当今社会中,人已经知道,重要的是保持健康和良好的生活习惯,对于饮食健康也越来越重视。请以od atig Habitsan Halth 为题目,写一篇关于好的饮食习惯与健康的作文。请涵盖一下要点。1.健康的饮食习惯对我们来说很重要。2 过去,人们生活水平不好,吃的垃圾食品较少,所以很健康。现在,我们应当多吃蔬菜少吃肉,少吃垃圾食品。3.足够的锻炼对我们的身体来说非常的重要,我们应当多运动。注意:1.内容连贯,语法正确。2.字数 10 字左右。I crrent society,ppl have knwn timporae f keng healtyand god ife hat.n hpast,peope te threemeals at home,athey ae ore egeablesandlesmeat.hewere vr tonad sldo n t sedoctos.Now lif btter,people ea me et,ish,egs another foo wt r at.Teyoten g o frood eas with theirfamiles and friends.Bt they geteasyto beil.And sport ply an mon ole in ourdia lif.less exercie re bafor healt Good r,ess mat and fih,mor getbesand enoughexercse are good fr eth.o I xerise eyday Ieato of egetales.Iet fritnddrin i evry day.I dik aup of watr 15 minus before each mealdauh vegetablesand fruit.Of cous,I love ju food,too,and eat i nce we.And sleep ine urs verday.hebtter we get into god ting habis,thehappierourife becomes.