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    欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!7 个小技巧提高你的语言学习效率 语言学习就像是一场漫长的马拉松。当我们大多数人第一次开始学习新的东西时,很容易感到困惑,疑惑我们应该用什么方法,花费多少时间来学习它。但使用正确的语言技巧,你可以更快完成目标。例如学习西班牙语、法语、汉语或任何你想学习的语言。1.Have a Word of the Day.1.每日一词。A study was done on language learning revealed that:一项语言学习的研究显示:“Studying the first 1000 most frequently used words in the language will familiarize you with 76.0%of all vocabulary in non-fiction literature,79.6%of all vocabulary in fiction literature,and 87.8%of vocabulary in oral speech.“学习 1000 个最常用单词,可以使你熟悉非虚构文学中76.0%的词汇,小说中 79.6%的词汇和 87.8%的口语词汇。Studying the 2000 most frequently used words will familiarize you with 84%of vocabulary in non-fiction,86.1%of vocabulary in fictional literature,and 92.7%of vocabulary in oral speech.学习 2000 个最常用单词,可以使你您熟悉非虚构文学中84%的词汇,小说中86.1%的词汇,和 92.7%的口语词汇。And studying the 3000 most frequently used words will familiarize you with 88.2%of vocabulary in non-fiction,89.6%of vocabulary in fiction,and 94.0%of vocabulary in oral speech.”学习 3000 个最常用单词,可以使你熟悉非虚构文学中88.2%的词汇,小说中89.6%的词汇,和 94%的口语词汇。This means that learning the most common 1,000 words in any language will be the best use of your time,since learning an additional 1,000 words will only give you a 5%boost(from 88%to 93%)in oral speech.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!这意味着任何语言学习中最常见的 1000 个词汇是你日常使用最多的,因为学习额外的 1000 个单词只会给你增加了 5%的口语词汇,(从 88%提高到 93%)。2.Pick the right languages.2.选择合适的语言。One way to speed up your language learning journey is to focus on learning the right language in the first place.This will be different for each person,but learning Spanish if you already know English is a lot easier than if you were to try to learn Mandarin.加快语言学习进程的一个方法是把学习正确的语言放在第一位。这对每个人都是不同的,但如果你已经掌握英语,对你而言学习西班牙语比学习中文更加容易。Learning a language is a lot like learning a new sport.If you know how to play water polo,learning a similar sport,such as handball is going to be a lot easier for you than trying to learn a sport involving different coordination,such as golf.学习一门语言就像学习一项新的运动。如果你知道如何玩水球,学习类似的运动(如手球),比努力学习一项其他动作的运动要容易得多(如高尔夫球)。This isnt to say that you shouldnt attempt to learn a la nguage that sprouts from a different language family.At the end of the day,your passion for learning a language will triumph the difficulties that youll face along the way.这并不是说,你不可以尝试学习一种与你掌握的语言差别较大的语言。在一天结束的时候,你的学习热情会战胜你将要面临的困难。4.Speak the language as much as you can.4.尽可能多进行口语练习。Just like the way we learned how to ride a bicycle for the first time,speaking a new language can only come from doing it.就像我们第一次学会骑自行车,说一门新语言也同样类似。It means we need to be in front of native speakers,making as many mistakes as we can,and getting immediate feedback along the way.这意味着我们需要在母语者面前练习,尽可能犯很多错误,并获得即时纠正。欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!There is no shortcut or hack around this because speaking the language is the hack itself.没有快捷方式或技巧因为说一门语言本身就是技巧。You can try going to the following resources to gain more speaking practice:你可以尝试以下的资源获得更多的对话练习:Conversation/Language Exchanges like or 或 对话交流网站。Local city language meetups like or 或 获取本地见面交流。Asking a friend who speaks your target language 求助和你有相同目标语言的朋友。Private language teacher platforms 私教平台 5.Carry around a notebook and write down new words you learn.5.随身携带一个笔记本,写下你学习新单词。This tip is particularly recommended for intermediate or advanced learners since its going to be hard to keep track of every single word you learn when youre just starting out.本条建议特别推荐中级或高级学习者,因为当你刚刚开始学习是很难记住每个新学的单词。But when youre further along your journey,you can start to write down the new vocabulary that you learn from your private teacher or friends.但是当你沿着你的进度学习,你可以写下从家教或朋友那里学习的新词汇。欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!Studies show that writing things down can help us retain more information in the brain,and it also allows us to refer to the list of new words we wrote down in the future.研究表明书写可以帮助我们记住更多的信息,也可以在将来查找写下的单词列表。To make it easier on yourself,we recommend using the Notes application on your smartphone,because that will allow you to keep everything in the cloud,without requiring you to carry a bulky notebook wherever you go.自己做更多的事,我们建议在你的智能手机上使用应用程序,因为这将在云上存储你的信息,而不需要无论你走到哪里都携带笨重的笔记本。6.Schedule it in.6.将它安排在日程表里。Research shows that scheduling our priorities is more effective than simply keeping a to-do list of our upcoming tasks.This is because scheduling forces us to have a realistic deadline,and has a timeline to complete the task.研究表明,有重点地安排比简单地保持一个待办事项清单要更有效率。因为这样的安排迫使我们自己定一个最后期限,并且有一个时间表来完成这个任务。If you want to find more time in your schedule to learn a language,we recommend making it a priority by scheduling it into your daily calendar and sticking to it.如果你想在你的日程安排花费更多的时间学习一门语言,我们建议到您的日程表提高它的优先级并坚持。Here are some additional tips to find more time as provided:这里有一些其他的建议来更有效地利用时间:Shortening your work tasks This means that if you think a work task will take 2 hours,give yourself a deadline of 1 hour.Its likely youll find a way to focus to get it done in time.缩短你的工作任务这意味着,如果你认为一个工作任务需要2 小时,给自己定 1 小时的期限。很有可能你会找到一个可以集中完成它的方法。欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!Cut out unimportant free times are there spare times in your day,where you simply do nothing or time-wasting tasks?Perhaps you find yourself going on social media in the late afternoon everyday,or checking email more than 5 times per day.删掉不重要的自由时间你的一天中是否有什么都不做或没有意义的空闲时间?也许你会发现自己会在每天下午使用社交媒体,或者每天查收邮件超过 5 次。7.Get a private teacher.7.找一个私人教师。What do most of the top performers in the world have in common?They have a personal coach,whether its a fitness coach,business coach,or life coach.世界上最顶尖的演员有何共同之处?他们都有一个私人教练,无论是一个健身教练、业务教练、还是生活教练。Having someone accountable to your success not only allows them to see the blind spots that youre missing,but theyre also able to get you through the rough moments youll inevitably face.有人对你的进步负责,这样不仅他们可以看到你忽略的盲点,但他们也能够帮助你度过你自己无法避免的危险。Psychologists have studied whats known as the transition cycle.Its the cycle of progress we go through whenever were experiencing change or a novel event,such as a tragic event or even learning something new.心理学家研究过所谓的过渡周期,在我们正在经历变化或一个新奇的事件的任何时候,都会经历的周期过渡,如一个悲剧性的事件,甚至学习新的东西。If youre serious about learning a new language,and you want to see faster results,getting yourself a private teacher that can give you the support and help you need is one of the best personal investments you can make.如果你真的想学习一门新的语言,并且你想尽快看到结果,请一个可以给你支持并帮助你的私人老师是最好的个人投资。


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