生涯決定理論生涯決定理論田秀蘭國立台灣師大教心與輔導學系動腦時間o請列舉至少三項在過去三年裡你所做的重要決定,並說明做決定時所考慮的因素。o如果將這些做決定時的考慮因素作一歸類,你會如何歸類?歸為哪些類別?o對於未來,請至少預期一項對你而言的重要決定,做此決定時,你會考慮哪些因素?做決定的歷程o決定歷程包括了以下七個步驟:n(1)定義問題;n(2)找出所有可能的選擇;n(3)蒐集資料;n(4)處理資料;n(5)訂定計畫;n(6)選定目標;n(7)完成計畫。(Herr&Cramer,1996)Krumboltz 的社會學習理論o社會學習理論代表人物-行為學派大師 Bandura,重點在強調個人學習經驗對人格與行為發展的影響oKrumboltz將此一理論應用在生涯輔導的領域裡,探討影響個人做決定的一些因素,並進而設計出一些輔導方案,以增進個人的決策能力。o理論主要目的是在說明影響一個人決定進入某一個職業領域的因素。個人進入某一領域的相關因素-1o遺傳及特殊能力:包括種族、外貌、性別、智力、肌肉協調、及特殊才能等。o環境情境及重要事件:通常是指個人不見得能掌握的一些特殊情境。(社會、教育、職場環境)o學習經驗:包括工具性的學習經驗及聯結性的學習經驗。o任務取向的技能:是上述各種因素交互作用的結果,包括問題解決能力、工作習慣、價值觀念、個人對工作表現標準的設定、認知的過程、心理特質、以及情緒上的反應等等。個人進入某一領域的相關因素-2上述四類因素交互作用後所形成的認知行為技巧o自我觀察推論:指個人對自己的看法及評估,包括興趣、能力、及價值觀念等等。o世界觀之推論:是指個人對所處環境之觀察以及對未來可能進入之職業世界的預測。o任務取向技能:是指個人所學的認知及表現能力,這些能力與個人的生涯決定歷程有關。包括工作習慣、情緒反應、思考歷程、以及問題解決能力等。諮商人員能使用的策略o增強原理o角色楷模o角色扮演o模仿o目標澄清o非理性信念的澄清o探究語言及行為之間不一致現象幸運絕非偶然-o觀念問題-nOpen-mindedness vs.Indecisivenessn所謂的未決定,所代表的是開放的心而非猶豫的性格。o協助個案善用機會的策略n回顧個人生涯發展過程中的機緣n將好奇心轉化為學習及探索的機會n引導個案發展可慾求的機會(得先有目標?)n協助個案將阻礙化為行動社會認知生涯理論 (Social Cognitive Career Theory)o將社會認知理論應用於生涯諮商中o代表人物-Robert Lent等人o重要概念:n興趣發展模式n職業的選擇模式n表現及成果模式 社會認知生涯理論模式圖模式中的重要概念-1o自我效能n信心程度n難度知覺n能力的推論o結果預期n價值觀念o自我效能、結果預期、與興趣之間的關係模式中的重要概念-2o目標設定o選擇的行動及表現o生涯阻礙n在性別上有差異?n自我效能也是一種個人克服生涯阻礙的行為?o社會支持n社會支持包括哪些不同的來源?n如何化阻礙為助力,與個人的認知有關?Verification of the SCCT model in TaiwanoThe purpose of the study nTo test the appropriateness of the“Interest Development Model”(part of the SCCT model)in a Chinese culture.Participantso584 high school students (243 females,341 males)from 7 counties in Taiwan.oThey were primarily 10th grade(65.8%)and 11th(34.2%)grade students,with a mean age of 15.92 years(SD=.74)oThe percentage of the college majorscollege majors they preferred most and would like to apply for in the near future in the six Holland types,R,I,A,S,E,C,were 20.9%,34.4%,20.2%,4.0%,9.8%,and 8.9%respectively.1.8%of the participants did not indicate.oThe job categoriesjob categories they liked most and would like to apply for in the future in the same six types were 16.4%,28.1%,12.2%,22.4%,13.3%,and 5.5%respectively.InstrumentoChinese Career Choice Inventory(CCCI,Tien,2003)nThe CCCI was developed to measure Self-efficacy,Outcome Expectation,Interest,and Choice Consideration perceived by high school students.nIt contains 36 occupation items within six Holland types,six items in each of the six types.nFor self-efficacy,participants were asked to rate from 1(low efficacy)to 9(high efficacy)to indicate their confidence of successfully completing the job tasks.nFor outcome expectationoutcome expectation,they were asked to rate from 1 to 9 to indicate the degree they expect their value would be fulfilled if they choose to be in that particular occupation.Instrument(continued)nFor interestinterest,they were asked to rate from 1 to 9 to indicate the degree they like to be in that particular occupation.nFor choice considerationchoice consideration,participants were also asked to rate the degree to which they will consider choosing that occupation in the future.nReliability coefficients for the CCCI scales range from.61 to.80 with a sample of 584 high school students.Procedure and data analysisoAll the participants completed the battery of measures in group sessions conducted by guidance counselors.oInstructions for the battery administration were clear enough for the counselors to adhere to the standardized testing procedure.oMost students can finish it in 45 minutes.oData collected were analyzed by MANOVA and AMOS.ResultsoThe results indicated that males and females interest,expectation,efficacy,and choice consideration differed for some of the sub-scales C:Documents and Settingspsychology桌面Table 3.doc(Table 3).oThe appropriateness of the interest segment of the Social Cognitive Career Theory was not fully supported by the data in this study(Figures 3&4).oThe application of the SCCT model for Taiwans high school students needs further examination.Figure 3Modified career choice model for Artistic girlsFigure 4Modified career choice model for Social girls