20182018 年江苏省扬州市中考英语年江苏省扬州市中考英语试题试题(含答案含答案)扬州市扬州市 20182018 年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题说明:说明:1.1.本试卷共本试卷共 8 8 页,页,包含选择题包含选择题(第第 1 1 题题 第第 4545题,共题,共 4545 题题)、非选择题、非选择题(第第 4646 题题 第第 8181 题,共题,共3636 题题)两部分。满分两部分。满分 120120 分,考试时间为分,考试时间为 100100 分分钟。钟。考试结束后,考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2.2.答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷同时务必在试卷的装订线内将本人的姓名、的装订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、准考证号、毕业学校毕业学校填写好,在试卷第填写好,在试卷第 4 4 页的右下角填写好座位号。页的右下角填写好座位号。3.3.所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用作答,选择题用 2B2B 铅笔作答、非选择题在指定铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用位置用 0.50.5 毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。上答题无效。一、单项选择一、单项选择(共共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,计分,计 1515分分)在下列各题在下列各题 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选择一四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案1.-Who is the lady in red?1.-Who is the lady in red?-Miss Gao.She teaches-Miss Gao.She teachesEnglish.English.A.weA.weB.usB.usC.ourC.ourD.oursD.ours2.-2.-does Joanna take the course indoes Joanna take the course in2 2DIY?DIY?-Every Saturday afternoon.-Every Saturday afternoon.A.A.HowHow longlongB.B.HowHow muchmuchC.C.HowHowsoonsoonD.How oftenD.How often3.-Where would you like to go tomorrow,3.-Where would you like to go tomorrow,Beijing or Xian?Beijing or Xian?-is OK.Itis OK.It s up to you.s up to you.A.A.EitherEitherB.B.NeitherNeitherC.C.BothBothD.D.AllAll4.4.-I-I offeredoffered SandySandy a a helpinghelping hand.hand.However,sheHowever,sheit.it.-Maybe she can manage herself-Maybe she can manage herselfA.receivedA.receivedB.returnedB.returnedC.refusedC.refusedD.rewardedD.rewarded5.5.-Mr.-Mr.WuWu hashas recommendedrecommended manymanybooks.Have you decidedbooks.Have you decidedfirst?first?-Yes.The Little Prince.-Yes.The Little Prince.A.how to readA.how to readB.which to readB.which to readC.C.when to readwhen to readD.where to readD.where to read6.-If I want to be an astronaut,how will I6.-If I want to be an astronaut,how will Iget to be one?get to be one?-You-Youdodo wellwell inin schoolschool andand tametame3 3your fears.your fears.A.mayA.mayB.canB.canC.mustC.mustD.couldD.could7.7.HawkingHawkingis isnonolongerlongerwithwithus,us,he will continue to inspire the world.he will continue to inspire the world.A.soA.soB.ifB.ifC.butC.butD.asD.as8.8.TheThe QueqiaoQueqiao satellite(satellite(卫星卫星)willwill formform a abridge between controllers on Earth and the farbridge between controllers on Earth and the farside of the Moon.side of the Moon.A.A.contributioncontributionB.B.communicationcommunicationC.celebrationC.celebrationD.competitionD.competition9.9.Hi,Hi,guys,guys,pleaseplease writewrite threethree factsfacts youyoulast term in your project.last term in your project.A.learnedA.learnedB.B.areare learninglearningC.C.havehavelearnedlearnedD.learnD.learn10.-When will your sister go to England?10.-When will your sister go to England?-She-SheLondonLondon sincesince fourfour monthsmonthsago.ago.A.A.wentwent totoB.B.hashas gonegone totoC.C.hashasbeen tobeen toD.has been inD.has been in11.11.WeWe shouldshould stopstopfireworksfireworks totoreduce pollution.reduce pollution.A.A.gettinggetting offoffB.B.turningturning offoffC.C.4 4taking offtaking offD.setting offD.setting off12.-What are you watching?12.-What are you watching?-The-The StoryStory ofof China.China.ThisThis partpartatatChina Block Printing Museum of Yangzhou inChina Block Printing Museum of Yangzhou in2014.2014.A.A.filmedfilmedB.B.waswas filmedfilmedC.C.hashasfilmedfilmedD.is filmedD.is filmed13.-I cant afford the white dress.13.-I cant afford the white dress.-What about the orange one?The price is-What about the orange one?The price isa littlea little.A.A.cheapercheaperB.B.higherhigherC.C.lowerlowerD.D.more expensivemore expensive14.-14.-YouYou mustmust handhand inin youryour reportreporttomorrow.tomorrow.-What?-What?.We.We cantcant finishfinish it it thatthatquickly.quickly.A.No wayA.No wayB.No problemB.No problemC.ThatsC.ThatsrightrightD.Thats for sureD.Thats for sure15.-Im tired out.15.-Im tired out.-How-Howcancanyouyoubebemanagermanagerandandaccountant at one time?accountant at one time?.A.The early bird catches the wormA.The early bird catches the worm5 5B.Dont put all your eggs in one basketB.Dont put all your eggs in one basketC.Actions speak louder than wordsC.Actions speak louder than wordsD.Dont burn the candle at both endsD.Dont burn the candle at both ends二、完形填空二、完形填空(共共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,计分,计 1515分分)阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。One afternoon a few months after Tom and IOne afternoon a few months after Tom and Iwere married.Max walked into the dining room,were married.Max walked into the dining room,where I was looking through my old photos.where I was looking through my old photos.TheseThese monthsmonths I I waswas learninglearning toto letlet MaxMaxcomecome1616onon hishis own.own.If If I I movedmoved tootooquickly,he ran away.If I wasquickly,he ran away.If I was1717,we often,we oftenendedended upup playing,playing,laughing,laughing,andand recently,recently,evenevensitting together on the sofa with a book.sitting together on the sofa with a book.“Who s that?”he pointed to one photo“Who s that?”he pointed to one photo.“My“My mom.mom.I I supposesuppose sheshe is is youryour1818Sylvia.Sylvia.”“Cool.Who is that to me?”“Cool.Who is that to me?”“That“That waswas mymy grandfather.grandfather.HeHe dieddied a a fewfewmonths ago.”months ago.”“Hmm.Too bad he had to die.”“Hmm.Too bad he had to die.”6 6DeathDeathis isalwaysalwaysa apainfulpainful1919especiallyespecially forfor a a seven-year-oldseven-year-old childchild whowho d d lostlosthis mother only two years before.I secretly puthis mother only two years before.I secretly putaway the pictures ofaway the pictures of2020relatives.relatives.He began to finger through the photos.WhoHe began to finger through the photos.Whois that to me?is that to me?UnderUnder hishis fingerfinger I I couldcould seesee mymy ownown face.face.I Ishouldshould havehave knownknown thethe answeranswer toto hishis2121ququestion.estion.ButButI Isaid,said,“Im“Imyouryour2222mommom.I m sorry that your first mom died.”.I m sorry that your first mom died.”“What should I call you?”he asked.“What should I call you?”he asked.Mom,I wanted to cry.I held back.Mom,I wanted to cry.I held back.“You“You cancan callcall meme MomMom oror Betsy.Betsy.2323feels OK for you.feels OK for you.”I I waited,waited,expectingexpecting a a pronouncementpronouncement ofof mymynewnew2424.“S Sweet,”he said,walking ouweet,”he said,walking out of the room.t of the room.For a couple of days afterward,Max 25 a newFor a couple of days afterward,Max 25 a newtitletitle forfor me.me.CanCan wewe gogo bowling?”bowling?”“Can“Can I Iwatchwatch TV?”TV?”hedhed ask,ask,andand thenthen2626thethequestionsquestions byby mouthingmouthing thethe wordword Mom.Mom.MomMomwas alwayswas always2727.7 7OneOne weeweekend,kend,hehe suddenlysuddenly said,said,“I“I noticenotice I Idont cdont call you Mom.”all you Mom.”“I noticed that too.”“I noticed that too.”“2828I say Betsy,I mean Mom.MomsI say Betsy,I mean Mom.Momsdie,you know.I think its maybedie,you know.I think its maybe2929if ify you re just Betsy.”ou re just Betsy.”Tears(Tears(眼泪眼泪)were filling my eyes.)were filling my eyes.“Hey,Betsy?Hey,Betsy?”“Yeah,”“Yeah,”I I said,said,takingtaking pleasurepleasure inin thethe newnew3030of my old name.of my old name.16.A.down16.A.downB.nearB.nearC.C.D.backD.back17.A.kind17.A.kindB.patientB.patientC.C.HelpfulHelpfulD.confidentD.confident18.A.grandmother18.A.grandmother B.mother B.motherC.C.auntauntD.cousinD.cousin19.A.subject19.A.subjectB.speechB.speechC.C.messagemessageD.signD.sign20.A.dead20.A.deadB.boringB.boringC.C.unknownunknownD.strictD.strict21.A.simple21.A.simpleB.properB.properC.C.D.funnyD.funny8 8closeclosestupidstupid22.A.natural22.A.naturalB.pastB.pastC.onlyC.onlyD.secondD.second23.A.Whoever23.A.WhoeverB.WhateverB.WhateverC.C.ThatThatD.AnybodyD.Anybody24.A.position24.A.positionB.nameB.nameC.C.D.callD.call25.A.worked out25.A.worked outB.turned outB.turned out C.C.carried outcarried outD.tried outD.tried out26.A.answer26.A.answerB.followB.followC.C.confirmconfirmD.raiseD.raise27.A.alive27.A.aliveB.wiseB.wiseC.silentC.silentD.lostD.lost28.A.Until28.A.UntilB.beforeB.beforeC.C.WhenWhenD.UnlessD.Unless29.A.politer29.A.politerB.saferB.saferC.C.saddersadderD.riskierD.riskier30.A.pronunciation30.A.pronunciation B.B.C.voiceC.voiceD.soundD.sound三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(共共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,计分,计 3030分分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。9 9titletitleannouncementannouncementA AThinkThink ofof thethe animalanimal world.world.andand a a groupgroup ofofcolorfulcolorful wildwild animalsanimals willwill springspring toto mind:mind:a aparrots rainbow feathers or the showy scales ofparrots rainbow feathers or the showy scales ofsea fish.But,many mammals(sea fish.But,many mammals(哺乳动物哺乳动物)on the)on theplanet come in only two colors:black and white.planet come in only two colors:black and white.SpendSpend somesome timetime exploringexploring whatwhat sciencescience hashasdiscovereddiscovered aboutabout thesethese animalsanimals appearances,appearances,and you ll see that basic black and white isnt soand you ll see that basic black and white isnt sobasic at all.basic at all.The pandas white body helps itThe pandas white body helps ithidehide inin snowysnowy areas.areas.TheThe armsarmsandand legslegs areare black,black,helpinghelping it ithide in forests.The markings onhide in forests.The markings onits head are not used to hide,butits head are not used to hide,buttoto municate.BlackBlack earsears cancanact as a warning to enemies.act as a warning to enemies.DependingDependingononthethespecies,species,blackblack skunks(skunks(臭鼬臭鼬)maymay wearwearwhitewhite spotsspots thatthat actact asas coveringcoveringororwhitewhitestripesstripesthatthatsignalsignalenemiesenemies toto bebe awareaware ofof theirtheir1 1 0 0smellysmelly spray,spray,whichwhich causescauses nonorealreal harmharm toto itsits victims,victims,butbut it itmakes them uncomfortable.makes them uncomfortable.Zebras thin coats make themZebras thin coats make themmoremorevulnerablevulnerablethanthanlong-hairedlong-hairedanimalsanimalstotobitingbitingfliesflies thatthat carrycarry disease,disease,butbut thethecoatscoats stripesstripes preventprevent fliesflies fromfromlandinglanding onon them,them,forfor reasonsreasonsthatthat scientistsscientists areare stillstill studying.studying.Further,Further,theirtheir attractivenessattractiveness totofliesflies increasesincreases withwith stripestripe width.width.NoNotwotwozebraszebrasstripesstripesareareexactly the same.exactly the same.31.31.AccordingAccording toto thethe passage,passage,whichwhich ofof thethefollowing sentences is TRUE?following sentences is TRUE?A.A.TheThe pandaspandas whitewhite partsparts helphelp it it hidehideagainst snow.against snow.B.B.BothBoth whitewhite spotsspots andand whitewhite stripesstripes helphelpskunks kill their victims.skunks kill their victims.C.C.ZebrasZebraswithwithwiderwiderstripesstripesarearelesslessattractive to flies.attractive to flies.1 1 1 1D.D.ScientistsScientists havehave alreadyalready knownknown allall thethesecrets about the stripes.secrets about the stripes.32.32.WhatWhatdoesdoesthetheunderlinedunderlinedwordwordvulnerable mean?vulnerable mean?A.Being easily landed.A.Being easily landed.B.Being easily attracted.B.Being easily attracted.C.Being easily discovered.C.Being easily discovered.D.Being easily attacked.D.Being easily attacked.33.33.WhichWhich couldcould bebe thethe bestbest titletitle ofof thethepassage?passage?A.A.WhyWhy AnimalAnimal StripesStripes ComeCome inin DifferentDifferentShapesShapesB.B.WhyWhySoSoManyManyAnimalsAnimalsWearWearBlack-and-White CoatsBlack-and-White CoatsC.C.HowHow WildWild AnimalsAnimals ProtectProtect ThemselvesThemselvesfrom Enemiesfrom EnemiesD.D.HowHow BlackBlack andand WhiteWhite BecomeBecome BasicBasicColors in Animal WorldColors in Animal WorldB BI I savedsaved thethe graingrain carefullycarefully andand finallyfinally hadhadenough to plant.I built a wall around my gardenenough to plant.I built a wall around my gardento keep the wild goats away.to keep the wild goats away.1 1 2 2ThenThen whenwhen mymy cropcrop borebore itsits fruit,fruit,thethe birdsbirdsdiscovereddiscovered it.it.TheThe birdsbirds werewere notnot afraidafraid ofof mymydogdog at all.at all.I shotI shot themthem butbut asas soonsoon asas I I walkedwalkedaway.they returned.At last,I killed some birdsaway.they returned.At last,I killed some birdsandand hunghung themthem amongamong thethe crop,crop,hopinghoping theytheywould serve as the scarecrows,which turned outwould serve as the scarecrows,which turned outtoto bebe successful.successful.ByBy harvestharvest time.time.I I hadhad nearlynearlytwo bushels of rice and two and a half bushels oftwo bushels of rice and two and a half bushels ofwheat.wheat.WithWith mymy newnew graingrain toto store,store,I I foundfound a a newnewproblem.The fine grain ran through my baskets.problem.The fine grain ran through my baskets.It It tooktook me nearlyme nearly twotwo monthsmonths toto formform andand drydrytwo ugly pots-one for rice and one for wheat.two ugly pots-one for rice and one for wheat.NextNext I I formedformed a a clayclay ovenoven andand mademade somesomeotherother toolstools fromfrom hardhard woodwood andand clothcloth toto bakebakebread.bread.I I mademade andand bakedbaked breadbread inin mymy oven.oven.I Ispent the third year on the island in farming andspent the third year on the island in farming andbaking.baking.SoonSoon afterafter that.that.I I beganbegan toto thinkthink ofof mymy daysdayssailing in a tidy boat with Xury.I wished to havesailing in a tidy boat with Xury.I wished to havea boat and explore the island by sea.a boat and explore the island by sea.I tried to turn over the ships boat that I hadI tried to turn over the ships boat that I had1 1 3 3seenseenwashedwashedup,up,butbutfailed.failed.I Iwaswasstillstilldetermineddetermined toto havehave a a boat.boat.SoSo I I chosechose a a strongstrongtreetree andand spentspent weeksweeks cuttingcutting it it down.down.ThenThen it ittook me months to turn it from tree to boat.took me months to turn it from tree to boat.WhenWhen it was time to launch,it was time to launch,I I realizedrealized I I hadhadmade my boat too far from the nearest stream.made my boat too far from the nearest stream.TheThe boatboat waswas farfar tootoo heavyheavy forfor meme toto move.move.I Itriedtried bringingbringing thethe waterwater toto thethe boatboat insteadinstead ofofthethe boatboat to theto the water.water.I I soonsoon sawsaw it it wouldwould taketakeme twenty years of constant labor.me twenty years of constant labor.I celebrated my fourth year on the island withI celebrated my fourth year on the island withtwo boats,but I was no closer to a sea journey.two boats,but I was no closer to a sea journey.-Taken from The Adventures of Robinson-Taken from The Adventures of Robinson