欧亨利的个人及作品英语介绍 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】s writing styles is one of the American famous short-story writers.Hisnovels expose the darkness of capitalism from different angles,describe the difficult life of lower class,praise theirsincere friendship,love and desire to blessed life.He alwayswrite a comedy ending to express deep social meaning,serioussocial reality and higher level.Furthermore,it points out theinevitability.As we all know s ending is always unexpected.He willsuddenly change the inner world of the figures in anunbelievable way,or reverse the fate of the hero.In most time,it will make people feel in track,but the majority will thinkit reasonable after a while,such as“The Cop and the Anthem”.In the passage,Souby wanted to be in a prison so he madetroubles outside.However,his hopes always were defeated.WhenSouby was reclaimed by the Anthem and decided to live a newlife.Unfortunately,policemen put him into prison on sometrumped-up charge.When all people assume he will be safethrough life,policemen took him to a court.This is atypical s ending,which puts people into a dark hole withthinking deeply.And yet just use this way to reflect thereality of being unable to distinguish the good from the bad.The artistic effects of s ending does not always appearin the end.For example,there are two plots in the“The Copand the Anthem”.One is that Soupy molested a woman,but in anopposite manner,the woman molested him.The other is thatSoupy took away a customers illegal umbrella.Both a simpleand attractive woman and a well-dressed customer give readers adecent feeling,but in fact,they are not the people what weare thinking.I believer everyone will think it is incrediblelike me.Only if we think carefully is it normal.After all,those people really exist in our society.Is everyone in upper-class noble,kind and well-behaved Of course not,someone justput their dirty behaviors under their beautiful mask.In orderto express the inner dirtiness,had to decorate a lot in thepassage.Although what it is isnt as how it is,in short,itis reasonable.s ending exposed the public morals going frombad to worse of capitalism in the humors.