会计学1小王子介绍小王子介绍(jisho)英文英文第一页,共14页。The First ChapterThe First Chapter 第2页/共14页第二页,共14页。You can not imagine it shows that a boa(蟒蛇蟒蛇(mngsh))is swallowing an elephant !第3页/共14页第三页,共14页。The prince asks the pilot to draw a sheep.Not knowing how to draw a sheep,the pilot shows the prince a picture that he had previously drawn:a boa with an elephant in its stomach(a drawing which previous viewers mistook for a hat).No!No!exclaims the prince.I dont want a boa constrictor from the inside or outside.I want a sheep!“He tries a few sheep drawings,which the prince rejects.Finally he draws a box,which he explains has the sheep inside.The prince,who can see the sheep inside the box just as well as he can see the elephant in the boa,says Thats perfect.第4页/共14页第四页,共14页。The little prince lives on a The little prince lives on a planet called Asteroid B612.planet called Asteroid B612.He can see the sunset 44 He can see the sunset 44 times a day on his planet.times a day on his planet.He has an unique rose He has an unique rose and falls in love withand falls in love withher,who returns hisher,who returns hislove but is unablelove but is unableto express it to express it due to her due to her own pettiness.own pettiness.Plots第5页/共14页第五页,共14页。n nOne day,he has One day,he has some quarrel with some quarrel with his rose,then he his rose,then he left his own planet left his own planet and took an and took an exploration at some exploration at some neighbor planets.neighbor planets.第6页/共14页第六页,共14页。n nA king A king n nA vanity manA vanity mann nA tipplerA tippler(酒鬼(酒鬼(酒鬼(酒鬼(ji(ji gugu))n nA businessmanA businessmann nA lamplighterA lamplightern nA geographerA geographer On his all-alone journey,the little prince meets different kinds of people,each of which is inhabited by an adult who is foolish in his own way.第7页/共14页第七页,共14页。The King who can The King who can control the stars,but control the stars,but only by ordering them only by ordering them to do what they would to do what they would do anyway.He then do anyway.He then relates this to his relates this to his human subjects;it is the human subjects;it is the citizens duty to obey,citizens duty to obey,but only if the kings but only if the kings demands are demands are reasonable.He orders reasonable.He orders the prince to leave as the prince to leave as his ambassadorhis ambassador.第8页/共14页第八页,共14页。The Geographer spends all of his The Geographer spends all of his time making maps,but never time making maps,but never leaves his desk leaves his desk toto examine examine anywhere(even his own planet).anywhere(even his own planet).He does not trust things he has He does not trust things he has not seen with his own eyes.not seen with his own eyes.He asks the prince He asks the prince toto describe describe his planet.The prince describes his planet.The prince describes the volcanoes and the rose.“We the volcanoes and the rose.“We dont record flowers,”says the dont record flowers,”says the geographer,“because they are geographer,“because they are only ephemeralonly ephemeral(短暂(短暂(短暂(短暂(du(dunzn)nzn)的)的)的)的).The prince is shocked and hurt The prince is shocked and hurt toto learn that his flower will learn that his flower will someday be gone.someday be gone.The geographer then The geographer then recommends that he visit the recommends that he visit the Earth.Earth.第9页/共14页第九页,共14页。The Seventh PlanetThe Seventh Planet -the Earth-the EarthDuring the tour,he meets a fox.The fox,who tells the little prince about the meaning of the word“tame”(驯服(xnf))becomes his new friend.At the time to say farewell,the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that,the little prince begins to treasure friendship and decide to be responsible to his rose.第10页/共14页第十页,共14页。At the anniversary(周年(zhunin)纪念日)day of his arrived of the Earth,he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.The story ends with a portrait of the landscape where the meeting of the prince and the pilot took place and where the snake took the princes life.第11页/共14页第十一页,共14页。GOOD SENTIENCESGOOD SENTIENCESGOOD SENTIENCESGOOD SENTIENCES It is the time you have lost It is the time you have lost It is the time you have lost It is the time you have lost for your rose that makes for your rose that makes for your rose that makes for your rose that makes your rose so important.your rose so important.your rose so important.your rose so important.You know one loves the You know one loves the You know one loves the You know one loves the sunset,when one is so sadsunset,when one is so sadsunset,when one is so sadsunset,when one is so sadYou have to believe,you You have to believe,you You have to believe,you You have to believe,you must believe tomorrow must believe tomorrow must believe tomorrow must believe tomorrow will certainly come.will certainly come.will certainly come.will certainly come.AND SO ONAND SO ON第12页/共14页第十二页,共14页。Best wishes for all of you!第13页/共14页第十三页,共14页。感谢您的观看感谢您的观看(gunkn)!第14页/共14页第十四页,共14页。