上海市上海中学上海市上海中学2015-20162015-2016 学年学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题高一下学期期中考试英语试题-Word-Word 版含答案版含答案.doc.doc上海中学上海中学 20152015 学年第二学期高一年级期中考试英语试卷学年第二学期高一年级期中考试英语试卷英语试题英语试题高一高一 _ 班班学号学号_姓名姓名_成绩成绩_I.Listening ComprehensionI.Listening ComprehensionSection ASection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten shortDirections:In Section A,you will hear ten shortconversations between two speakers.At the endconversations between two speakers.At the endofof eacheach conversation,conversation,a a questionquestion willwill bebe askedaskedabout what was said.The conversations and theabout what was said.The conversations and thequestionsquestions willwill bebe spokenspoken onlyonly once.once.AfterAfter youyouhearhear a a conversationconversation andand thethe questionquestion aboutabout it,it,readread thethe fourfour possiblepossible answersanswers onon youryour paper,paper,andand decidedecide whichwhich oneone is is thethe bestbest answeranswer toto thethequestion you have heard.question you have heard.1.A.In a hotel.A.In a hotel.B.In a library.B.In a library.C.C.InIna restaurant.a restaurant.D.At the airport.D.At the airport.2.A.The man neednt worry about the exam.A.The man neednt worry about the exam.B.The man wont pass the exam tomorrow.B.The man wont pass the exam tomorrow.C.The man is too late for the exam.C.The man is too late for the exam.D.D.Its no use worrying about the exam.Its no use worrying about the exam.3.A.He is now on a diet.A.He is now on a diet.B.B.HeHe usedusedto lose much weight.to lose much weight.C.He has a hard time on the soccer team.C.He has a hard time on the soccer team.D.D.He has played soccer very often recently.He has played soccer very often recently.4.A.$60A.$60B.$42B.$42C.$9C.$9D.D.$18$185.A.The man is not telling the truth.A.The man is not telling the truth.B.The man actually doesnt want to exercise.B.The man actually doesnt want to exercise.C.C.TheThemanman cancan findfindthethetimetimeif if heshesdetermined.determined.D.The man never exercises in the morning.D.The man never exercises in the morning.6.A.He would like to go out of town,too.A.He would like to go out of town,too.B.He will take her shift if her boss agrees.B.He will take her shift if her boss agrees.C.He is afraid that heC.He is afraid that her boss wont agree.r boss wont agree.D.He wants to know the boss shift.D.He wants to know the boss shift.7.A.Classmates.A.Classmates.B.Relatives.B.Relatives.C.C.Colleagues.Colleagues.D.Strangers.D.Strangers.8.A.Decorating the room.A.Decorating the room.B.Pleasure inB.Pleasure inhelping others.helping others.C.Preparing for a surprise party.C.Preparing for a surprise party.D.D.Asking Mike for help.Asking Mike for help.9.A.Empty her hands.A.Empty her hands.B.B.HelpHelpthetheman.man.C.Carry all the boxes.C.Carry all the boxes.D.Get pastD.Get pastthe man.the man.10.A.She should move alone.A.She should move alone.B.She should ask others instead of him.B.She should ask others instead of him.C.She should ask for more help from others.C.She should ask for more help from others.D.She should make sure she is free that day.D.She should make sure she is free that day.Section BSection BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two shortDirections:In Section B,you will hear two shortpassages,and you will be asked three questionspassages,and you will be asked three questionsonon eacheach ofof thethe passages.passages.TheThe passagespassages willwill beberead twice,but the questions will be spoken onlyread twice,but the questions will be spoken onlyonce.once.WhenWhen youyou hearhear a a question,question,readread thethe fourfourpossiblepossible answersanswers onon youryour paperpaper andand decidedecidewhichwhich oneone wouldwould bebe thethe bestbest answeranswer toto thethequestion you have heard.question you have heard.QuestionQuestion 1111 throughthrough 1313 areare basedbased onon thethefollowing passage.following passage.11.A.Because her husband was promoted.A.Because her husband was promoted.B.Because she was a housewife.B.Because she was a housewife.C.C.BecauseBecause therethere mightmight bebe potentialpotential buyersbuyersseeing the house.seeing the house.D.D.BecauseBecause thethe realreal estateestate agentagent wouldwould comecomeany time.any time.12.A.Over a month.A.Over a month.B.B.three weeks.three weeks.C.About two days.C.About two days.D.D.OnlyOnly oneoneday.day.13.A.Because she couldnt sell the house.A.Because she couldnt sell the house.B.B.Because the house was untidy.Because the house was untidy.C.Because she didnC.Because she didnt comb her hair.t comb her hair.D.D.Because they were satisfied with the house.Because they were satisfied with the house.QuestionQuestion 1414 throughthrough 1616 areare basedbased onon thethefollowing passage.following passage.14.A.Two factors in intelligence.A.Two factors in intelligence.B.B.story of identical twins.story of identical twins.C.The importance of environment.C.The importance of environment.D.D.How to develop a higher IQ.How to develop a higher IQ.15.A.A.BecauseBecausethetheresearchersresearchersdiddidananexperiment on human intelligence.experiment on human intelligence.B.B.BecauseBecause theythey werewere abandonedabandoned byby theirtheirparents.parents.A AOverOverC.Because only one was able to enter college.C.Because only one was able to enter college.D.Because their parents died when they wereD.Because their parents died when they wereonly babies.only babies.16.A.A.JohnJohn gotgot betterbetter educationeducation thanthan hishisidentical brother,Peter.identical brother,Peter.B.B.ChildrenChildren growinggrowing upup inin wealthywealthy familiesfamiliesare smarter.are smarter.C.C.EnvironmentEnvironmentis isimportantimportanttotothethedevelopment of ones intelligence.development of ones intelligence.D.D.AnAnisolatedisolatedcommunitycommunityhashasmoremoreeducational opportunities.educational opportunities.Section CSection CDirections:Directions:InIn SectionSection C,C,youyou willwill hearhear twotwolongerlonger conversations.conversations.TheThe conversationsconversations willwill bebereadread twice.twice.AfterAfter youyou hearhear eacheach conversation,conversation,you are required to fill in the numbered blanksyou are required to fill in the numbered blankswithwith thethe informationinformation youyou havehave heard.heard.WriteWriteyour answers on your answer sheet.your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the followingBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the followingconversationconversationComplete the form.Write ONE WORD for eachComplete the form.Write ONE WORD for eachanswer.answer.WhyWhydoesntdoesntMr.Mr.BecauseBecause hehe doesntdoesntLewisLewis wantwant toto gogo seesee muchmuch _S1_S1_backbacktotothethe forfor himhim toto developdevelopthere.there.Tooth-creamTooth-creamLimited Company?Limited Company?WhatWhat doesdoes hehe needneed HeHe needsneeds asas muchmuchnow?now?WhatWhatWhatsWhatsunderstandingunderstandingthis post?this post?hashas_S2_S2_possible.possible.hehe A _S3_.A _S3_.hishis A A personperson mustmust bebeofof understandable,understandable,pleasant,pleasant,_S4_S4_and polite to do thisand polite to do thisjob well.job well.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the followingBlanks 21 through 24 are based on the followingconversation.conversation.CompleteComplete thethe form.form.WriteWrite NONO MOREMORE THANTHANTHREE WORDS for each answer.THREE WORDS for each answer.WhyWhydoesdoesPeterPeter BecauseBecause hehe is is _S5_S5_thethe noisynoisy guyguy nextnext toto hishiswant to move?want to move?applied to be?applied to be?asasdoor.door.How is his room?How is his room?ItsIts _S6_,_S6_,butbut a a littlelittlesmaller.smaller.HowHow muchmuch willwill hehe _S7_._S7_.pay for one month?pay for one month?HowHow doesdoes hehe gogo toto By _S8_.By _S8_.work?work?II.Grammar and VocabularyII.Grammar and VocabularySection ASection ADirections:Directions:BeneathBeneatheacheachofofthethefollowingfollowingsentences there are four choices marked A,B,Csentences there are four choices marked A,B,CandandD.D.ChooseChoosethetheoneoneansweranswer thatthatbestbestcompletes the pletes the sentence.17.17.SomeSome ofof thethe passengerspassengers appearappear _ ininthe accident.the accident.A.to be injuredA.to be injuredB.B.havinghaving beenbeeninjuredinjuredC.to have been injuredC.to have been injuredD.D.injuredinjured18.18.He insisted on _ Dr.Turner instead ofHe insisted on _ Dr.Turner instead ofMr.Turner.Mr.Turner.beingbeingA.his being calledA.his being calledB.B.himhim toto bebecalledcalledC.his callingC.his callingD.him to callD.him to call19.19.WhenWhen hearinghearing thatthat thethe firstfirst prizeprize waswasawarded to him,Terry stood up,_.awarded to him,Terry stood up,_.A.surprisedA.surprisedB.to be surprisedB.to be surprisedC.C.surprisingsurprisingD.having surprisedD.having surprised20.20.TeachersTeachers appreciateappreciate _ thatthat parentsparentsare interested in their childrens progress.are interested in their childrens progress.A.to knowA.to knowB.to be knownB.to be knownC.C.knowingknowingD.having knownD.having known21.21.The idea for the new machine came to Mr.The idea for the new machine came to Mr.Baber while _ to his invention.Baber while _ to his invention.A.devoting himselfA.devoting himselfB.B.devoteddevotedC.devotedC.devotedD.being devotedD.being devoted22.22.I would love _ to the party last night,I would love _ to the party last night,butbut I I hadhad toto workwork extraextra hourshours toto finishfinish a areport.report.A.goingA.goingB.having goneB.having goneC.to goC.to goD.to have goneD.to have gone23.23.OneOne ofof thethe earliestearliest magiciansmagicians _ ononhehewaswasstage was a Frenchman,known as the Fatherstage was a Frenchman,known as the Fatherof Modern Magic.of Modern Magic.A.to performA.to performB.to be performingB.to be performingC C.toto bebeperformedperformedD.performedD.performed24.24.FireFire insuranceinsurance is is meantmeant toto protectprotect peoplepeopleandand businessesbusinesses fromfrom possiblepossible losseslosses _from unexpected fire.from unexpected fire.A.resultedA.resultedB.to be resultedB.to be resultedC.C.havinghavingresultedresultedD.resultingD.resulting25.25.TheThe X X is is a a diagramdiagram ofof twotwo paths.paths.ThisThis is iswhywhy wewe callcall peoplepeople exes,exes,becausebecause thethe pathspathsthat cross in the middle end up _ at thethat cross in the middle end up _ at theend.end.A.separatedA.separatedB.to separateB.to separateC.C.toto bebeseparatedseparatedD.separatingD.separating26.26._ withwith otherother countriescountries cancan bringbring ususmuch more development of economy.much more development of economy.A.Having contactedA.Having contactedB.ContactB.ContactC.ContactingC.ContactingD.D.contactedcontacted27.27.HeHe hashas nono specialspecial faultfault exceptexcept _ hehesmokes too much.smokes too much.BeingBeingA.forA.forB.whenB.whenC.thatC.thatD.D.whatwhat28.28.YouYou areare sayingsaying thatthat everyoneeveryone shouldshould bebeequal,and this is _ I disagree.equal,and this is _ I disagree.A.whyA.whyB.whereB.whereC.whatC.whatD.howD.how29.29.The research program had been supportedThe research program had been supportedfor 20 years by a private organization _for 20 years by a private organization _the government funded it.the government funded it.A.unlessA.unlessB.afterB.afterC.beforeC.beforeD.onceD.once30.30._ nono wonderwonder thatthat thethe worldsworlds fastestfastestgrowing energy industries are now renewablegrowing energy industries are now renewablelike wind and solar power.like wind and solar power.A.There isA.There isB.It isB.It isC.That isC.That isD.This isD.This is31.31.TeachersTeachers shouldshould createcreate anan environmentenvironment_ childrenchildren areare taughttaught howhow toto solvesolveproblem of learning by themselves.problem of learning by themselves.A.whereA.whereB.whyB.whyC.whichC.whichD.D.whosewhose32.32.-Must-Must I I dodo somesome readingreading inin EnglishEnglish everyeveryday to improve comprehension?day to improve comprehension?-Well,you can never read _ much while-Well,you can never read _ much whilelearning a foreign language.learning a foreign language.A.soA.soB.tooB.tooC.thatC.thatD.D.veryvery33.33.He could just _ a dark shape movingHe could just _ a dark shape movingtowards him.towards him.A.make outA.make outB.make forB.make forC.make upC.make upD.make up forD.make up for34.34.If its convenient for you,Id like toIf its convenient for you,Id like to_your house tonight.your house tonight.A.call forA.call forB.call onB.call onC.call atC.call atD.call inD.call in35.35.TheThescientistscientistwaswassoso_withwithhishishistorical research that he neglected sleep andhistorical research that he neglected sleep andmeals.meals.A.filledA.filledB.confusedB.confusedC.C.entertainedentertainedD.occupiedD.occupied36.36.FreshFresh milkmilk is is _ toto thethe peoplepeople inin thisthiscountry everywhere.country everywhere.A.accessibleA.accessibleB.approachableB.approachableC.C.possiblepossibleD.availableD.availableSection BSection BDirection:Direction:CompleteComplete thethe followingfollowing passagepassage bybyusing the words in the box.Each word can onlyusing the words in the box.Each word can onlybe used once.Note that there is one word morebe used once.Note that there is one word morethan you need.than you need.A.driveA.driveB.challengesB.challengesC.generallyC.generallyD.expectationsD.expectationsE.demandE.demandF.managed G.interestinglyF.managed G.interestingly H.displayH.displayI.I.performancesperformances J.struggled K.offerJ.struggled K.offerChinaChinaandandIndiaIndiamaymaybebeAsiasAsias largestlargesteconomies,economies,butbut theythey arentarent thethe onlyonly countriescountrieswithwithgrowthgrowthpotentialpotentialononthethecontinent.continent.SoutheastSoutheast AsianAsian countriescountries cancan alsoalso _41_41_greatgreatinvestmentinvestmentopportunities.opportunities.Thailand,Thailand,knownknown asas thethe“land“land ofof smiles”smiles”becausebecause ofof thetheexpressionexpressionitsitsnaturalnaturalbeautybeautyandandfriendlyfriendlypeople inspire,is a country where we believe thepeople inspire,is a country where we believe theeconomic prospects could give investors reasonseconomic prospects could give investors reasonsto smile too.to smile too.UnlikeUnlikeotherotherSoutheastSoutheastAsianAsiannations,nations,ThailandThailand(known(known asas SiamSiam untiluntil 1939)1939)_42_42_toto escapeescape EuropeanEuropean colonialcolonial rule.rule.ThatThat doesntdoesntmeanmean ThailandThailand hashas escapedescaped WesternWestern influence,influence,oror internalinternal conflict.conflict.ProtestsProtests andand periodsperiods ofofmilitarymilitary rulerule havehave causedcaused socialsocial andand economiceconomicdisturbance throughout its history,and politicaldisturbance throughout its history,and politicalleadersleaders todaytoday havehave _43_43_ toto negotiatenegotiate withwithopposing forces and reform the constitution.opposing