高考英语读后续写素材集锦 :运用修辞手法为续写添色加彩运用修辞手法.docx
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高考英语读后续写素材集锦 :运用修辞手法为续写添色加彩运用修辞手法.docx
运用修辞手法,为续写添色加彩1 比喻,将抽象事物具体化,复杂情况简单化,给文字增加画面感。明喻,带比喻词,如like、as、seem、as if、as though等。He looks like a fish out of water.他看起来像一条离开水的鱼。(形容他不自在)Her eyes shone like diamonds.她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光。She slept like a log.她睡得很熟。The airplane soared like an eagle.飞机像鹰一样翱翔。It moves like a snail.它像蜗牛一样移动。(形容移动得慢)He ran like lightning.他跑得如闪电一般飞快。Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.就像沙漏中的沙子一样,我们生命中的每一天也如此。The teacher's instructions were of little use to the boy, as if like water off a duck'sback. 老师的教导,男孩只当耳旁风,好比是水滴在了鸭子背上,毫不起作用。Those old favourite songs are very dear to me as though they are like long-lostfriends that make me cry.这些老歌对我来说很亲切,犹如好久不见的老友,令我潸然泪下。Getting some financial assistance from your uncle was like getting blood out of astone. 想从你叔叔那里弄到钱,就犹如要从石头里挤出血来。(形容叔叔给予经济支持的可能性不高)Eating like a bird, Lily looked skinny and unhealthy.莉莉吃得很少,看上去很瘦、有些不健康。As happy as a lark is my daughter, whose presence makes everyone happy andrelaxed. 我女儿就像百灵鸟。只要她在,家里人人都心情愉快、情绪放松。暗喻,喻体和本体之间多通过be联系,无比喻词。The classroom was a zoo. 教室乱得像个动物园。The computers at school are old dinosaurs. 这些电脑老旧得不像样。He is a night owl. 他喜欢熬夜。The snow is a white blanket. 白雪茫茫,笼罩大地。Her long hair was a flowing golden river. 她的长发如金色的流水。The falling snowflakes are dancers. 飘落的雪花如舞者般灵动。Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.她的泪水如河水一般,从脸颊倾泻而下。The road ahead was a ribbon stretching across the desert.前面的路就像横在沙漠里的一条缎带。Ben's temper was a volcano, ready to explode. 本脾气不好,随时都会发脾气。John's suggestion was just a Band-Aid for the problem.约翰的建议对于这个问题只是权宜之计。My big brother is a couch potato. 我大哥成天都坐着不动。He doesn't have an idea of his own. He just parrots what others say.他没有自己的观点,只会鹦鹉学舌。The old man's face is a map of time. 这位老人的脸就是岁月的写照。2 夸张,表达强烈思想,增强感情色彩。(黑体部分运用了夸张)My Dad's car was worn out, as if one million years old.我爸爸的汽车十分破旧,简直老掉牙了。I have told you a thousand times that“Don't speak when your mouth is full”.我已经告诉你上千遍了,“嘴里吃东西的时候不要说话”。A million thanks to you, Mr. Brown. 布朗先生,非常非常感谢你。It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。My headache is killing me. 我的头痛死了。After hearing the bad news, my blood froze.听到这则坏消息,我的血液都凝固了。(形容消息对我的打击太大)The kid's homework is as heavy as a mountain.那孩子的作业负担很重,堆积如山。 “After the exam,”said the boy,“I could sleep a year!”男孩说,“考试一结束,我要睡一年!”We have to wait in line for centuries! 我们得等上老半天哪!3 拟人,赋予物以人的特质,增强渲染力和感染力。(黑体部分运用了拟人)Last year saw a lot of changes. 去年,很多事情发生了变化。The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.星星在月光笼罩的天空中欢快地舞动着。The first rays of morning tiptoed through the grass. 第一缕晨光轻落在草地上。She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door.她没有意识到机会已经来临。He did not realize that his last chance was walking out the door.他不知道他的最后一次机会正离他而去。The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one toanother. 蜜蜂从一朵花飞到另一朵花上,与花儿们玩着捉迷藏。The river swallowed the earth as the water continued to rise higher and higher.河水越涨越高,仿佛吞噬了大地。Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home.时间过得飞快,我们还没意识到,我就该回家了。