1汉英翻译技巧汉英翻译技巧2I.词义的理解词义的理解n1.1.为为促进统一促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。,就要有个适当的方式。To promote the reunification of the motherland,we must find a proper means.n2.2.世界上一些国家发生世界上一些国家发生问题问题,从根本上来说,就是,从根本上来说,就是因为经济上不去因为经济上不去 原译:原译:“Fundamentally speaking,the root cause of the problem that arise in some countries lies in their failure to boost the economy.”Basically,the root cause for social unrest/social crisis in some countries lies in their failure to boost the economy.3n3.3.在逝去如飞的日子里,在千家万户的世界里的在逝去如飞的日子里,在千家万户的世界里的我能做什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了。我能做什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了。原译:原译:In the days when time is flying and in a world where there are thousands of households,what can I do?I can only wander and be in a hurry.What can I do living in the days when time flies so quickly and the world appears so vast except to wander about and haste for nothing?4II.词义的表达词义的表达n环境环境自然环境、社会环境、周围环境自然环境、社会环境、周围环境 environment,circumstances,surroundings n税税国税、关税、税率国税、关税、税率 state taxes,customs duties,tariff ratesn标题标题文章标题、报纸的标题文章标题、报纸的标题 title,headings n水平水平提高生活水平、会话水平、领导水平、文提高生活水平、会话水平、领导水平、文 化水平、英语水平化水平、英语水平 upgrade the living standard improve ones conversational ability improve the art of leadership raise the intellectual level(of people)to improve English5n问题问题 question,problem,issue 1.1.中国的经济是个大问题。中国的经济是个大问题。Chinas economy is an important question.2.2.在谈话中,他涉及的是一些严肃的问题,诸如国在谈话中,他涉及的是一些严肃的问题,诸如国有企业的改革,快速膨胀的政府机构。有企业的改革,快速膨胀的政府机构。In his talk,he tackled serious subjects,like the reform of state-owned enterprises and the growing bureaucracy.6n像针尖上的一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时像针尖上的一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间流里,没有声音,也没有影子。间流里,没有声音,也没有影子。原译:原译:Like a drop of water falling from a needle tip into great sea,my days have dropped into the stream of time with no sound and shadow.Like a drop of water falling from a needle tip into great sea,the days of my life have slipped away into the stream of time,silently and without leaving a trace behind.7III.添加主语添加主语 n1.1.读书可以增长知识。读书可以增长知识。原译:原译:Reading books can acquire knowledge.Through reading one can acquire knowledge.n2.2.改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验。改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验。We must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned.n3.3.无论是打仗还是搞改革,都经不起慢腾腾的决策,无论是打仗还是搞改革,都经不起慢腾腾的决策,在很多情况下,都需要冒险试一试,然后一边前进在很多情况下,都需要冒险试一试,然后一边前进一边改正自己的错误。一边改正自己的错误。No one afford the luxury of slow decision-making,whether it involves fighting a battle or making a reform.In many cases,you have to take a chance,and correct your mistakes as you go along.8IV.信息主语信息主语n1.例如这次国家调动了例如这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。For example,1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dikes and to move people out of areas being flooded.n2.到去年底,上海已于好几个国家签订了建造拉到去年底,上海已于好几个国家签订了建造拉索桥的合同或协议。索桥的合同或协议。By the end of last year,contracts or agreement were signed with some countries for the construction of chain bridge.n3.上海采取了一系列的优惠政策来吸引外资。上海采取了一系列的优惠政策来吸引外资。A series of preferential polices have been adopted in Shanghai to attract foreign capital.9V.非人称主语非人称主语n1.不同的人对退休持不同的态度。不同的人对退休持不同的态度。Different people have different attitudes towards retirement.Attitudes towards retirement vary from person to person.n2.因此,小地方的红色政权得以应运而生。因此,小地方的红色政权得以应运而生。Thus opportunities are provided for the rise of Red political power in small areas.n3.由于时间不够,他只能放弃去一些风景点和名胜由于时间不够,他只能放弃去一些风景点和名胜古迹。古迹。Shortness of time has required the omission of some natural beauty and of historical interest.10VI.断句与合句断句与合句n1.世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说,都是因世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说,都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住,为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,大批人大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。Basically,the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost the economy.Consequently they lack food,clothing and shelter,and their wage increases are offset by inflation.With a decline in living standards,widespread layoffs and unemployment,people have to suffer chronic hardships.11n2.老关急忙跳下车去,摸摸腰间的勃郎宁,又向老关急忙跳下车去,摸摸腰间的勃郎宁,又向四下瞥了一眼,就过去开了车门,站在门旁边。四下瞥了一眼,就过去开了车门,站在门旁边。子夜子夜 Old Guan quickly scrambled out of the car,placing his hand on the Browning at his side and glancing all around.Then he went round and opened the other door and stood holding it.12VII.理关系分主次理关系分主次n1.18421.1842年,一艘英国军舰潜入长江口,攻占了吴淞炮台,不年,一艘英国军舰潜入长江口,攻占了吴淞炮台,不发一弹就占领了上海。发一弹就占领了上海。in 1842when a British ship,slipping unnoticed into the mouth of the Yangzi River,reduced the Wusong Fort and took the city without a flight.n2.2.有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住的房子有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住的房子又小又破。又小又破。There was a young man.He was called Yanhui.His family was very poor.They did not have enough food to eat nor enough clothing to wear.The house they lived was small and dilapidated.There was a young man named Yanhui,who was so poor that his family lived in a small,dilapidated house with insufficient food and clothing.13VIII.突出信息重心突出信息重心n1.1.经过多年的努力,我们国家已能用仅占世界百经过多年的努力,我们国家已能用仅占世界百分之七的耕地,养活了世界百分之二十二的人口,分之七的耕地,养活了世界百分之二十二的人口,使十一亿人民基本解决了温饱问题。使十一亿人民基本解决了温饱问题。Now it has solved the problem of food and clothing to a point where it has managed to feed its 1.1 billion people,22 percent of the worlds total population,with only 7 percent of the worlds cultivated land.n2.2.我家乡的人热情好客,乐于公益事业,能在这里我家乡的人热情好客,乐于公益事业,能在这里长大我感到非常骄傲。长大我感到非常骄傲。I was very proud to have been brought up in a small town with a great sense of hospitality and voluntary service.14IX:IX:修饰语的处理修饰语的处理n豫园原是明代四川布政使潘允端的私人花园。Yuyuan was originally the private garden of Pan Yunduan,the governor of Sichu Province during the Ming Dynasty.n我们要有一个农林牧副渔布局合理,全面发展,能够满足人民生活和工业发展需要的发达农业。We need an advanced agriculture to meet the need of people and expanding industry,an agriculture with rational and all-side-line production and fishery.End