古文翻译展示 小组成员陶一 方俊森 沈斓湄 柴叔渊 易茜 刘幸子 于丹丹 王三译文译文There is excavated ancient jade.Some is in the shape of a ceramic chip or a tile,others looks like limestones,dry bones and animals horns or teeth.The color of the ancient jade is various,such as charcoal,fresh ginger,mashed sauce and green jujubes.And the texture of the jade is partially or completely coverd.Some is crystalline,but some is not.Varying in shapes and colors,the jade become stranger with time going by.It is truly hard for people to foresee the appearance of ancient jade.People who love antiques should be especially careful to avoid overlooking its value because of its shapes and colors.Indeed,ancient jade is covered with something resembling the rust.The older it is,the less lustrous it appears.Once it is unearthed,it will burst out splendor,which is beyond imagination.目录231译前准备翻译实例分析翻译实践总结译前准备1译前准备任务分工(1)分析任务,然后由组长进行任务的分配和相关的说明(2)提交初译稿,然后进行初步汇总和修改,形成译文雏形(3)初稿完成后,小组统一决定一个时间进行讨论。讨论之前每个人都事先准备好自己的看法和问题,在讨论过程中进行汇总解决,对译文进行修改。同时将翻译中遇到的问题进行总结,分析经验与收获,问题与不足(4)翻译报告的撰写与提交,PPT制作a:计划安排:古文分析b:具体分工:第一部分翻译:沈斓湄第二部分翻译:于丹丹第三部分翻译:柴书渊初译稿汇总和初步修改:王三、方俊森撰写翻译实践报告:刘幸子、易茜PPT制作:陶一古文分析译前准备任务分工古文分析出处:古玉辨作者:刘大同清末民国时期著名古玉收藏家古文分析译前准备任务分工古文分析两部分:第一部分:玉出土真令人难测 描绘了玉出土时的情形第二部分:嗜古者有匪夷所思之妙辨别和把玩玉应该注意的地方2翻译实例分析翻译实例分析词汇翻译句子翻译a:玉出土,有形如瓷片者,有形如瓦片者,有形如石灰者,有形如枯骨者,有形如兽角兽牙者玉古玉ancient jadeJade:【U】a hard,usually green stone often used to make a jewellery出现五次的“形如”译:There is excavated ancient jade.Some is in the shape of a ceramic chip or a tile,others looks like limestones,dry bones and animals horns or teeth.翻译实例分析词汇翻译句子翻译b.有色如木炭者,有色如生姜者,有色如烂酱者,有色如鲜枣者烂酱:酱被捣的很碎,成糊状,颜色很深,而非变质了的mashed sauce出现五次的“色如”译:The color of the ancient jade is various,such as charcoal,fresh ginger,mashed sauce and green jujubes翻译实例分析词汇翻译句子翻译c:诚以斑锈深厚,年愈久而形色愈黯“诚”:真的,确实,的确(衔接作用)indeed“斑锈”:指长期埋藏在地下的玉石因土壤等物质的侵蚀形成的色斑。“黯”:由于古玉受沁而逐渐失去光彩、光泽Something resembling the rust译:Indeed,ancient jade is covered with something resembling the rust.The older it is,the less lustrous it appears.翻译实例分析词汇翻译句子翻译a.玉出土,有形如瓷片者,有形如瓦片者,有形如石灰者,有形如枯骨者,有形如兽角兽牙者,有色如木炭者,有色如生姜者,有色如烂酱者,有色如鲜枣者,有半露质地者,有不露质地者,有带玻璃光者,有遍体不露玻璃光者,此种形形色色,愈古愈怪,真令人难测。1:断句将“形如”分为一类,“色如”分为一类2:个别词语推敲3:句式There is excavated ancient jade.Some is in the shape of a ceramic chip or a tile,others looks like limestones,dry bones and animals horns or teeth.The color of the ancient jade is various,such as charcoal,fresh ginger,mashed sauce and green jujubes.And the texture of the jade is partially or completely coverd.Some is crystalline,but some is not.Varying in shapes and colors,the jade become stranger with time going by.It is truly hard for people to foresee the appearance of ancient jade.译:翻译实例分析词汇翻译句子翻译b.嗜古者,当格外小心,切不可因其形色而忽之。“嗜”:爱好某种事物已成为一种癖好,酷爱“嗜古者”:酷爱古玉之人译:People who love antiques should be especially careful to avoid overlooking its value because of its shapes and colors.3翻译经验总结经验与收获一二三问题与不足 四四a.熟悉巩固了基本的翻译技巧,为以后的翻译实践提供了思路b.注重词语的英文解释,c.对文章背景有一定认识才能更好地把握作者意思,知识面广是翻译者的基本素质d.注重团队合作翻译实践总结经验与收获一二三问题与不足 四四a.词汇量不足,很难在第一时间就找到适合的词语,经常需要借助词典b.一开始对原文的理解有偏差,母语水平不够c.讨论时组长没有很好地起到带头作用,导致效率较低d.时间安排不太合理翻译实践总结