口腔门诊病历首页New patient dental history form了解您的个人资料有助于我们为您提供更好的服务,制定更安全的治疗方案,达到最佳的治疗效果, 您的信息绝对严格保密,请您仔细阅读,并用正楷字填写以下内容,谢谢合作!It is important to know details of your medical history as these could affect the success of your dental treatment and how we can provide you with effective treatment safely. Please note that all the information on this medical & dental history will remain strictly confidential. Please complete in CAPITAL LETTERS.姓名:Name:性别:Gender:年龄:Age:出生年月日:D.O.B:年YY月MM日DD民族:Minority:职业:Occupation:家庭住址:Home Address:介绍人:Reference :联系电话:Phone:客户来源:附近居住/工作Source:网络其他路过/路牌别人介绍紧急联系人:Emergency Contact:联系电话:Contact number:个人信息 Patient Details过敏史 Allergy History:药物 Medicine: 食物 Food: 其他 Others: 系统性疾病史 Medical History(请在下面打勾Please tick “”)心脏病 Heart Disease否 N是 Y甲亢 Thyroid Problems 否 N 是 Y心脏起搏器 Cardiac Pacemaker否 N是 Y肾脏疾病 Kidney Disease 否 N 是 Y高血压 Hypertension否 N是 Y肝 炎HepatitisorLiver 否 N 是 YDisease糖尿病 Diabetes否 N是 Y恶性肿瘤 Malignant Tumor 否 N 是 Y获得性免疫缺陷 HIV/AIDS否 N是 Y重大手术史 Major Operation 否 N 是 Y出血性疾病 Excessive Bleeding否 N是 Y骨质疏松症 Osteoporosis 否 N 是 Y癫痫史 Epilepsy 否 N 是 Y其他 Others: 以上全否 NO for all: () 女性患者For female: 您是否怀孕?Are you pregnant? ( 否 N是 Y)您是否长期服用某种药物?如阿司匹林,可的松等。( 否是) 如果有, 请列出:Are you taking any medications, pills or drugs? (NoYes)If yes, please explain: 我已认真填写表格,保证所有内容属实。我已充分了解信息错漏对健康的危害,自愿承担因信息错漏不实而导致的不良后果。To the best of my knowledge, the question on this form have been accurately answered. I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my (or patients) health. It is my responsibility to inform the dental office of any changes in medical status.客户/监护人签字:与客户关系:Signature of Patient/ Guardian: Relationship: 日期:年月日Date:YYMMDD口腔检查表图例说明龋损或阴影 冠修复体充填 缺失桩核牙冠伸长移位,倾斜其他情况请用文字标注说明:X1、软垢指数:01232、牙石指数:01233、牙龈指数:01234、恒牙列乳牙列混合牙列5、有无活动义齿修复体?(有,无)若有,请记录: 6、有无种植修复体?(有,无)若有,请记录: X初诊病历就诊时间:20年月日贴线片栏贴线片栏主诉:现病史:既往史:检查:诊断:治疗计划:处理:医嘱:随访/预约:医生签字:客户/监护人签字: