英语专业研究生答辩陈述Plea of Defense2013-5-26Good morning,all appraiser committee members.Thank you very much forgiving me a chance to stand here for my oral defense.I am Huang Yinteng.First andforemost,I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my respected supervisor-AssociateProfessorYu Weichang,forhisintellectualguidance,invaluableinstructions and comments on my thesis.It is with his constant encouragement,valuable guidance and assistance that I have finally accomplished this paper.Now,itis the show time.I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.The title of my paper is An Experimental Research on the Effect of LexicalChunk Approach on Senior High Students English Writing Competence.Three keywords(Why,How and What)may give an outline of my presentation.That is,why Ichoose this theme of my research,how the study is designed and what can be obtainedfrom the research.Research Orientation(Objective)As is stated in the title,the present thesis aims to probe the effect of lexicalchunk approach on senior high school students English writing competence.It alsoaims to explore some practical methodological suggestions for the English writingteaching in senior high school.Rationale for the study(Why)Why I choose this topic is due to two reasons.Firstly,senior students meet problems in English writing which is a basic skill inEnglish.Or in other words,the current situation of senior high students Englishwriting is far from satisfactory.Being an English teacher of senior high school,theauthor is eager to find an efficient method to solve the unsatisfactory situation.Next,the previous studies at home or abroad have proved that lexical chunkapproach is an effective and successful way to teach writing for both native andnonnative speakers.However,few empirical studies on senior high students have beenconducted at home.Inspired by the previous studies,the author hopes to prove thevalidity and feasibility of the lexical chunk approach in senior high school,and to1英语专业研究生答辩陈述probe an effective way to improve the students English writing competence.Research QuestionsResearch QuestionsThe general research question is What is the effect of lexical chunk approachWhat is the effect of lexical chunk approachon son senior high school students writing competence?enior high school students writing competence?It can be subdivided intoQ1.Can EG make significant improvement in English writing after theimplementation of the lexical approach?Q2.Is there any correlation between the number of lexical chunks and the qualityof the composition?Outline of my thesisOutline of my thesisHere is an outline of my thesis.This paper consists of 6 parts.1.Introduction2.Related Studies3.Theoretical Framework4.The Study5.Data Analysis and Discussion6.ConclusionsIn ChapterChapter 1 1 the author presents a brief introduction of the whole thesis bypointing out the research orientation,rationale of the research,and raising the researchquestions.Chapter 2Chapter 2 reviews the related studies on English writing athome and abroad.The author introduces six types of English writing teaching approaches which arecommonly used in senior high school at home.Besides,the characteristics,advantages and disadvantages of these English writing teaching approaches are alsointroduced.ChapterChapter 3 3 is is thethe theoreticaltheoretical frameworkframework ofof thisthis study.study.TheThe authorauthor presentspresentsthethe lexicallexical theorytheory as the theoretical basis of this study,including the Definition ofLexical Chunk,Classifications of Lexical Chunks and the Functions of LexicalChunks.Especially,the relationship between lexical chunks and written discourse ispointed out.In the last section,Nattinger&DeCarrico,Michael Lewis and AlisonWrays theories of lexical chunk are introduced in detail,from which we can see theproposition,suggestions,principles and pedagogical implications of the approaches.2英语专业研究生答辩陈述ChartChart 4 4 tells how the research is designed.This study mainly consists of 4partsparticipants,instruments,instruction and data collection.The subjects were 93 students from two natural classes of Grade 2 in FuchengSenior High School.They were classed randomly into the classes according to theplacement test.Four instruments were used in the study.They were questionnaire,tests(apre-test and a post-test),students compositions and an interview.The questionnaire,which was modified fromHuangyan,in her study A Surveyon the Use of Lexica1 Chunks in English Writing by Senior High School Students,waswritten in Chinese.It aimed at exploring the subjects awareness of lexical chunk intheir learning,lexical application in their writing and the problemsexisting in theirwriting,which would provide useful information for the future teaching and learning.The pre-test and the post-test were the unified examinations in Heyuan city.Thepapers were designed by experts,the compositions of the tests were graded by a groupof teachers with the requirements and the strict marking scheme in unified.The data,like total words of the composition,the number of the lexical chunksused correctly in writing and the total words of the chunks,was collected fromstudents compositions with the purpose of assessing the frequency of lexical chunksin writing.The author used some prepared questions to interview about 20 intervieweesfrom different levels and wrote down the replies.It helps to examine the effect of thelexical chunk instruction,get further information about the instruction,like learnersattitude to the lexical approach,learning strategies of lexical chunks,difficulties Ilearning and applying lexical chunks as well as their suggestions.The experiment fell into 3 fhasesStep 1:carry out the pre-test;collect and analyze the data of the pre-test;carryout the questionnaire;Step 2:twokindsofEnglishwritingteachingwereimplementedinEG and CGStep 3:carry out the post-test3英语专业研究生答辩陈述The main differences between the instruction in EG and CG are as followings.Briefly,EG were taught all around the lexical chunks during the procedure,CG weretaught mainly followed the requirement of NECSS(The National English Curriculumfor Senior Schools),that is,their integrated language capabilities is enhanced andsome learning strategies are taught.In Chapter 5,the author analyzed the data from the questionnaire,tests,compositions and interview,and made a discussion of the experiment in order toanswer the Research Questions raised in Chapter 1.Here are the major findings of the experiment,which is presented in Chapter 6.EGmakemoresignificantprogressinEnglishwritingaftertheimplementation of lexical chunk approach Highfrequencyofusinglexicalchunkscontributestohigh-qualitycompositions.There is a positive correlation between the number of lexical chunks used inthe writing correctly and the composition quality.EG raise their confidence in English writing and English learningNow,with the analysis and the results,it can be safe to draw a conclusion thatTeaching on lexical chunk approach has an effective on improving senior high schoolstudents English writing competence.And with the experiment progressing,studentsshow more confidence in English writing.That is all of my Plea of Defense.Thank you.I am looking forward to yourcorrections.4