高英第六册第七单元本讲稿第一页,共十五页MainIdea&purposeofwriting:Through the discussion on the lexical narrowing of“beauty”,the author aims actually to exploring a feminist issue that demands public attention and discrediting modern societys biased attitude to women as shown in the changed meaning of the word“beauty”.本讲稿第二页,共十五页Analysisoftheorganizationofthetext Section 1(Para 1-2):Contrast the ancient notion of“beauty”with the modern concept to introduce the topic Section II(Para 3-7)Illustrating how women and men are viewed/treated differently to support the argument:the oppression of women Section III(Para 8-9)Pointing out how societys gender stereotypes have affected adversely the development of women(e.g.encouraging narcissism,dependence,immaturity,passive acceptance etc)Section IV(Para.10)Calling on women and the whole society to get out of the trap created by the“myth of beauty”and the resulting oppression of women 本讲稿第三页,共十五页DifficultSentencesforTranslation(E-C):1.One of Socrates main pedagogical acts was to be uglyand teach those innocent,no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was.2 Associating beauty with women has put beauty even further on the defensive,morally.3.It does not take someone in the throes of advanced feminist awareness to perceive that the way women are taught to be involved with beauty encourages narcissism,reinforces dependence and immaturity.4.If a woman does real workand even if she has clambered up to a leading position in politics,law,medicine,business,or whatevershe is always under pressure to confess that she still works at being attractive.5.One could hardly ask for more important evidence of the dangers of considering persons as split between what is“inside”and what is“outside”than that interminable half-comic half-tragic tale,the oppression of women.6.There should be a way of saving beauty form women-and for them.本讲稿第四页,共十五页Feedback on Tr.Exercise 1)It does not take someone in the throes of advanced feminist awareness to perceive that the way women are taught to be involved with beauty encourages narcissism,reinforces dependence and immaturity.对妇女进行的有关美方面教育的方式促成了她们的自恋情节,加深了她们对男人的依赖,使她们迟迟不能成熟这一点并不是只有处在痛苦中的先进的女权主义者才能感受到本讲稿第五页,共十五页 2)One could hardly ask for more important evidence of the dangers of considering persons as split between what is“inside”and what is“outside”than that interminable half-comic half-tragic tale,the oppression of women.How easy it is to start off by defining women as caretakers of their surfaces,and then to disparage them(or find them adorable)for being“superficial”.It is a crude trap,and it has worked for too long.But to get out of the trap requires that women get some critical distance from that excellence and privilege which is beauty,enough distance to see how much beauty itself has been abridged in order to prop up the mythology of the“feminine”.There should be a way of saving beauty form women-and for them.本讲稿第六页,共十五页有关妇女被压迫的传闻既有喜剧色彩又有悲剧色彩.在这种没完没了的传闻中,有关把人分割为”外表”与”内心”两部分之危险的证据比比皆是 /把人分割为”外表”与”内心”所带来的危害,在关于妇女受压迫的那些既有喜剧色彩又有悲剧色彩无休止的传闻中体现得最为淋漓尽致.人们是多么轻易地先把妇女定义为注重外表的人,然后再将其贬低为“肤浅”(或可爱)之人.这真是一个拙劣的陷阱/圈套,而且它发生作用的时间也延续得太久了.然而,要摆脱这个陷阱/圈套就需要妇女与“美丽”这一优越与特权/“美丽”所具有的优越与特权保持审慎/至关重要的距离.这种距离足以让她们认识到,为了支撑“女性”这一神话,美丽本身失色/缩水了多少.我们应该找到一种方法,使“美丽”一词免于因妇女之缘故而遭损毁,同时也让“美丽”一词为妇女保留着以便将来好用./我们应该找到一种挽救“美丽”同时也挽救妇女本身的两全途径.本讲稿第七页,共十五页Post-readingactivities:ClassroomdiscussionAnalyze the major argumentative devices used in the essay.How would you relate the topic discussed in this essay with the feminist issue that you have come across in your life?Why do you think that the obligation to be beautiful has become a trap for women?To what degree do you agree with the authors point of view in this regard?本讲稿第八页,共十五页TEXTIISexisminEnglish:AFeministViewPre-readingBrainstorming:Does culture shape language or vice versa?Is this an easy question to answer?Why?There has been a common practice now to use all-inclusive words such as“Ms”,“chairperson”,“business person”in the place of masculine words so as to avoid sexual discrimination.How did some linguists react to this?How do you feel about such practice?Do you think such linguistic efforts will result in any significant change in culture?Why or why not?Whats the main argument of the author?Can you find the thesis statement in the passage?How does the author prove that there is sexism in English?Find the evidence given by the author and group them in sensible categories.Is the evidence provided powerful enough to support the authors argument?本讲稿第九页,共十五页MainIdeaofthepassage Sexism is deep seated in English.Thesis:(Title)Sexism in English(end of Para 3)“how really deep-seated sexism is in our communication system”本讲稿第十页,共十五页Structureofthepassage(I):para.13:introduction of the topic,that is,sexism as part of culture shapes languagepara.49:words from womens body versus those indicating mens mind or activitiespara.1014:sexual connotations are given to feminine words while the masculine words retain a serious,businesslike auraCf:AnalysisfromXU,nextpage:本讲稿第十一页,共十五页Organization(II):1.Presenting the topic(Para 1-3)starting with the observation on the relation between CULTURE and LANGUAGE,to bring in the topic for discussion,i.e.“how our language(English)reflects the sexual discrimination in our culture.”2.Giving evidence to show sexism in English(linguistic evidence)1)Words that originated from peoples names(para 4-6)2)Geographical names(para 7-9)preoccupation with womens breasts 3)Pairs of words/cognate terms/male-female counterparts (Para 10-13)(with different semantic features)3.Conclusion(English is a male-centred language)本讲稿第十二页,共十五页Alistofthedifferencesbetween“masculinewords”&“femininewords”inEnglishfromthetext:1.Whereas a womans body is considered more important,a mans mind or his activities are valued.Examples:1)many mens names are used as everyday words,but womens names used as everyday words are only one-fifth of mens names,most of which came from Greek mythology.2)Topless Topography-words like Tetons,Nipples,Teats are used as names of mountains and peaks.Mens names in place names have nothing to do with the mens bodies,e.g.,Jackson Hole and Pikes Peak.2.A serious tone for masculine words,e.g.,call boy,Sir,master.Sexual connotation for feminine words,e.g.,call girl,madam,mistress.本讲稿第十三页,共十五页3.Masculine words are mostly the base words,e.g.,usher,hero.Feminine words have suffixes added to the base words,e.g.,usherette,heroine.4.Masculine words form compounds,e.g.,king-kingdom,sportsman-sportsmanship.Feminine words form no compounds,e.g.,queen,sportswoman.5.In the area dealing with sex and marriage,feminine words are dominant,e.g.,prostitute,widow,bride.In this area,masculine words are not the base words,e.g.,man prostitute,widower,bridegroom.本讲稿第十四页,共十五页Post-readingactivity:Discussion and assignment:Give further examples to show sexism in English and/or in Chinese本讲稿第十五页,共十五页