2023/2/1孔子简介12023/2/1孔子简介2尼山全景尼山全景panoramic view of Nishan 孔子(前前)春秋末期思想家、政治家、教育家,儒学学派的创始人。名丘,字仲尼。鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜东南)人。先世系宋国贵族。五世祖木金父避难奔鲁,后定避鲁国陬邑。父叔梁纥为鲁国武士,以勇力闻于诸侯。Confucius(551-479BC),an ideologist,politician and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period,founder of Confucianism.His real name is Kong Qiu,and he was born in State Lu,todays Shandong Province.Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.2023/2/1孔子简介3俎豆礼容俎豆礼容learn the etiquette 六岁六岁 公元前公元前546年年(周灵王二十周灵王二十六年鲁襄公二十七年六年鲁襄公二十七年)孔子在母亲颜征孔子在母亲颜征在的教育下,自幼好礼,在的教育下,自幼好礼,为儿嬉戏,为儿嬉戏,常陈俎豆,设礼容常陈俎豆,设礼容,演习礼仪。,演习礼仪。Confucius lost his father at the age of 3.Educated by his mother Yan Zhengzai,Confucius was good-mannered when he was only a small child.He learned the etiquette although he lived in poverty.2023/2/1孔子简介4孔子父母合葬墓孔子父母合葬墓 a joint tomb for Confucius parents十七岁十七岁 公元前公元前535年年(周景王十周景王十年鲁昭公七年年鲁昭公七年)孔母颜征在卒,与孔父合葬。孔母颜征在卒,与孔父合葬。Confucius mother died when he was 17,and was buried together with his father.2023/2/1孔子简介5学琴师襄学琴师襄 learn from Shixiang 二十九岁二十九岁 公元前公元前523年年(周景王周景王二十二年二十二年 鲁昭公十九年鲁昭公十九年)孔子学琴孔子学琴于师襄子。他长时间练习一支曲于师襄子。他长时间练习一支曲子,直到理解了乐曲的内涵,进而子,直到理解了乐曲的内涵,进而领悟到作者是周文王,师襄很佩领悟到作者是周文王,师襄很佩服,告诉他乐曲名叫服,告诉他乐曲名叫文王操文王操。Confucius learned music from Shixiang.He played the same tune again and again until he felt that he understood it thoroughly.He thus realized that the author of the tune was Emperor Wen of Zhou Dynasty.Shixiang admired him greately and told him that the name of the tune was“Wen Wang Cao”.2023/2/1孔子简介6杏坛讲学图杏坛讲学图 Confucius as a teacher三十岁三十岁 公元前公元前522年年(周景王二周景王二十三年十三年 鲁昭公二十年鲁昭公二十年)开始创办平民开始创办平民教育,收徒讲学,他讲授的内容包括礼、教育,收徒讲学,他讲授的内容包括礼、乐,射,御,书,数。据传孔子有三千乐,射,御,书,数。据传孔子有三千弟子,其中有七十二贤人。弟子,其中有七十二贤人。He established the first private school in China and accepted the students from everywhere.Knowledge he taught included:Manners,Music,Literature,Riding,Archery and Mathematics.It is said that he has 3,000 students.Among them,72 became famous scholars.2023/2/1孔子简介7孔子登临处(今山东泰山)孔子登临处(今山东泰山)Mount Tai,where Confucius ever climbed 泰山问政泰山问政Chi Kang Tzu asked Confucius about government.Confucius answered,To govern(cheng)is to correct(cheng).If you set an example by being correct,who would dare to remain incorrect?2023/2/1孔子简介8孔子闻韶处(今山东临淄)孔子闻韶处(今山东临淄)Linzi,where Confucius heard the amazing music“Shao”三十六岁三十六岁 公元前公元前516年年(周敬王四年周敬王四年鲁昭公二十六年鲁昭公二十六年)孔子在齐与齐太师孔子在齐与齐太师语乐,听到语乐,听到韶韶乐(相传是舜时的乐(相传是舜时的音乐),三月不知肉味,兴奋地说音乐),三月不知肉味,兴奋地说:不图为乐之至于斯也!不图为乐之至于斯也!When Confucius was 36,he happened to hear the ancient music“Shao”(music of Shun Dynasty),it was so amazing that he didnt know the taste of meat for three months.He was excited because he never realized that music could be so incredible.