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    Purifying PracticePurifying Practice(Avatamsaka Sutra,Chapter 11)(Avatamsaka Sutra,Chapter 11)Then The Enlightening Being Chief in Knowledge asked theThen The Enlightening Being Chief in Knowledge asked theenlightening being Manjushri,How can enlightening beingsenlightening being Manjushri,How can enlightening beingsattain faultless physical,verbal,and mental action?How canattain faultless physical,verbal,and mental action?How canthey attain harmless physical,verbal,and mental action?Howthey attain harmless physical,verbal,and mental action?Howcan they attain blameless physical,verbal,and mental action?can they attain blameless physical,verbal,and mental action?How can they attain invulnerable physical,verbal,and mentalHow can they attain invulnerable physical,verbal,and mentalaction?How can they attain non-regressive physical,verbal,action?How can they attain non-regressive physical,verbal,and mental action?How can they attain unshakable physical,and mental action?How can they attain unshakable physical,verbal,verbal,andand mentalmental action?action?HowHow cancan theythey attainattain excellentexcellentphysical,verbal,and mental action?How can they attain purephysical,verbal,and mental action?How can they attain purephysical,physical,verbal,verbal,andand mentalmental action?action?HowHow cancan theythey attainattainunpolluted physical,verbal,and mental action?How can theyunpolluted physical,verbal,and mental action?How can theyattainattain physical,physical,verbal,verbal,andand mentalmental actionaction thatthat isis guidedguided bybywisdom?wisdom?HowHow cancan theythey attainattain birthbirth inin appropriateappropriate places,places,amongamonggoodgoodpeople,people,physicallyphysicallycomplete,complete,withwithfullfullmindfulness,mindfulness,understanding,understanding,completenesscompleteness inin conduct,conduct,fearlessness,fearlessness,andandawareness?awareness?HowHow cancan theythey attainattain excellentexcellent discernment,discernment,foremostforemostdiscernment,discernment,supremesupremediscernment,discernment,immeasurableimmeasurablediscernment,discernment,incalculableincalculablediscernment,discernment,inconceivableinconceivablediscernment,discernment,incomparableincomparablediscernment,discernment,unfathomableunfathomablediscernment,inexpressible discernment?discernment,inexpressible discernment?How can they attain causal power,will power,skill power,How can they attain causal power,will power,skill power,thethe powerpower ofof properproper conditionsconditions andand objectsobjects ofof attention,attention,faculty power,powers of observation,the power to stop thefaculty power,powers of observation,the power to stop themind,powers of analytic insight,and power of contemplativemind,powers of analytic insight,and power of contemplativethought?thought?How can they attain skill in analyzing the psychophysicalHow can they attain skill in analyzing the psychophysicalelementselementsandandorgans,organs,skillskillininanalyzinganalyzinginterdependentinterdependentorigination,skill in analyzing the realms of desire,form andorigination,skill in analyzing the realms of desire,form andformlessness,and skill in understanding the past,present andformlessness,and skill in understanding the past,present andfuture?future?How can they cultivate well the branches of enlightenmentHow can they cultivate well the branches of enlightenment-mindfulness,mindfulness,discernment,discernment,effort,effort,joy,joy,well-being,well-being,1concentration,concentration,relinquishment?relinquishment?HowHowemptiness,signlessness,wishlessness?emptiness,signlessness,wishlessness?cancantheytheyattainattainHowHowcancantheytheyfulfillfulfillthethemeansmeansofoftranscendencetranscendence-generosity,generosity,self-control,self-control,tolerance,tolerance,effort,effort,meditation,meditation,andandwisdom?How can they fulfill kindness,compassion,joy,andwisdom?How can they fulfill kindness,compassion,joy,andequanimity?equanimity?How can they attain the power of knowledge of what is soHow can they attain the power of knowledge of what is soand what is not,the power of knowledge of consequences ofand what is not,the power of knowledge of consequences ofpast,past,future,future,andand presentpresent acts,acts,thethe powerpower ofof knowledgeknowledge ofofsuperioritysuperiorityandandinferiorityinferiorityofoffaculties,faculties,thethepowerpowerofofknowledgeknowledge ofof variousvarious realms,realms,thethe powerpower ofof knowledgeknowledge ofofvariousvarious understandings,understandings,thethe powerpower ofof knowledgeknowledge ofof variousvariousunderstandings,understandings,thethe powerpower ofof knowledgeknowledge ofof wherewhere allall pathspathslead,lead,thethe powerpower ofof knowledgeknowledge ofof defilementdefilement ofof puritypurity ofofmeditations,liberations,and trances,the power of knowledgemeditations,liberations,and trances,the power of knowledgeofofpastpastlives,lives,thethepowerpowerofofknowledgeknowledgeofofunhinderedunhinderedclairvoyance,and the power of knowledge of having cut off allclairvoyance,and the power of knowledge of having cut off alltaints?taints?HowHow cancan theythey alwaysalways gaingain thethe protection,protection,respectrespect andandsupportsupportofofcelestialcelestialkings,kings,dragondragonkings,kings,yakshayakshakings,kings,gandharvagandharva kings,kings,titantitan kings,kings,garudagaruda kings,kings,kinnarakinnara kings,kings,mahoraga kings,human kings,and brahma kings?mahoraga kings,human kings,and brahma kings?How can they be a reliance and savior,a refuge and resort,How can they be a reliance and savior,a refuge and resort,a lamp and a light,an illuminator and a guide,a supreme anda lamp and a light,an illuminator and a guide,a supreme anduniversal leader for all sentient beings?universal leader for all sentient beings?HowHow cancan theythey bebe foremostforemost andand greatest,greatest,excellentexcellent andandsupreme,supreme,sublimesublimeandandmostmostwonderful,wonderful,highesthighestandandunexcelled,unexcelled,incomparableincomparable andand peerlesspeerless amongamong allall sentientsentientbeings?beings?Manjushri said to Chief in Knowledge,Excellent,O ChildManjushri said to Chief in Knowledge,Excellent,O Childof Buddha!You have asked this out of a desire to benefit many,of Buddha!You have asked this out of a desire to benefit many,to bring peace to many,out of pity for the world,to profit andto bring peace to many,out of pity for the world,to profit andgladden celestial and human beings.gladden celestial and human beings.ChildChild ofof Buddha,Buddha,if if enlighteningenlightening beingsbeings useuse theirtheir mindsmindsproperly,properly,theythey cancan attainattain allall supremesupreme qualities,qualities,cancan havehave a amind unhindered in regard to all enlightening teachings,canmind unhindered in regard to all enlightening teachings,canremain on the Path of the Buddhas of past,present,and future,remain on the Path of the Buddhas of past,present,and future,nevernever leavingleaving it it eveneven whilewhile livingliving inin thethe midstmidst ofof sentientsentient2beings,can comprehend the characteristics of all things,cutbeings,can comprehend the characteristics of all things,cutoffoff allall evilevil andand fulfillfulfill allall good.good.TheyThey willwill bebe physicallyphysically mostmostexcellent,excellent,likelike UniversallyUniversally Good;Good;allall ofof theirtheir practicalpractical vowsvowsthey will be able to fulfill,and will be free in all ways,and willthey will be able to fulfill,and will be free in all ways,and willbe guides for all sentient beings,How can they use their mindsbe guides for all sentient beings,How can they use their mindsso as to attain all supreme sublime qualities?so as to attain all supreme sublime qualities?EnlighteningEnlightening beingsbeings atat homehome shouldshould wishwish thatthat allall beingsbeingsrealizerealizethethenaturenatureofofhomehomeisisempty,empty,andandescapeescapeitsitspressures.pressures.WhileWhile servingserving theirtheir parents,parents,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeings serve the Buddha,protecting and nourishing everyone.beings serve the Buddha,protecting and nourishing everyone.WhileWhile withwith theirtheir spousesspouses andand children,children,theythey shouldshould wishwishthat beings be impartial toward everyone,and forever give upthat beings be impartial toward everyone,and forever give upattachment.attachment.When attaining desires,they should wish that all beingsWhen attaining desires,they should wish that all beingspull out the arrows of lust and realize ultimate peace.pull out the arrows of lust and realize ultimate peace.OnOn festivefestive occasions,occasions,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allall beingsbeingsenjoy themselves with truth and realize amusements not real.enjoy themselves with truth and realize amusements not real.If in palace rooms,they should wish that all beings enterIf in palace rooms,they should wish that all beings enterthe sanctified state,forever rid of defiled craving.the sanctified state,forever rid of defiled craving.WhenWhen puttingputting onon adornments,adornments,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeings give up phony decoration,and reach the abode of truth.beings give up phony decoration,and reach the abode of truth.When climbing up in balconies,they should wish that allWhen climbing up in balconies,they should wish that allbeings ascend the tower of truth,and see through everything.beings ascend the tower of truth,and see through everything.WhenWhen theythey givegive something,something,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeings be able to relinquish all with hearts free of clinging.beings be able to relinquish all with hearts free of clinging.When in gatherings or crowds,they should wish that allWhen in gatherings or crowds,they should wish that allbeingsbeings letlet gogo ofof compoundedcompounded things,things,andand attainattain toto totaltotalknowledge.knowledge.If in danger and difficulty,they should wish that all beingsIf in danger and difficulty,they should wish that all beingsbe free unhindered wherever they go.be free unhindered wherever they go.WhenWhen theythey givegive upup homehome life,life,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeingsbeings havehave nono hindrancehindrance inin leavingleaving home,home,andand thatthat theirtheirminds can be liberated.minds can be liberated.3EnteringEntering a a monastery,monastery,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allall beingsbeingsexpound various principles of non-contention.expound various principles of non-contention.GoingGoing toto tutorstutors andand teachers,teachers,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeingsbeings skillfullyskillfully serverserver theirtheir teachers,teachers,andand practicepractice virtuousvirtuousways.ways.Seeking initiation,they should wish that all beings reachSeeking initiation,they should wish that all beings reachthe non-regressing state,their minds without impediment.the non-regressing state,their minds without impediment.SheddingShedding laylay clothing,clothing,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allall beingsbeingscultivatecultivaterootsrootsofofgoodness,goodness,andandabandonabandonthetheyokeyokeofoftransgressions.transgressions.WhenWhen shavingshaving offoff theirtheir hair,hair,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeings forever divorce all afflictions,and pass on to ultimatebeings forever divorce all afflictions,and pass on to ultimatetranquility.tranquility.Putting on religious garb,they should wish that all beingsPutting on religious garb,they should wish that all beingsbe undefiled in mind,and fulfill the Way of the Great Sage.be undefiled in mind,and fulfill the Way of the Great Sage.When they formally leave home,they should wish that allWhen they formally leave home,they should wish that allbeings leave home with the Buddha,and rescue one and all.beings leave home with the Buddha,and rescue one and all.TakingTaking refugerefuge inin thethe Buddha,Buddha,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeingsbeingscontinuecontinuelineagelineageofofBuddhas,Buddhas,conceivingconceivingthetheunexcelled aspiration.unexcelled aspiration.TakingTaking refugerefuge inin thethe Teaching,Teaching,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allallbeings enter deeply into the scriptures,and their wisdom bebeings enter deeply into the scriptures,and their wisdom bedeep as the sea.deep as the sea.Taking refuge in the Community,they should wish that allTaking refuge in the Community,they should wish that allbeings order the masses,all becoming free from obstruction.beings order the masses,all becoming free from obstruction.WhenWhen receivingreceiving thethe learnerslearners precepts,precepts,theythey shouldshould wishwishthat all beings learn self-control well,and not do any wrong.that all beings learn self-control well,and not do any wrong.Receiving a mentors instruction,they should wish that allReceiving a mentors instruction,they should wish that allbeings bear themselves with dignity,and that their actions bebeings bear themselves with dignity,and that their actions betruthful.truthful.Receiving a teachers guidance,they should wish that allReceiving a teachers guidance,they should wish that allbeingsbeings enterenter thethe knowledgeknowledge ofof birthlessness,birthlessness,andand reachreach thethestate of independence.state of independence.4Receiving the full set of precepts,they should wish that allReceiving the full set of precepts,they should wish that allbeings fulfill all means of liberation,and master the supremebeings fulfill all means of liberation,and master the supremeteaching.teaching.WhenWhen enteringentering a a hall,hall,theythey shouldshould wishwish thatthat allall beingsbeingsascentascent toto thethe unexcelledunexcelled sanctuary,sanctuary,andand restrest therethere secure,secure,unshakable.unshakable.When setting out a seat,they should wish that all beingsWhen setting out a seat,they should wish that all beingscause good principles to bloom,and see their true character.cause good principles to bloom,and see their true character.Sitting up straight,they should wish that all beings sit onSitting up straight,they should wish that all beings sit onthe seat of enlightenment,they minds without attachment.the seat of enlightenment,they minds without attachment.Sitting cross-legged,they should wish that all beings haveSitting cross-legged,they should wish that all beings havefirmfirm andand strongstrong rootsroots ofof goodness,goodness,andand attainattain thethe statestate ofofimmovability.immovability.Cultivating concentration,they should wish that all beingsCultivating concentration,they should wish that all beingsconquerconquer theirtheir mindsminds byby concentration,concentration,ultimately,ultimately,withwith nonoremainder.remainder.When practicing contemplation,they should wish that allWhen practicing con


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