办出国邀请函范文格式办出国邀请函范文格式 3 3 篇篇办出国邀请函范文格式篇一:British Embassy Chengdu,Room C2,Floor 16,Guancheng Square308Shuncheng AvenueQingyang DistrictChengduSichuan Province610021To Whom It May Concern:I am currently studying(专业)at University Of 大学and have attached a studentstatus letter confirming this for your information.Also attached are photocopies ofmy passport details page and my current UK visa.I am writing to confirm that I(名字)am inviting 被邀请人 to visit me in the UK.被邀请人 is my mother.Their passport number is护照号码 and their date ofbirth is 生日.She is going to visit the UK from 计划出来的日期 and will be staying for 天数days.被邀请人 will be staying at the above address,which is到你的国家所呆的地址.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.Yours faithfully,你的名字邮箱手机号码办出国邀请函范文格式篇二:Ich lade hiermit Herrn/Frau/Fraeulein_Zuname,Vorname_Geburtsdatum,Geburtsort_Staatsangehoerigkeit_fuerdieZeitvom_ bis_ein.Ichverpflichte mich,fuer alle im Zusammenhang mit dieser Reiseentstehenden Kosten aufzukommen.Vom Inhalt des 84 Auslaendergesetzwurde ich durch umseitiger Merkblatt in Kenntiniss des Verpflichtung wurde mirausgehaedigt._Ort,Datum_UnterschriftBeglaubigung des Unterschrift_Zuname,Vorname_Beruf_Wohnhaft,Strass,Wohnort()Personalausweis Nr.:_()Reisepass Nr.:_hat vorstehende Unterschrift vor mir vollzogen.Auf die Verpflichtung gemaess84AuslaedergesetzDieswirdhiermitamtlichbeglaubigt._办出国邀请函范文格式篇三:Dear father and mother:How are you?I have been in Australia for nearly two year,and all the things go well.I miss youvery much,so I decide to invite you to visit me,and live in Melbourne for 2 months.It is well known that there are rich tour resources in Australia,all kinds offlowers are blooming through a year and glasses grow flourish.Millions of people areattracted to be here because of the sunshine and fresh air.At the same time mymother and my father like travelling and going shopping,so we can travel by cruiserto see the broad sea and go fishing and visit super markets,going to taste the grapewines which are made in Australia.I will guarantee to look after my father and mother s safety within Australia andmake sure they will be really happy and enjoy this trip journey and I also ensure theywill back to China before the visa deadline.Please apply for Australia visa as soon as possible.Please do not hesitate tocontact me if you need further information.Love you!xx20/08/xx搜集整理 仅供参考