余锻炼的内容,激发幼儿主动介入体育活动的兴趣。 本文主要通过文献资料法、访谈法、测试法、实验干涉法、数理统计法进行研究分析。在北京市万花筒幼儿园随机抽取了 40 名 56 岁的幼儿,对他们进行第一次体质监测,并按统计学的方式方法分为实验班和对照班,实验班根据设计好的运动功能性训练的课程进行每周三次课、每节课一个小时,共进行 3 个月的练习,对照班则根据原有的教学大纲进行体育活动,在实验结束后,对实验班与对照班进行第二次体质监测,并对实验班和对照班幼儿实验前与实验后的数据进行分析比拟,进而对运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿体质的影响进行分析研究。 实验干涉结果表示清楚:1从身体形态的指标来看,实验班幼儿的身高、体重、坐高、胸围的平均增长水平优于对照班,除胸围具有统计学的显着性差异外,其他指标无统计学意义。讲明运动功能性训练干涉对幼儿身高、体重、坐高的增长影响不明显,对胸围的增长有显着的促进作用。2从身体机能的指标来看,实验班和对照班都有所变化,实验班的变化优于对照班,但从统计学来讲并无显着性差异。因而实验干涉对幼儿身体机能的影响不明显。3从身体素质的指标来看,实验后实验班和对照班幼儿在网球掷远、双脚连续跳、10 米折返跑、在立定跳远、坐立体前屈、走平衡木 6 项指标上都具有显着性差异。讲明实验干涉对幼儿身体素质有显着的促进作用。4运动功能性训练是一种针对性较强的训练,将其结合幼儿发育的特点进行改造和运用,能有效的发展幼儿的身体素质,是加强幼儿体质的有效途径。 本文关键词语:功能性训练;幼儿体质;实验干涉 ABSTRACT In the development of human life, the infant stage is the critical periodof development of individual action, intellectual development and personalityformation. The development of children s physical laid an important foundationfor the development of their life, lack of development will affect the futurehealth of the entire body and mind. But for preschool children, parents and thecommunity generally pay more attention to the development of their intelligence,lack of attention to the status of child s physical development, Existing formsof physical activity in kindergarten unable to solve the problem of children sphysical effectively. Therefore,this study response to this situation,With thesafety, interest, scientific, applicability principle,by introducing andtransforming the ideas, methods and means of functional training, to designmethod of exercise for children. Experimental intervention designed to enhancechildren s physical,to enrich the child s physical activity and amateur exercisecontent, arouse children s active participation in the sports interest. This paper mainly carries on the research analysis through the literaturematerial method,interview method,testing method,experimental method,mathematical statistic law intervention. In a kindergarten in Beijing city a1and according to the statistical method is divided into the experimental classand the control class, the experimental class, the class three times a weekaccording to design good exercise functional training course in each class ofa small, a total of 3 months of practice, while the control class in accordancewith the original teaching program for sports activities, at the end of theexperiment, the experimental class and the control class second physiquemonitoring, and the experimental class and the control class children beforethe experiment and after the experiment analysis and comparison, and carriedon the analysis to the sports function training intervention impact on children sphysique. The experimental intervention results show that: 1 from the body shapeindex, height, body weight, sitting high, average level of growth of the bustwas superior to the control group of children, in addition to significantdifference statistically the bust, no significant other indicators. Explainsthe movement functional training intervention is not obvious on children sheight, body weight, sitting height growth effect, have positive effects on thegrowth of chest. 2 from the body function indicators, the experimental groupand the control group were changed, the experimental class changes better thancontrol group, but no statistically significant difference. Therefore theexperimental intervention effect on children s physical function is not obvious.3 from the body quality indicators, the children in the tennis throw far, feetjump in succession, 10 m shuttle run, standing long jump, sit in thethree-dimensional flexion, 6 indicators of walking the balance beam hassignificant difference. The experimental intervention had a significant effecton children s physical quality. 4 motor function training is a purposefultraining, combine the characteristics of early childhood development to carryout the transformation and utilization, young children to develop effectivephysical quality, is an effective way to enhance the physique of children. Keywords:Functional training;Children s physical;Experimental intervention.